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ISM Final Presentation Outline

Valerie Medvedeva
6th Period
1st slide: Investigating Careers of Travel Management. What careers go into
shaping our worlds travel?
2nd slide: Presented by: Valeria Medvedeva
Mentor: Wanda Davis
Universal Weather and Aviation
Senior Manager of Hotel, Travel, Trip Support Services
Travel Management
Independent Study Mentorship- Spring 2015
ISM Teacher: Mrs. Click
3rd slide: What is Independent Study Mentorship (ISM) ?
What does ISM require of me throughout the semester?

I shadow a mentor of a profession that interests me. ISM requires me

to meet with my mentor an average of 2 hours weekly, and complete a
final presentation based on what I have learned throughout the

4th slide: My focus: Investigating Careers of Travel Management

-The various careers that go into Travel Management, ranging from bottom to
-Very interested in travel and the world. Want to pursue a career in global
business and use my bilingual abilities. I think that now that I am almost
graduating this investigation will be very helpful for me.
5th slide: Key point- My mentor & her career
Mrs. Wanda has a B.A. in business management. Member of Global Business
Travel Association. Senior Manager of Hotel, Travel, & Trip Support services.
She is responsible for the global travel piece, hotel operations piece(17
employees making hotel reservations 24/7, travel operations (CMC and hotel

booking), and business relationships such as RFPs. Bulk of the day=

Managing the team & making sure bookings are done in a timely manner.
Inspirational Quote: I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with
the best. Oscar Wilde. (Insert more pictures I took at the office)
6th slide: Key point- Universal Weather and Aviation

Started out as customized weather forecasting for business aviation.

Continued to grow over the following half century , and came to evolve
adding new services & solutions to meet the changing and evergrowing needs of those who utilize business aviation, regardless of
their base of operations or whether a trip is 300 or 3,000 miles.

47 locations in 19 countries and over 1,700 employees worldwide

Our primary focus has always been about one thing: making
our clients' trips a success.
Learned from my experiences at the business & with
Nothing is ever done, changes are the norm and a lot of the time hotels are sold out or at
extremely high prices. There are a lot of unpredictable things you have to be ready to deal

Companies usually provide on-site training

Deal with everything client related, meeting all their needs whether that means paying for
them temporarily or tracking down a lost passport
Corporate jets like the one-stop shopping , Universal setting everything up
There are six tiers in every department at present: the workers have three tiers/titles
beginning with the entry level and going up to the senior position, and then advancing to
team lead, supervisor or manager. There is a lot of room to move around between travel
Universal works 24/7, so employees may have to work on holidays, based on business
There is a lot of training, daily duties, and meeting the needs of clients through phone
calls or emails involved in the travel industry
There is always room to grow
When management is your department, its pretty flexible
Only sometimes is the job traveling and staying at nice hotels for free
Salary depends a lot on years working
There are many different avenues including private aviation, commercial aviation,
vacation/tourist travel, meeting planning
People that make over $100,000 generally get a salary, instead of hourly pay.
There is possibility of a good work-life balance if you are dependable and committed,
and if your bosses are understanding

My mentor could take a break throughout the day if needed, unless in a meeting or it is
vendor visiting time.
If a business runs 24 hours, there is more leeway in which hours a Senior Manager could
work. It is best to be there during the day though because that is when most coworkers
Probably one of the reasons my mentor got to her high position is the fact that she is a
planner and has very specific goals, in the timeline she is in, and is very focused

-my pictures snapped while at the mentorship

7th slide: Key Point- Costs and revenues
-Revenue comes from commissionable rates, a 10% revenue. $1.5 million a
year from revenue.
8th slide: Key point- Global travel

The clients are the movers and shakers of the world, the top 1%
As long as there is money being made, people will continue to travel
Travel industry will stay solid, only the way people travel will change, for example
staying at fancier 5 star hotels versus 4 star
The top 1% of the world, business aviation side, CEOs, will continue staying at 5 star

-Different centers all around the world

9th slide: Key point- Different types of customers.
-Customer A) Client, top 1% rich, owns private airplanes.
-Customer B) Travels for corporate travel
UW does care about the corporate travelers, but more concerned about the
Customer Type A Clients.
10th slide: Key point- Hotel operations
-More than just hotel booking
-Vendor relations
-Final agreements
11th slide: Conference Meetings and Conventions
-What goes on at the meetings

12th slide:
Project Focus highlighted: The different travel career options available, and
how to attain them.
13th slide: research 1
14th slide: research 2
15th slide: research 3
16th slide: research 4
17th slide: research 5
18th slide: research 6

19th slide: Review of topics covered

20th slide: Questions from the audience
21st slide: Conclusion slide.
-Sum up original questions
-answer the question or topic
-include an attention grabbing ending
22nd slide: Extra images slide
23 slide: Appreciation towards mentor, graders, Mrs. Click, parents, ISM
24th slide: Work Cited Page
-insert works cited from my research documents

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