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5th February 2015


My name is _____________ and my ID is 123456789. I am currently student of fifth semester in

the International Businesses career. I am applying the opportunity to study the next semester in a
university from another country. I would really like to study, as a first option, in the (NOMBRE DE
LA UNIVERSIDAD DE PRIMERA OPCION) in Chile, because their syllabus fill and can boost my
personal and professional objectives. I am choosing this university as first option due to its high
educational standards, which have led it to become one of the best and most prestigious
academies in the country. I would really love to have the opportunity to experience this huge
challenge in order to grow as a professional and test all of my attitudes and aptitudes obtained
and developed in the Instituto Politcnico Nacional.
If it is not possible that I could study in the (NOMBRE DE LA UNVERSIDAD), I also have two more
options to apply. One of them is the (NOMBRE 2A UNIVERSIDAD) in Argentina, and the other one
is the (NOMBRE 3A UNIVERSIDAD) in Peru. Each one of them, is the best university in its own
country and fits all my personal and professional aims, and would be excellent study in one of
No matter in what university I am being assigned, my effort will be guided in order to put the
Instituo Politcnico Nacional in the higher distinctions.
Although this will be challenging, I am going to do my best to demonstrate the grat educational
level the Instituto Politcnico Nacional has gave me though the years of dedicated study. And I
know despite the challenge that could represent go in behalf of the IPN, all the gates in so many
areas of my life that will be opened are an incentive to take the responsibility and successfully
fulfill this opportunity.
Hoping when I return I could help to use all my new knowledge to put The Technique in the
Service of the Homeland.
Without further ado, I thank you for your attention and support provided.
Yours Truly
Abigail Agar Ramrez Ibez

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