Importance of Social Sites in Promotion

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Importance of Social

Sites in Promotion
Presented To:
Pawan Kumar

Presented By:
Manpreet Malana
Roll NO.5127

What is social
Wikipedia definition-A social network is a social
structure made of individuals (or organizations)
called "nodes," which are tied (connected) by one or
more specific types of interdependency, such as
friendship, kinship, financial exchange, dislike or
relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige
Social networking is the grouping of individuals into
specific groups, like small rural communities or a
neighborhood subdivision, if you will.

Social Networks
Not a new concept, (6 degrees of separation)
Ramsey theorem-At any party with at least six
people, there are three people who are all either
mutual acquaintances or mutual strangers
People typically maintain 10-20 close relationships
among thousands of acquaintances
Metcalfs Law value of a network increases n2 to #
of participants
Not exactly, but in theory.
Dependent upon interaction model

Online social
Social sites commonly used.
Online community of internet users
Common interests in hobbies, religion, or
Socialize on sites by reading the profile
pages of other members and possibly even
contacting them.

Popular social
networking sites

Personal sites-Myspace,orkut,Cyworld
Professional/work related-LinkedIn
Romantic relationship initiation-friendster

Why internet is
popular mean for
social networking

The Internet is powerful because it bridges distance

at a low cost
When people first meet online they tend to like
each other more and chance of promotion.
Less stressful than face-to-face meeting
Superficialities aside people focus on
communicating their selves

An example of a social
Network diagram. The
node with the highest
Betweenness centrality
is marked in yellow.

Privacy concerns
Social networking sites provide privacy options but
users are generally unaware or tend to ignore such
Stalkers, terrorists, ill-doers, con-artists could
benefit from such issues
Recent scandals-England :MI-6s directors wife
puts up photos of family on facebook.
Facebooks controversial decision to make visible
relationship actions to entire social group

Social and

Increasing relationships but decreasing intimacy

Thank You for your Patience

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