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Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 3
Subject Matter: science
Number of periods: 1
Title: The States of Matter

Date: 15-1-2015
Term: spring 2015

Rationale: To differentiate between the three states of matter

- General objective (aim): To identify the three states of matter.
- Specific objectives (learning outcomes):
Skill: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
1) Differentiate between solids, liquids and gases.
2) State the different properties of each state.
3) Give examples on each state.

Materials used: a book, a bottle of water, empty cup, two inflated balloons with different
Instructional Procedures:
Session 1.
Introduction: I will start the lesson by showing students three different types of matters ( a
book, a bottle that contains water and an inflated balloon.
I will ask them some questions that helps students recognize the difference of these states,
example 1: asking them about the shape of the book.(it has a triangular shape)
ex 2 :Asking them about the shape of water, then pouring the water in the cup ( to let them
recognize that liquids take the shape of the container.
Ex 3: asking them about shape of the inflated balloon and then inflating a new a balloon which
has a different shape.( this helps them know that gases have un definite shape.

Draw a table on the board that summarizes the different characteristics of matters.

Ask students to solve an exercise.( this exercise asks students to classify things according
to their matters)

Lesson Plan

Make a quick revision and closure for the lesson and ask students to give me examples
on different matters.

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