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Mark = __/30


Year 7 Term 1 History Assessment

King of the Castle
Answer all the questions.

1) Explain why there was a Battle at Hastings. (4 marks)

1-2 marks: describes the event
3-4 marks: begins to explain why the battle was taking place only
needs one reason.
2) What changes did William the Conqueror bring to England? Try to list
3 and explain them. (6 marks)
1-3 marks: simple list
4-6 marks: add one plus mark to each point explained.
3) Explain three advantages of a motte and bailey castle (3 marks)
One mark for each explained advantage e.g. quick to build, easy to
defend (ditch, motte, palisade) resources readily available.
N.B. Only award 3 marks if at least one advantage has been explained
rather than simply listed

4) Explain three disadvantages of a motte and bailey castle (3 marks)

One mark for each explained disadvantage e.g. wood burns
easily/rots, labour intensive
to build them, bailey could be difficult
to defend.
N.B. Only award 3 marks if at least one disadvantage has been
explained rather than simply listed

5) Study Source A, a picture of a castle being attacked. Identify

three different methods of attack, and explain how and why
each method was used. (6 marks)
I mark for each correctly identified method of attack, 2 if they explain
how/why this method was usede.g.
Identifying: undermining, battering ram, siege tower, trebuchet,
scaling ladders, siege tower/engine (1 mark for each up to
maximum of 3 marks);
Explaining: e.g. undermining a castle tower/wall was effective
because you could do it without being seen by the defenders, you
then could set light to wood underneath the wall and as it burned
the wall/tower would collapse (1 mark for each explanation up to
maximum of 3 marks)

Study Sources B and C .

6) What are the main differences between the two castles? (3
1 mark for each difference pointed out, eg one is on a hill,
one is made of stone.
7) Which castle do you think is the best / strongest? Explain
your answers. (5 marks)
1-3 marks for simple answer which states why they have
chosen one castle over the other.
4-5 marks awarded to answers that give at least one valid
reason to support why they believe one castle is better than
the other.

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