Fluency Idol Kim Chart

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KIM Chart Journal Club

Name: Ashley Heimbach

Reading: Fluency Idol
Author: Kristine M. Calo, Taylor Woolard-Ferguson, Ellen Koitz
Date: 4/28/15
Complete the following chart, based upon the five most salient Key Concepts in the reading for you.
Key Concept
List the key concepts discussed in the article, one What information will help you remember this concept?
concept per for.

Fluency Idol final thoughts

Allows students to work hard on oral reading and encourage one another
Builds in opportunities for repeated practice/supportive feedback
Gives children purpose for reading
Fosters genuine love for reading

Reading fluency is often neglected in the classroom, but is important for reading
comprehension. This fluency develops over time when given time with read
Focus on accuracy, automacity, and prosody simultaneously


Select poem.
Practice poem.
Perform poem.
And the winner is

The clinic was 4 half days a week for six weeks.

Students worked in small groups facilitated by clinicians.
Used echo and choral reading
Children read to therapy dogs every week

Children felt Fluency Idol was a success and awesome

Increase in scores

Why is Fluency Idol important?

The Fluency Idol Steps

Kicking off Fluency Idol

The effects of Fluency Idol

Memory clue
Draw a visual that will help
you remember this key
concept. (NOT REQUIRED)

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