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Now may the Supreme Self be pleased with the sacrifice,

in the form of this literary work and grant me this Grace.
May the wicked drop their evil ways and become inclined towards
good deeds and may all beings develop friendship for one another.
May the darkness in the form of sin in the world vanish, and let
there be the dawn of religious duty; May the desires of all beings
be fulfilled.
May the concourse of saints who are like walking wish-yielding
trees and the abodes of sentient philosophers stones or talking
oceans of nectar,
And who are like spotless moons or heatless suns, be the constant
kinsmen of all.
In short, let all the three worlds be perfectly happy and may
everyone desire to offer perpetual worship to the Primeval Person.
And may those who follow the teachings of this work have perfect
happiness in this and the next world.
Hearing these words, the Lord of the Universe said I grant you
this Grace, at which Jnanadeva was filled with happiness.

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