Donation Pros and Cons

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Anna and Kate: donation pros

and cons

Anna F. vs. Sarah F.

Jury ruled in favor of Anna Fitzgerald.
Although the court ruled that Anna did not
have to donate her kidney she ended up
giving it to Kate in the end.

What is Medical Emancipation?

Medical emancipation is the process of a minor requesting freedom to take
their medical care in their own hands free of objections from their parents.
This may also include emancipation by marriage before the age of 18.
In 2009, the supreme court of Canada ruling in A.C. vs. Manitoba found
that children may make life or death decisions on their medical treatment;
this annulled laws restricting capacity determinations to those 16 and
older. In the majority decision, the jury found that if the minor is present
to determine that they are mature enough to make medical choices; than
this may be granted.

Medical Records of Kate

Diagnosed with acute promyelocytic Leukemia at 2 years old
received blood donation at 3 years old
blood drawn multiple times for tests, x-rays, etc.
Received lymphocytes and granulocytes (2-3 overall)
Bone marrow harvest at 9 years old
EKG in 1990 w/ fever.
Dialysis at 9-16 years old (3x 1 week for 2 hours)
Chemotherapy at 14-16 years old along with bean shaped implants
Renal failure
Stem cell transplant
Chemoradiation, reverse isolation, arsenic
Baseline EKG

Medical Records of Anna

bone marrow harvest at six years old
cord blood to save Kate at birth
gave leukocytes stem cells, bone marrow lymphocytes drawn three times at five years
bone marrow for transplant at five years old
donate peripheral blood stem cells at five years old
lymphocyte withdraws at five years old
granulocytes at five years old
blood stem cells at five years old
gives three lymph nodes donation- held down at around five
possible kidney donation- complications at just thirteen
gave up leukocytes, stem cells, and bone marrow throughout life
white blood cells taken and bruises and bone aches from procedures

Pros & Cons of Kidney Transplant

Pros of Anna:
- She would be helping Kate with recovery.
- She may set gratitude from donating it.
Cons of Anna:
- Thi could prevent and limit certain abilities she would have in the future.
- Its very invasive.
- All the donations could add up and cause long term effects.
- Infections, blood clots, heart attack are all possible.
Pros for Kate:
- It could give her a better chance of chance recovery.
- She could feel somewhat healthier.
Cons for Kate:
- She has gone through so many operations already this tranplant could harmand over stress her
- Body could reject the kidney, she could have infections.

Pros & Cons Of Bone Marrow

Pros of Anna:
- She gets to help Kate.
- Will not take too much time to recover from donation.
Cons of Anna:
- Pain and weakness over next few days.
- Unusual risks associated with donations.
- Needles are actually inserted into the bone.
Pros of Kate:
- May help her body fight cancer.
Cons of Kate:
- May not help.
- Could cause graft vs host disease.
- Could cause more organ damage.
- Possible fluid overload.


(n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2015, from

Emancipation Law & Legal Definition. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2015, from

LII / Legal Information Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2015, from

Medical Emancipation. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2015, from

Medscape Log In. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2015, from

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