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Learning Packet

Backyard Games-- Cornhole

Skills Involved
SHAPE Standard

Virginia SOL

Underhand throw, math counting

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others.
SOL K.1 The student will demonstrate progress toward the mature form of
selected locomotor, non- locomotor, and manipulative skills.
K.1 c) Demonstrate a minimum of two critical elements (small, isolated parts of the whole
skill or movement) used in stationary manipulative skills (e.g., toss and throw to targets,
bounce and catch, toss and catch, kick to target, strike with paddle, dribble, roll underhand,
trap, volley with hand).
SOL PE K.4 The student will use appropriate behaviors and safe practices in physical
activity settings.
b) Demonstrate ability to share and be cooperative and safe.
c) Demonstrate an understanding of general and personal space
SOL PE 1.1 The student will demonstrate the correct critical elements (small, isolated
parts of the whole skill or movement) of locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills.
SOL PE 1.1 a) Demonstrate a minimum of two critical elements used in manipulative
skills performed alone (e.g., toss and catch, dribble with hand in general space, dribble with
foot, kick and strike with hand or equipment, throw underhand, and volley).
SOL PE 1.6 The student will participate regularly in physical activities that require exertion
and skill.
SOL PE 2.1 The student will continue to demonstrate correct critical elements (small,
isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) of locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative
SOL PE 2.1 a) Demonstrate individually and with a partner the manipulative skills of
throwing, catching, kicking, striking, volleying, and dribbling.
SOL PE 2.2 The student will apply the basic movement concepts to change performance
of locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills.
SOL PE 2.2 b) Use the concepts of spatial awareness (e.g., location, directions, levels),
and effort (time, force, flow) in static and dynamic movement situations.
SOL PE 2.4 The student will exhibit, in physical activity settings, cooperative, respectful,
and safe behavior.
SOL PE 3.1 The student will apply locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills in
increasingly complex movement activities.
SOL PE 3.1 a) Demonstrate most of the critical elements (small, isolated parts of the
whole skill or movement) for manipulative skills (e.g., throw and catch a variety of objects,

kick to stationary and moving partners/objects, dribble with dominant hand/foot, pass a ball
to a moving partner).
SOL PE 3.2 The student will apply movement principles in increasingly complex
movement activities.
SOL PE 3.2 a) Apply the concept of relationships while moving in space and using nonlocomotor and manipulative skills.
SOL PE 4.1 The student will refine movement skills and demonstrate the ability to combine
them in increasingly complex movement activities.
SOL PE 4.2 The student will understand and apply movement concepts and principles in
complex motor skills.
SOL PE 4.2 a) Recall and demonstrate movement principles and concepts for selected
motor patterns and combination skills (trajectory, force, speed).
SOL PE 4.2 b) Apply movement principles and concepts to basic game strategies.
SOL PE 4.2 c) Use movement principles to improve personal performance and provide
feedback to others.
SOL PE 4.5 The student will identify opportunities to participate in regular physical activity at
home, at school and in the community
SOL PE 5.1 The student will demonstrate proficiency in movement skills and skill
combinations in complex movement activities.
SOL PE 5.1 a) Demonstrate proficiency in locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative
skill combinations in more complex environments and modified sports activities.
SOL PE 5.2 The student will understand and apply movement principles and concepts in
complex movement activities.
SOL PE 5.2 a) Apply principles of accuracy, force, and follow-through when projecting
SOL PE 5.2 c)
Identify and apply principles of practice to enhance performance (e.g.,
form, consistency, repetition).
SOL PE 5.2 d) Use feedback, including available technology, to improve performance.
SOL PE 5.6 The student will identify and participate regularly in physical activities based
on personal abilities and interests (e.g., for improvement through practice, for enjoyment, for
social interaction, for personal challenge).

Background Information


Set up

Cornhole is a social game played between 2-4 players. Typically cornhole uses
specialized boards and beanbags, however this learning packet will explain how
one can adapt equipment to play the game.
Players in cornhole perform an underhand toss/throw aiming a beanbag to land on
the opposing teams board, or through the hole in the opposing teams board, to
score points. If you do not have cornhole boards, the object is to perform an
underhand throw/toss with a beanbag aiming to have the beanbag land within a
specific area or on a specific spot.
If using cornhole boards, the boards should be separated by about 15 feet. The
boards will tilt forward, with the front end resting on the ground or close to the
ground. The back end of the board is raised a few inches with wooden legs.
If not using boardsI use hula hoops and poly spots. The hula hoops should
be separated by about 8-10 feet. The poly spot rests inside of the hoop.
1v1 games-- players stand at opposing boards/hoops facing one another.
2v2 gamesplayers stand across or diagonally across from their teammate.

Playing the game



Skill Cues and Reminders


Vocabulary & Terminology


One person from each team stands at each board or hoop. *If playing 2v2,
teammates use the same colored beanbags which differ from the opposing
Decide who will go first by tossing a coin, guessing a number, etc.
Determine a winning point value. Some use 21, 15, or 10 depending on the
skill level of players.
Bags should be tossed underhand, like a softball pitch.
Player/Team 1 will throw their first bag. Player/Team 2 will then throw their first
bag. All players alternate throws until all bags have been played.
Before bags are removed from game board, scores are tallied up.
Bags that land on the board (or playing area) are 1 point each. Bags that go
through the hole (or on the specified spot) are 3 points each.
The team who scored the most points gets to throw first in the next round.
Game play continues until one team scores the winning point value.
A bag landing on the board or in the hoop is 1 point. A bag in the hole or on the
spot is worth 3 points.
Bags that bounce on the ground first do not count and should be removed from
the board before the next player tosses his or her bag.
All points are scored for the teams. If Team One gets 3 bags on the board, they
get 3 points. If Team Two gets 3 bags on the board, they get 3 points. This
helps to keep the game moving along.
If a bag is resting on the board or in the hoop and it is knocked off/out by
another bag, the original beanbag does not count for a point.
Throw must be overhand
Players may not move forward in front of the board or hoop to throw the
beanbag. The throw must take place next to or behind the board/hoop.
Underhand throw
Step with opposite foot
Palm up
Swing past hip
Release and make a rainbow
Beanbags are being projected
Occasionally cornhole boards will collapse if the wooden legs are not secured,
be careful of toes and feet.
Underhand throw/toss
Point system
Optional hula hoop, polyspot
8 beanbags (4 in 2 differing colors i.e. 4 blue and 4 red)
2 Cornhole boards OR

2 hula hoops and 2 spots OR

Chalk/tape to mark an area and an X to mark the hole spot

Game Picture

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