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Part I: What is the situation in the Ukraine

1. What are the three core factors that led to the chaos, according to the article?
The first factor was that president Victor F. Yanukovych has been promising to get the
Ukraine to be a part of the European Union. And when he finally had the chance he refused
to sign. The second factor was that the cold war between the Soviet Union and the West. And
they were fighting over the influence over countries. And the third reason was the way the
government handled the protest.
2. Why does Russia feel threatened by Ukraine forming a closer partnership with Europe?
Russia started to feel threatened because of the western military started to expand.
3. Why did many Ukrainians, especially in the Western part of the country, want Ukraine to
sign political and economic agreements with the European Union?
Many of the people in the Ukraine wanted to be a part of the European Union because
they saw that it would be a symbolic move to push them to improve their lives. They
thought the reforms would help with their economic problems.
4. Why did street protests erupt in November 2013?
Protest started to happen when it became very obvious to the people of the Ukraine that
their president Yanukovych was not trying to move forward with the process of trying to
become a part of the European Union.
5. What were some of the government missteps that helped further fuel the protests?
When the protest started to get really bad and violent it resulted in gunfire at some points.
And police having to take reforms on some of the citizens.
6. What additional questions do you have about whats going on in Ukraine?
What is happening now?

Did any problems from before get dissolved?

How did it end?

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