Reflection On "Education Management" Workshop: By: Nur Amirah BT Jamaludin (G5.8) TESL 205

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TESL 205

On the 25th March 2015, the whole Cohort 3 students in Semester 5 had
attended a workshop on Education Management at the TESL auditorium. This
workshop is conjunction and continuation of our BIG program for the fifth times. The
workshop was conducted successfully by involving all the students in preparing the
whole event from the beginning until the end. The supports and efforts from everyone
help this workshop and our BIG programme went successfully. We have been in the
workshop for 3 hours, started from until The speaker for this workshop is
Encik Nornazli from Unit Kaunseling from our Institute, who is one of the counsellors
in IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas. He has been invited to our BIG programme in order to
discuss about the teaching profession to us. Furthermore, the title of this workshop is
Education Management where the main aims for this workshop are to assist us in
developing self-managing, organization and work environment, evaluating teachers
potentials, exposing the reality and responsibilities of teacher and providing some
supports for us to become a good facilitator towards our students in the future.

Throughout the workshop session, Encik Nornazli has been exposed and gave
us a list of personalitys checklist of teacher. There a lot of personalities inside the
checklist, and he asked us to find and match all the personalities that related to us.
Then, he called a few students to come in front and share the personality with the
rest. Other than that, he also discussed and exposed us with the issues that
happened worldwide and made us to think how to solve the issues and put ourselves
in that situation. One of the issues that has been highlighted by him is teacher beats
up and harasses the students. He also played the videos that related to the issue
highlighted. After watching the videos, he asked us to think the rationale of the
teacher behave that way. Apart from that, all the issues that related to teachers,
students, schoosl and parents shown that the teachers responsibilities had become

crucial in order to maintain the students attitude and manners for their own sake. We
as the future teacher should prepare ourselves in facing the worlds outside which are
full of challenges.
Last but not least, the workshop ended at and thanked to Encik Nornazli
for the great sharing in exposing us to the real-world of teaching.


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