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What Represents You?

For this assignment, you will be identifying your own personal symbol or logo,
something that representsor stands infor you.
You may identify your symbol in 1 of 2 ways:
Draw your symbol (coloring included)
Write a poem about your symbol (please write neatly in marker or
dark pen)

Picture Requirements:
Draw and color your picture in the center

of the page. Then

In one corner, there will be an adjective describing your symbol

In another corner there will be another adjective describing your
In the final two corners, there will be an adverb + an adjective/verb
combination describing your symbol

Poem Requirements
The poem must be an eight line minimum, and
include at least three adjectives, as well as a verb + adverb/adjective
The Sun glows

One last thing

When the poetry or picture portion of your symbol is complete, you will write a
formal paragraph explaining your choices. You will outline your paragraph on
the back of this sheet. Your paragraph does not have to be typed, but it must tell
the reader:

What your symbol is.

One or two sentences explaining one of your adjectives and how it
applies to you and the symbol.
One or two sentences explaining another of your adjectives and
how it applies to you and the symbol.
Conclusion sentence.

Draw Your Schema Model Chart (When complete, have stamped by Mr. Soule)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Draw Your Paragraph Outline Chart

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