Plants and Birds

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Lesson Plan Template

Instructor: Kathryn Lietz

Grade Level:
Length of Lesson:

The Birds and the Flowers

5th Grade Students
2 Class Periods
The fifth graders will diagnose how different types of birds and plants
adapt to their surroundings by creating a wiki page following the
provided checklist.

SC.5.L.17.1: Compare and contrast adaptations displayed by animals

and plants that enable them to survive in different environments such
Standards Addressed:
as life cycles variations, animal behaviors and physical characteristics.
NETS-S: 1b, 2a, 2b, 2d, 3b, 3d, 5a, 6a, 6d
Required Materials:
Anticipatory Set:


Computer Lab, Overhead Projector

Charlies Christmas Plant
Pixar Birds Video
1. Teacher will present Prezi Presentation to the class to show
examples of birds and plants and show what kind of
information they will need to provide.
2. Teacher will pass out checklist and explain to students what is
expected of them when making the wikia.
3. Teacher will bring the students step by step through how to add
to the Wikia page and help them create accounts all at once.
4. Teacher will give them the students an example of a wikia they
made ahead of time.
5. Students will use the provided websites on interesting plants
and birds and use the information as well as their personal
research to list the required and additional facts for their
groups chosen species.
6. Have the students go through the Wikia page and add their
information as well as at least one image of their chosen
7. Students can work on this at home and present it the next day
during class. Students must all email the teacher the links to
their page.
8. Students will present their Wikia page of their species to the
class by putting their page up on the overhead projector and
answer questions that their fellow students have if applicable.
9. Students will the graded on completion of the project and
presentation through a checklist.

Guided Practice:

The teacher presents information through a prezi of some simple

information on plants and animals, giving students the base on what
information they need for their subject, what it will end up looking
like, and what is required in the project. Teacher will guide students
through short instruction on safe practices with using web searches,
citation, and how to use Wikia before having the students explore on
their own.

Independent Practice
and Assessment:

Assessed on checklist if they completed all the required items, and on

their presentation.



To accommodate the deaf and hard of hearing students, an FM

amplifier will be provided for the teacher to use during lectures,
and for students to use during presentations.
For students excelling in the project, bonus points are awarded
for additional content of the page, up to 5 points.
ESOL students can be grouped together and write their page in
their own language and use google translator to present it.
Project must be presented in English for the rest of the class to

20 Most Interesting Plants

Directory of Birds
Charlies Christmas Anticipatory Video
Pixar Birds Video
Teacher Prezi Presentation
Create a Wikia Page Link

Students are required to have a minimum of the following requirements for their project.
Additional items may be subject to bonus points!
Provided websites for plants and birds

Create a page on our Wiki!

Choose your Species.
o List three facts about the species.
o List two facts about the habitat the species lives in.
o List two reasons that the species is considered a plant, or an animal.
o Find at least one picture of the species that is not already on the provided
All items on your wikia page must be in full and complete sentences with
proper grammar.
Apply all your information to the Wikia page and send the link to your page to
my email.
Present your Wikia page to your class and show them what you learned!
o Ask questions after your presentations!
When your classmates are presenting, try to ask questions!

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