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FL 561

Textbook Evaluation 2

Amy White
September 30, 2013

Textbook Evaluated:
Miller, L., & Luis Morales, J. (2012). Our discovery island: Level two. Essex: Pearson Education
3 = Excellent

2 = Satisfactory

1 = Poor

1. Features an organization based on relevant and interesting topics and cultural contexts _3_
2. Provides activities in which students talk to each other, share information and opinions, ask
personalized questions, and express feelings and ideas _3_
3. Provides tasks in which students must negotiate meaning with one another _2_
4. Provides authentic oral input (audiotapes, videotapes, CD-ROM programs) that has engaging
content and tasks _2.
5. Provides authentic printed texts (newspaper / magazine articles, ads, poems, short stories) that
have engaging content and tasks _1_
6. Suggests strategies for comprehending and interpreting oral and written texts _3_
7. Includes pre-listening / pre-viewing / pre-reading tasks _3_
8. Includes tasks in which students speak and write to an audience of listeners / readers (i.e.,
process-oriented tasks) _3_
9. Provides contextualized and meaningful activities that relate to a larger communicative goal _3_
10. Presents clear, concise grammar explanations that are necessary for communication _2 / unsure
11. Presents vocabulary thematically, in context, and with the use of visuals and authentic realia 2_
12. Provides for integrated practice of the three modes of communication _3_
13. Presents an accurate view of the cultures in which the target language is spoken _2_
14. Includes visuals for presenting vocabulary and illustrating authentic cultural aspects (overhead
transparencies, visuals, PPT slides, realia) _2_
15. Provides opportunities for students to discover and explore the products of the culture and their
relationship to cultural perspectives _2 / unsure_
16. Provides opportunities for students to discover and explore the practices of the culture and their
relationship to cultural perspectives _2_
17. Provides opportunities for students to use the target language to learn about other subject areas
18. Engages students in using the target language to acquire new information on topics of interest
19. Provides opportunities for students to compare key features of the native and target languages in
interesting ways _1_
20. Provides opportunities for students to compare products, practices, and perspectives of the native
culture and target cultures in interesting ways _1_
21. Includes activities in which students use the target language with peers in other communities and
target language regions (e-mail, World Wide Web, interactive video, field trips) _1_
22. Provides opportunities for students to select authentic texts to explore for enjoyment and
learning _2_
23. Provides contextualized, performance-based achievement tests with scoring rubrics _3_
24. Suggests strategies for assessing student progress in attaining standards _2_

FL 561
Textbook Evaluation 2

Amy White
September 30, 2013

25. Integrates technology effectively into instruction (audiotapes, videotapes, interactive video, CDROM, World Wide Web, e-mail, online chatrooms) _3_
For this evaluation I selected a book that I had not taught or looked at before. I wanted to
be as objective as possible (in contrast to my last evaluation). This book was loaned to me by a
friend who enjoyed teaching from it in the past. My evaluation is based on looking at the student
book, the student computer CD, and the plethora of information on the teacher / parent website.
On the website I downloaded samples of tests, DVD clips, additional grammar worksheets,
samples from the student workbook, detailed information regarding the students website, and
methodology descriptions from the publisher.
I was surprised with the amount of information and support available to teachers. Even
more surprising was seeing that the publisher designed this book to be used with a (publisherdesigned) online ESL game. The game is designed to be completely used in English, lets the
students create their own avatars, has dialogues and quests, awards achievement stars, and can be
monitored by teachers. There are even clues within the student book to find items in the online
game. Students can find chat rooms in the game, as well. Each unit includes a section that relates
to another school subject with optional projects. Unfortunately, the dialogues are natural speech
by native speakers, but they are very staged and none seem to be authentic. It seems that the lack
of cultural references in the book may be partially related to the concept of the book being used
globally by native and non-native speakers. A British edition and an American edition are
available, though. Overall, this series of 6 levels seems highly effective. The books were
designed with many aspects of ELL and ELT in mind. In addition, the teachers guide
incorporates, worksheets, tests, thorough lesson plans, and a variety of ideas for games and

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