Vrystaat Kunstefees/Arts Festival/Tsa-Botjhaba

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Feesprogram / Festival Programme 2015

Kaartjieverkope open 8 Mei 2015 by Computicket.
Ticket sales open 8 May 2015 at Computicket.


Vier rels.
Dis al:
Liefde. Vrede. Vryheid. Tuiste.
Somer vir die hart. Vrystaat.

Ilisna Nel

Ek is n opregte Vrystaat grootoognooi

Verlief op die vlaktes en karoo gewortel in my hart
Ek is getroud met die kronkellyf van die Gariepdam
Omsingel deur die skatkis van grys klippe en goudvelde

Tessa Muller aka PropheTezz

Ontdek opnuut waar die hart van jou land geplant is

Volg polsende paaie tot eie agterplaas
Karteer die netwerk are na
kern. Verkwik in die kruising waarheen dit lei alvoor als van voor oor veld en klei versprei
Adriaan Meyer

hoe vou jou oker vlaktes oop

soos n roos in roes
in my weefsel bot jy
in sillabes van herfs

Gisela Ullyatt

9 Feesboodskappe/Festival messages:
Vise-kanselier en Rektor van die UV

Voorsitter van die Vrystaat

Kunstefees se bestuurskomitee

Direkteur, Vrystaat Kunstefees

Die San, n poging tot erkenning/

The San, an effort at recognition
13 Openbare en Lewende Kuns/
Public and Live Art



Musiek Klasssiek/Music Classical

17 Musiek Kabaret, musiekteater,

kontemporr/Music Cabaret, music
theatre, contemporary
20 Aasvolklub/Vulture Club

Musiek Blrkas/Music Blrkas


Toneel Drama/Theatre Drama


Toneel Komedie/Theatre Comedy


Toneel Storievertel/Theatre Story Theatre


Toneel Woordkuns/Theatre Literary Art

33 Toneel Kinderteater/
Theatre Childrens Theatre
34 Toneel Reza de Wet-jeugfees/
Theatre Reza de Wet Youth Festival
36 Filmfees/Film Festival
39 Boekefees/Book Festival

Visuele kunste/Visual Arts

49 Feesprojekte/Festival projects

51 Gemeenskap/Community

Samestelling/Compilation: Braam Muller

Taalversorging/Language editing: Elretha Britz
Setwerk en bladuitleg/Type-setting and page lay-out: Silverrocket Creative

55 Dagprogram/Dayprogramme

Veilige parkering op die UV-kampus:

59 Vrystaat Kunstefeespersoneel/
Vrystaat Arts Festival staff

Hekgeld: R30 per dag (jy kan soveel keer in- en uitgaan as wat jy wil), R80 vir die week
kan vooraf by Computicket gekoop word, of by die hek. Opbrengs vir die PIKO-projek.

Safe parking on the UFS Campus: R30 per day at the entrance gate (you may return
as often as you like), R80 per week this ticket may be bought at Computicket or at the
gate. In aid of the PIAD Project.

59 Diensverskaffers/Service Providers


Sleutel vir simbole/Key for icons

60 Borge/Sponsors 2015
61 Feeskaart/Festival Map

Feesboodskappe | Festive messages | Melaetsa ya mokete

Prof. Jonathan Jansen,

vise-kanselier en rektor:
Universiteit van die Vrystaat

Prof. Jonathan Jansen,

Vice Chancelor and Rector:
University of the Free State

Aan alle feesgangers: Welkom by

die Vrystaat Kunstefees hier by die
Universiteit van die Vrystaat se

To all festival goers: Welcome to the

Vrystaat Arts Festival here on the
Bloemfontein campus of the University of
the Free State.

By die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV)

maak standaarde steeds saak. Daarom
werk ons hard om van Kovsies een van
die beste universiteite op die vasteland
en ook in die res van die wreld te maak.
Ek is seker u sal met my saamstem dat
ons goed op pad is om hierdie visie te

Standards still matter to the University

of the Free State (UFS). That is why we
work so hard at making Kovsies one of
the best universities on the continent and
also in the rest of the world. I am sure you
will agree that we are well on our way in
realising this vision.

Terwyl ons vasbeslote is om die statuur

van die universiteit nog verder uit te bou,
is ons net so vasbeslote om die UV se
groeiende reputasie te handhaaf as een
van die voorste universiteite in die land
wat versoening en sosiale geregtigheid
betref. Dit word gedoen deur n aantal
inisiatiewe wat grootliks deur die Instituut
vir Versoening en Sosiale Geregtigheid
gedryf word en vervleg is in verskeie
aanbiedings op die fees.
Geluk aan dr. Ricardo Peach en sy span
met die nuwe konsep en strategiese
plan vir die Vrystaat Kunstefees. Ons
sien uit na die program en die verskeie
inisiatiewe wat tot stand gebring is
en beplan word om verskeie taal- en
kultuurgroepe op n plaaslike, nasionale
en internasionale vlak te betrek. My dank
ook aan die UV-personeellede wat insette
gelewer het en steeds deel is van hierdie
Soos verlede jaar, het Kovsies weer n paar
nuwe veranderings op die Bloemfonteinkampus aangebring. Verskeie geboue
met lesingsale, laboratoriums en
kantoorruimtes toegerus met die nuutste
tegnologie is opgerig, en ander is
opgeknap om aan die steeds groeiende
behoeftes van personeel en studente te
In November 2014 is toegangsbeheer
op die kampus gemplementeer om die
veiligheid van personeel, studente en
besoekers verder te verseker. Besoek
gerus die Besoekersentrum by die
toegangshek in DF Malherbe-rylaan
vir inligting oor die kampus.
Kyk ook uit vir die stalletjie
van KovsieGear en die
universiteitswinkel, waar u
allerhande Kovsie-handelsware
en -klere op die fees kan koop.
Dus, geniet
die Vrystaat
hier op ons

While we are determined to expand the

stature of this university even further, we
are equally determined to maintain the
increasing reputation of the UFS as one
of the countrys foremost universities
regarding reconciliation and social
justice. It is done through some initiatives
which are mainly driven by the Institute
for Reconciliation and Social Justice
and which will be woven into several
presentations during the festival.
Congratulations to Dr Ricardo Peach
and his team with the new concept and
strategic plan for the Vrystaat Arts Festival.
We are looking forward to the programme
and the various initiatives brought into
being and planned to incorporate various
language and cultural groups on a local,
national and international level. My thanks
also to the input by UFS staff members
and those who are still part of this
innovation process.
Similar to last year, Kovsies has made
some new changes on the Bloemfontein
campus. Various buildings that house
lecture halls, laboratories and office space
equipped with the newest technology
have been built and others were renovated
to meet the growing needs of staff and
In November 2014 entrance control
has been implemented on the campus
to ensure the safety of staff, students
and visitors. For information about the
campus, call at the Visitors Centre at the
entrance gate in DF Malherbe Avenue. Also
be on the lookout for the KovsieGear stall
and the university shop, where various
Kovsie brand names and clothes are
on sale.
So, enjoy the Vrystaat Arts Festival
here on our Kovsie Campus.

Porofesa Jonathan Jansen,

motlasa mokhanselara le
Univesithing ya Foreisitata
Molaetsa wa kamohelo: Mokete Vrystaat
Tsa Botjhaba 2015. Ho bohle ba yang
moketeng: Le amohetswe moketjaneng
wa Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba hona mona
kampaseng ya Yunibesithi ya Foreisitata e
Yunibesithing ya Foreisitata, maemo a
santse a etsa taba. Jwale re sebetsa ka
thata ho iphumana re le ka sehlohong ho
feta diyunibesithi tse ding kontinenteng,
le lefatshe ka bophara. Ke a tshepa o tla
dumellana le nna ha ke re, re se re tla
hlokomela tjhebelo-pele ena.
Ha re ntse re ikemiseditse ho phahamisa
maemo a yunibesithi, re ntse re
hlokometse le hore re phahamise seriti sa
yunibesithi jwalo ka ha e le engwe ya tse
itlhomileng pele ka hare ha naha, mme
tsa poelano le toka (Reconciliation and
Social Justice) di tla tlameha ho tshwarella
maemo ao. Sena se tla phethahala ka
baka la dintlha tse tla etswang ke setsi sa
poelano le toka (Institute for Reconciliation
and Social Justice), e ikamahantseng le
diphethahalo tse tla bonwa ka mokete.
Mahlohonolo ho Dr. Ricardo Peach le
sehlopha sa hae ka metjha ya moralo wa
leano o motjha e ba o entseng wa mokete
wa Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba. Re shebela
pele ho lenane-tsamaiso le menahano e
fapa-fapaneng e ileng ya nkuwa ebile e
hlophiseditswe dipuo tse fapa-fapaneng
le batho ba ditso tsa mefuta hae mona,
naha yohle esita le dinaheng tse ding tse
ka ntle. Diteboho tsa ka diboela ke boela
ke di supisa basebeletsing ba Yunibesithi
ya Foreisitata ba ileng ba fana ka maikutlo
a bona le ho nka karolo tshebeletsong ya
Jwalo ka selemong se fetileng, Kovsie
e entse diphetoho tse ntjha kampaseng
ya Bloemfontein. E meng ya meaho e
nang le diholo tsa thupello, dilaboratori le
dikantoro di na le disebediswa tsa tegeniki
ya ha mmamorao, tse ding di ahilwe athe
ha tse ding di ntjhafaditswe ho ka fihlella
ditlhoko tsa basebetsi le baithuti.
Ka Pudungwana 2014, taolo ya ho
kena kampaseng e ile ya phethahatsa
tshebeletso ya ho netefatsa polokeho ho
basebeletsi, baithuti le baeti. Ka kopo etela
sebaka sa baeti (Visitors Center) hekeng
ya DF Malherbe Drive bakeng la hlahisoleseding kampaseng. Boela o sheba
sebaka sa thekiso (stall) sa Kovsieland
Gear, lebenkele la yunibesithi, moo o ka
rekang thepa le diphahlo tsa Kovsie hona
ka mokete.
Jwale natefelwa ke mokete wa Vrystaat
Tsa Botjhaba hona mona kampaseng ya

Feesboodskappe/Festive messages/Melaetsa ya mokete: vise-kanselier en rektor van die UV

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Feesboodskappe/Festive messages/Melaetsa ya mokete: voorsitter van die Vrystaat Kunstefees se bestuurskomitee


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Annalize Doubell, voorsitter

van die Vrystaat Kunstefees se

Annalize Doubell, Chairperson

of the Vrystaat Arts Festival
management committee

Van Vryfees 2014 tot Vrystaat Kunstefees

2015. n Nuwe feesdirekteur. n Nuwe
visie. Maar met behoud van die oue.

From Vry Festival 2014 to Vrystaat Arts

Festival 2015. A new festival director. A
new vision. But keeping the old.

Dit is in n neutedop hoe die opwindende

nuwe fase in vanjaar se feesgebeure in die
hartjie van die Vrystaat beskryf kan word.

This, in a nutshell, is how the new festival

can be described.

Feesgangers kan vanjaar, soos in

die verlede, met reg uitsien na al die
feestelikhede op die Kovsie-kampus.
In die puik teaters kan weer van die
room van Afrikaanse produksies in alle
genres gesien word. En die kunstemark
gaan natuurlik weer die o streel met
baie mooigoed , asook watertandkos en
drinkgoed om gees en vlees te voed.
Die Vrystaat Kunstefees, met die
Afrikaanstalige Julie-fees as kern, sprei
ook van vanjaar af sy kreatiewe vlerke om
die ander twee taalgroepe in die provinsie,
Engels en Sotho, in te sluit. Deur die loop
van die jaar gaan nog baie gehoor en
gesien word hoe idees oor kuns en kultuur
oor gemeenskaps- en landsgrense heen
uitgeruil word deur verbintenisse met
ander kreatiewe gemeenskappe, veral
mense van Eerste Nasies.
Die oogmerk is om die Vrystaat as een van
di kernkunsprovinsies in die wreld te
Om di visie nie net n droom te hou nie,
verg hope dinkwerk en energie van n
groot klomp mense. Nie net n geslote
groep nie, maar mense uit alle sfere van
die samelewing.
Daarom, kom geniet die feesgebeure op
die Kovsie-kampus, maar raak ook deel
van die grootse droom om gehaltekuns in
al sy vorme uit die hart van Suid-Afrika op
die wreldverhoog te kry.
Dankie aan die feeskantoor vir sy
grensverskuiwende werk tot dusver,
asook Volksblad en die Universiteit van
die Vrystaat sonder wie se
vennootskap di droom
net n droom sou bly.
Bring jou gesin en kom
geniet die veelheid van
kuns in j taal.

This year festival visitors can, like

in the past, look forward to all the
festivities on the Kovsie campus. In the
excellent theatres the cream of Afrikaans
productions of all genres can be seen.
And the arts market will again entice
the eye with beautiful craft, as well as
mouthwatering food and beverages to
resuscitate body and spirit.
The Free State Arts Festival, with the
mostly Afrikaans July festival as its core,
will start spreading its creative wings this
year to include the other two language
groups, English and Sotho. Much will
be seen and heard throughout the year
about how ideas on arts and culture
will be exchanged over community and
identity boundaries, through links with
other creative partners - in particular First
Nations people.
The aim is to establish the Free State as
one of the key arts provinces in the world.
To make this vision more than just a
dream requires lots of thinking and energy
from a big group of people. Not just a
small closed enclave, but people from all
spheres of society.
So, come and enjoy the festivities on the
Kovsie campus and become part of the big
dream to get great art in all its forms from
the heart of South Africa onto the world
Thanks to the festival office for its
boundary shifting work so far, as well as
Volksblad and the University of the Free
State without whose partnership this
festival would have remained a dream.
Bring the family and come and enjoy the
abundance of art in your language.

Annalize Doubell, modulasetulo wa komiti ya bohlophisi

ya meketjana wa Vrystaat Tsa
Hotswa ho Vry Festival 2014 ho isa ho
Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba 2015. Motsamaisi
a motjha wa mokete. Tjhebelo-pele e
ntjha. Ho ntse ho tshwerwe tsa kgale.
Ke ka moo ho hlaloswang, ka
bokhutshwanyana, lethabo le maemo a
diketsahalo tsa moketjana ona selemong
sena, bohareng ba Foreisitata.
Baeti ba moketjana ba ka hla labella,
jwalo ka mehleng, diketsahalo tse tla
etsahala kampaseng ya Kovsie. Monate
wa diqatjwa tsa sekgowa (Afrikaans) di ka
hla bonwa sebakeng sa ditshwantshiso
(theatre) se kgahlisang, ka merethetho e
fapa-fapaneng. Le mabenkele a bonono
a tla boela a kgahla mahlo ka dietswa
tse ntle, ha mmoho le dijo tse rothisang
mathe le dino tse tla tsosolosang mmele
le moya.
Mokete wa bonono wa Vrystaat Tsa
Botjhaba le boholo ba mokete wa sekgowa
wa ka Phupu (Afrikaans July Festival), o
tla qala o mela maphuka lemong sena ho
tlatseletsa ka maleme a mang a mabedi
eleng senyesemane (English) le Sesotho.
Tse ngata di tla bonwa le ho utlwiwa hara
selemo, ka maqheka a ho ka arolelana
bonono le setso mahareng a metsana le
dinaha tse ka ntle ho kopanya ditjhaba.
Boholo dinaha tse sehlopheng sa pele.
Lebaka ke ho theha Foreisitata jwalo ka
engwe ya diporofense tse ka sehlohong ka
Ho phethahatso tjhebelo-pele ena hore e
sebe toro fela ho tla hlokahala monahano
o moholo le matla a mangata hotswa ho
sehlopha se seholo sa batho.
Jwale, tloo ebile o natefelwe ke
diketsahalo tsa moketjana oo kampaseng
ya Kovsie, hape o be karolo ya toro e
kgolo e iphumantshang bonono ba boleng
bo hodimo ka mefuta yohle ya yona,
hotswa botebong ba Aforika Borwa hoya
maemong a lefatshe ka bophara.
Re lebohela kantoro ya mokete e ntseng
e etsa mosebetsi o hlwahlwa ho fihlela
ha jwale, ha mmoho le Univesithi
ya Foreisitata eo eleng hore ntle le
tshebedisano-mmoho yay one, sena
ekabe entse e le toro fela.
Tlisang malapa mme le tlo natefellwang
ke bonono bohle- ka puo ya haeno.

Feesboodskappe | Festive messages | Melaetsa ya mokete

Ricardo Peach, direkteur van die

Vrystaat Kunstefees

Ricardo Peach, Director of the

Vrystaat Arts Festival

Ricardo Peach, motsamaisi wa

mokete wa Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba

Ek is n trotse Afrikaner. Ek is ook trots

Suid-Afrikaans en n wreldburger.

I am a proud Afrikaner. I am also proudly

South African as well as a world citizen.

Dit is vir my ongelooflik om te sien hoe

Afrikaanssprekende gemeenskappe uit
verskillende agtergronde oor die afgelope
dekades hande vat om diverse werke
vir ons land te ontwikkel. Die Vrystaat
Kunstefees sal voortgaan om op hierdie
taal-spesifieke produksies te fokus en dit
te ondersteun, en Afrikaans te onderhou
en te laat groei.

It is an incredible phenomenon for me

to have watched how Afrikaans speaking
communities from different backgrounds
have taken hands over the past few
decades to develop diverse Afrikaans
works for our country. The Vrystaat
Arts Festival will continue to focus on
and support these language specific
productions, maintaining and growing

Ke lekgowa (Afrikaner) le motlotlo. Hape

ke setho sa Aforika Borwa ha mmoho le sa
lefatshe se motlotlo.

Vanwe die fenomenale ondersteuning

deur ons kern- Afrikaanssprekende
gemeenskappe is ons ook in n posisie om
na ander taal- en kultuurgroepe uit te reik
en hulle te omhels - plaaslik, nasionaal
en internasionaal. Dit maak ons fees
meer relevant vir die bevolking, globaal
meer betrokke en deel van n baie groter
internasionale dialoog oor kuns, kultuur
en gemeenskap.
Ons in die Afrikaanssprekende
gemeenskappe kan nou ons regmatige
plek op die wreldverhoog inneem, nie
net omdat ons bygedra het om SuidAfrika n beter plek te maak nie, maar ook
oor die wyse waarop ons saamwerk om n
beter wreld vir almal te skep.

Because of the phenomenal support of

our core Afrikaans speaking communities,
we are also in a position to reach out
and embrace other language and culture
groups, both locally, nationally and
internationally. This makes our festival
more relevant to our nation, more globally
engaged and part of a much bigger
international dialogue around art, culture
and society.
We in the Afrikaans speaking communities
can now take our rightful place on the
world stage, not only proud of how we
contribute to building a better South
Africa, but also proud of how we work
together to create a better world for us all.

Die belangstelling in die werk wat ons hier

in die hart van die land doen, sal oor die
volgende paar jaar bly groei namate ons
nuwe maniere vind om kultuur te behou
en versoening met ander te koester.

The interest in the work we do here in the

heart of our country will continue to grow
over the next few years, as we find new
ways of maintaining culture, and fostering
reconciliation with others.

Ons leef in opwindende tye. Ek is

ongelooflik trots daarop dat ek die eerste
direkteur van die Vrystaat Kunstefees kan

We live in exciting times. I am incredibly

proud to be the first Director of the
Vrystaat Arts Festival.

Ek weet julle gaan vanjaar se uitsonderlike

program net so baie geniet soos ons toe
ons dit saamgestel het.
Die eerste Vrystaat
Kunstefees verwelkom u
na die Vrystaat: ervaar
ons pragtige provinsie en
neem deel aan een van
die mees uiteenlopende,
opwindende en
internasionaal erkende
kunstefeeste wat ons tot
op hede in SuidAfrika het.

I know that you will enjoy the

extraordinary program as much as we had
in putting it together.
The inaugural Vrystaat Arts Festival
welcomes you to the Vrystaat, to
experience our beautiful state and to
participate in one of the most diverse,
exciting and internationally connected
arts festivals we have had to date.


Ena ke ketsahalo e makatsang hore ke

bone jwalo ka ha setjhaba se buang
leleme la sekgowa (Afrikaans), ka mefuta
yohle ya bona, e kopanya matsoho
dilemong tse fitileng e le ho ka thea
mesebetsi ya sekgowa (Afrikaans) e fapafapaneng naheng ya rona. Mokete wa
Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba e tla tswela-pele e
itepamise le ho tshehetsa metheo ena ya
dipuo, e ntse e tshwarisitse le ho hodisa
sekgowa (Afrikaans).
Ka baka la tshehetso e makatsang ya
ekoko la setjhaba se buang sekgowa,
re boemong ba ho fihlella le ho keteka
dipuo tse ding le bang ba ditso tse ding
hona lapeng, naheng ya haeso le ho isa
dinaheng tse ding mose. Sena se etsa hore
mokete ona o be matshwanedi setjhabeng
sa rona, haholo ho ikamahanya le dinaha
tsa lefatshe ka bophara ntlheng ya
dipuisano tsa bonono, setso le setjhaba.
Rona batswang dibakeng tseo ho buiwang
sekgowa re ka hla ra nka maemo a
matshwanedi mokgahlelong wa lefatshe,
eseng fela ho ba motlotlo ka mokgwa wa
ho tlatseletsa ho ka aha Aforika Borwa
ya bobebe, empa hape ho ba motlotlo ka
mokgwa oo re sebedisanang ha mmoho
ka teng ho aha lefatshe leo re ka phelang
ho lona.
Kgahleho ya mosebetsing oo re o etsang
mona bohareng ba nah abo tla tswela pele
ho hola dilemong tse ding tse tlang, jwalo
ka ha re batla mekgwa e meng e metjha ya
ho tshwarella setso, le ho rupella poelano
le batho ba bang.
Re phela mehleng e kgahlisang. Ke thabile
haholo ho ba motsamaisi wa ho qala wa
mokete wa Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba.
Ke a tseba hore le tlo natefelwa ke
lenane-tsamaiso le ipabotseng leo re le
hlophisitseng ha mmoho fela jwalo ka
Moketjana wa pele wa Vrystaat Tsa
Botjhaba o a le amohela Foreisitata, ho
bona bottle le ho nka karolo ho emeng ya
meketjana e nang le mefuta ya batho ba
e etsang monate ka dikamano tsa bona le
bonono ba kantle ho naha le mose.

Feesboodskappe/Festive messages/Melaetsa ya mokete: direkteur van die Vrystaat Kunstefees

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Feesboodskappe/Festive messages/Melaetsa ya mokete: Dr. Willy Nel, fakulteit van opvoeding en

navorsingsgenoot van die Instituut vir Versoening en Sosiale Geregtigheid, Universiteit van die Vrystaat.


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Vrystaat Kunstefees en die San,

Suidelike Afrika se eerste nasies:
n poging tot erkenning

Vrystaat Arts Festival and the

San, Southern Africas First
Nations: an effort at recognition

Met die begin van kolonialisme toe hulle

stelselmatig verdryf is van die grond
waar hulle eeuelank rondgeswerf het,
het Suid-Afrika se San-mense skuiling
gesoek in die Kalahari-woestyn en die
bergareas van die land, insluitend die
Oos-Vrystaat. n Grondeis deur die
oorspronklike inwoners van die Kalahari,
die Khomani San, is in 1999 geskik, wat
hulle toegelaat het om terug te keer
na hul voorvaderlike swerfgrond, met
die dorp Andriesvale naby Askham as
kernnedersetting. In 1990 is n lereenheid
van !Xun- en Khwe-spoorsnyers wat
die destydse SA Weermag in Namibi
en Angola gedien het, uiteindelik na
Platfontein naby Kimberley hervestig as
n gebaar van beskerming. Om di drie
San-groepe, die Khomani, !Xun en Khwe,
as hersaamgestelde gemeenskappe in
Suid-Afrika te h is n geleentheid, maar
terselfdertyd ook n politieke knelpunt.

With the advent of colonialism, during

which they were systematically driven off
the land that they roamed for centuries,
South Africas San peoples took refuge
in the desert of the Kalahari and the
mountainous areas of the country,
including the Eastern Free State. The
original inhabitants of the Kalahari, the
Khomani San, got a land claim settled in
1999, allowing them to move back to their
ancestral roaming grounds, with the town
Andriesvale, near Askham, as their central
settlement. In 1990 an army unit of !Xun
and Khwe trackers from Namibia and
Angola, who served the then SA Defence
Force, were relocated to South Africa,
eventually to Platfontein near Kimberley,
as a protection gesture. Having these
three San groupings, the Khomani, !Xun
and Khwe, as reconstituted communities
in South Africa is an opportunity but also
a political conundrum. Their struggles
against domination and nostalgic
essentialism, as well as for recognition,
cannot go unnoticed.

Deur n platform vir San-kunstenaars te

bied wat n blik op hul wreld bied, het
die Vrystaat Kunstefees n proses van
erkenning begin wat solidariteit met die
Eerste Nasies van Suid-Afrika sal bou. Die
politiek van trauma en versoening soos
dit in hierdie drie San-gemeenskappe
uitspeel, dien as vrugbare grond vir
kunsskepping. Die Vrystaat Kunstefees sal
in vennootskap met my, die Universiteit
van die Vrystaat en Lee-ann Tjunypa
Buckskin, voorsitter van die Inboorling
en Torres Strait Island-komitee van die
Australiese Kunsteraad, werk om n
langtermyn- Eerste Nasies-program oor
die volgende vyf jaar te ontwikkel.
- Dr. Willy Nel, fakulteit van opvoeding
en navorsingsgenoot van die Instituut
vir Versoening en Sosiale Geregtigheid,
Universiteit van die Vrystaat.

In providing a platform for San artists to

offer a glimpse into their world through
the arts, the Vrystaat Arts Festival starts
a process of recognition which may
build solidarity with the First Nations of
South Africa. The politics of trauma and
reconciliation as it plays out in these
three San communities serves as fertile
ground for arts creation. The Vrystaat Arts
Festival will be working in partnership
with myself, the University of the Free
State and Lee-ann Tjunypa Buckskin, Chair
of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Committee at the Australia Council for the
Arts, to develop a long term First Nations
programme over the next five years.
- Dr Willy Nel, Faculty of Education and
Research Associate of the Institute
for Reconciliation and Social Justice,
University of the Free State

Hulle help ontwikkel die langtermyn Eerste Nasies-program. Van links is eerw. Mario Mahongo, tradisionele
leier van die !Xun en voorsitter van die Gemeenskapseiendomsvereniging (CPA); dr. Willy Nel, fakulteit van
opvoeding en navorsingsgenoot van die Instituut vir Versoening en Sosiale Geregtigheid, Universiteit van
die Vrystaat; Lee-ann Tjunypa Buckskin, voorsitter van die Inboorling- en Torres Strait Island-komitee van die
Australiese Kunsteraad; en Jafta Kapunda, sekretaris van die CPA.
Developing the First Nations Programme: Rev Mario Mahongo, traditional leader of the !Xun and chair of
the Community Property Association (CPA); Dr Willy Nel, Faculty of Education and Research Associate of the
Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice, UFS; Lee-ann Tjunypa Buckskin, Chair of the Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Committee at the Australia Council for the Arts; and Jafta Kapunda, secretary of the CPA.

Mokete wa Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba

le masarwa, ditjhaba tsa pele
tsa Borwa ba Aforika teko ya ho
nkela batho hlohong
Ka tebello ya dinaha tse neng di tsejwa
di laolang tse ding, ka nako eo ba neng
ba ntshiwa dibakeng tsa bona mme
ba tlatlala ka nako e telele, masarwa a
Aforika Borwa a ile a balehela le ho ipata
mahwatateng a Kalahari le dibaka tse
tletseng ka dithaba hona hara naha esita
le Foreisitata Bohlaba. Ba ahi ba Kalahari
ba mannete, masarwa a #Khomani, ba
ile ba fumana poelo ya sebaka sa bona
lemong sa 1999 ebile ba dumellwa ho
ka kgutlela moo meya ya badimo ba
bona e ntseng e foka teng, ha mmoho le
setereke sa Andriesvale haufi le Askham,
jwalo ka tulo ya bona e bohareng. Ka
1990, sesole sa !Xun le balatedi ba Khwe
hotswa Namibia le Angola ba ileng ba
sebeletsa SA Defence Force, ba ile ba
fuduhela Aforika Borwa qetellong hotla
dula Platfontein haufi le Kimberley
jwalo ka motja wa tshireletso. Boteng
ba mefuta ena e meraro ya masarwa
eleng #Khomani, !Xun le Khwe, jwalo ka
ditjhaba tse ile tsa amoheleseha semmuso
mona Aforika Borwa, ile ya eba monyetla
hape le bothata ba se politiki. Tshotleho ya
bona le ho nkellwa ha bone hlohong ho ke
ke hwa lebalwa.
Sebaka se fuwang dikgeleke tsa masarwa
ho ka bontsha ka bokgutshwanyana
lefatshe leo ba phelang ho lona la
bonono, mokete wa Vrystaat Tsa Botjhaba
o makgatheng a ho ka lokisetsa kamohelo
ya bona e eleng hore e tla tsosa maikutlo
a amanang le ditjhaba tsa pele (First
Nations) tsa Aforika Borwa.Dipolotiki tsa
ho tshoha le tsa poelano jwalo ka ha e
se e bonwe mefuteng ena e meraro ya
masarwa e tla ba yona mobu o motle ho
ka qala bonono. Mokete wa Vrystaat Tsa
Botjhaba o tla sebetsa ha mmoho le nna,
le yunibesithi ya Foreisitata ha mmoho le
Lee-ann Tjunypa Buckskin, modula-setulo
wa Aboriginal le komiti ya Torres Strait
Islander ya mane kanseleng ya Australia
ya bonono, ho ka qala lenane-tsamaiso la
ditjhaba tsa pele (First Nations) lemong
tse tlang tse hlano.
- Dr Willy Nel, fakalithing ya
boithuti le tsa patlisiso
ya sebaka sa poelano
le Social Justice,
yunibesithing ya

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Openbare en Lewende Kuns | Public and Live Art


Die Wit Perd [Deel 1] / The White Horse [Part 1]

Jess Olivieri & Parachutes for Ladies
Mandi Bezuidenhout

Louis Kruger

Lesiba Mabitsela

Gali Malebo, Chris Kleynhans, Busisiwe Matutu, Johandi du Plessis, Elrie du Toit
12 Jul 15:00 - 18:00 (optog begin by Tweetoringkerk, langs Raymond Mhlabastraat tot by die Wit Perd, Naval Hill /
Tweetoringkerk, along Raymond Mhlaba Street, ending under the White Horse, Naval Hill)

Soos die Uffingtonse Wit Perd in Brittanje is die presiese oorsprong en

geskiedenis van die Bloemfonteinse Wit Perd onseker. Sommige glo die
beeld, wat in die Anglo-Boereoorlog geskep is, was n landmerk vir die
Britse ruitery. Ander s weer die Wit Perd is geskep na die beeld van die
perd Thabure verdelger van die vyande wat aan hoofman Lerotholi,
n kleinseun van koning Moshoeshoe, die stigter van die Basotho-volk,
behoort. Daar word ook ges elke keer as n paartjie op Naval Hill soen,
gee die Wit Perd een tree vorentoe en op n Saterdagaand hoor jy hom
galop. Hierdie projek sit midde-in die betwiste aard van die Wit Perd van
Bloemfontein wat ruimte laat vir n herverbeelding van die verlede. Dit is
in hierdie tussen-in ruimte wat ons nuwe mitologie gaan skep wat op sy
beurt radikale toekomsdrome is.

In the middle of South Africa, on a hill where zebras and giraffes roam
free, lies a mysterious rock formation known as the White Horse of
Bloemfontein. The White Horse Project addresses, celebrates, reconfigures
and allows space for the multiple narratives that surround this hotly
contested sleeping giant.
Like theUffington White Horse in Brittain, some believe Bloemfonteins
White Horse was a landmark for the British cavalry, whereas others say
that the White Horse was created in the image of the horse Thabure
Destroyer of the Enemies which belonged to Chief Lerotholi, a grandson
of King Moshoeshoe, the founder of the Basotho nation. It is also said
that every time a couple kisses at Naval Hill, the White Horse moves one
step forward and on a Saturday night you can hear him galloping.This
project sits within the contested nature of the White Horse of Bloemfontein
leaving room for a reimagining of the past. It is in this in-between space
that we will create new mythologies that are in turn a radical dreaming of
the future.

Raak betrokke by die projek en skep jou eie herverbeelding van die Wit
Perd. Sluit aan by een van die gemeenskapwerksessies in die aanloop tot
die fees en word saam met honderde mede-Bloemfonteinersn karakter in
die verhaal van die Wit Perd uitgevoer deur n epiese parade in Raymond
Mhlabastraat (voorheen Andries Pretoriusstraat) wat sal eindig in n
feesviering aan die voet van die Wit Perd van Bloemfontein. Vir inligting
oor hoe om deel van die projek te word, besoek die PIKO/PIAD Facebookbladsy.

Get involved with this project and create your own fantastical reimagining
of the White Horse. Join one of the community workshops in the lead
up to the festival, to become a character in the story of the White Horse
with hundreds of your fellow Bloemfonteiners in an epic parade down
Raymond Mhlaba Street (formally Andries Pretorius Street) culminating
in a celebratory feast at the foot of the White Horse of Bloemfontein. For
more information on how to become part of this project, visit the PIKO/
PIAD Facebook Page.

Die Wit Perd-projek sou nie moontlik gewees het sonder die span
wonderlike medewerkers onder die sambreelnaam Parachutes for
Ladies nie. Mandi Bezuidenhout, fotograaf en vervaardiger, Gali Hope,
toneelskrywer en speler, Lesiba Mabitsela, kostuumontwerper, Louis
Kruger, videograaf, Chris Kleynhans, assistant-vervaardiger en model
extraordinaire, asook baie ander, te veel om te noem, maar julle weet wie
julle is.

The White Horse Project would not be possible without the team of
amazing collaborators all under the umbrella name the Parachutes for
Ladies. Mandi Bezuidenhout, photographer and producer, Gali Hope,
dramatist and performer, Lesiba Mabitsela costume designer, Louis Kruger
for video, Chris Kleynhans, assistant producer and model extraordinaire,
and many more who are too numerous to mention, but you know who
you are.

Ondersteun deur / Supported by: Australia Council for the Arts, Free State Department of Sport, Arts, Culture & Recreation, SituateART in Festivals,
Salamanca Arts Centre, Arts NSW, NAVA, Creative Partnerships Australia, University of Sydney.

Die Wit Perd [Deel 1] / The White Horse [Part 1]

In die middel van Suid-Afrika, op n heuwel waar sebras en kameelperde

vry loop, is n geheimsinnige klipformasie bekend as die Wit Perd van
Bloemfontein. Die Wit Perd-projek vier, hervorm, debatteer en laat ruimte
vir die verskeie stories oor hierdie vuurwarm-betwiste slapende reus.


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Die man in die groen kombers / The man in the green blanket
Deur/By Lesiba Mabitsela

15 Jul 12:00 (Hoffmanplain, Bloemfontein) & 14:00 (Rooiplein, UV)

15 Jul 12:00 (Hoffman Square, Bloemfontein) & 14:00 (Rooiplein, UFS)

Die man in die groen kombers / The man in the green blanket

Hierdie is n nuwe Lewende Kunsprojek deur Lesiba Mabitsela wat uit die
PIKO OPENLab2014-inisiatief spruit.
Mgcineni Mambush Noki is n naam wat min Suid-Afrikaners ken. Hy is in
die Oos-Kaap gebore, n leier, die enigste broodwinner vir sy sibbe nadat
hy sy ouers verloor het. Hy het op n jong ouderdom as booroperateur
begin werk. Hy was anoniem. n Statistiek. Op n manier nietig n belangrik
in die groter prentjie van die land se geskiedenis. Die vertoning wil Noki
as persoon, n man, gedenk. Dit is n poging om die kollektiewe onkunde
uit te wis van n volk wat net van hom weet as simbool met verwysing na
die Marikana-slagting. Vyf individue in klere gemaak van groen komberse
loop van verskillende plekke buite die stad na die middestad. Die gewenste
effek sal wees van n stad vasgevang in die kollektiewe erkenning van n
visioen, n newelbeeld.
Stemming from the PIAD OPENLab2014 initiative, The man in the green
blanket is a new Live Art project by Lesiba Mabitsela.
Mgcineni Mambush Noki is a name few South Africans will recognise.
Born in the Eastern Cape he was a leader, the sole breadwinner for
his siblings after losing his parents. He worked as a drill-operator
from a young age. He was anonymous. A statistic. Somehow both
insignificant and pertinent to the bigger picture of the countrys history.
The performance seeks to commemorate Noki as a person, a man. It is
an attempt at disabling the collective ignorance of a nation that know of
him only as a symbol used to reference the Marikana Massacre, and in
so doing, encourage a human connection with those who suffered. Five
individuals in garments made from green blankets walk from different
locations around the city towards its centre. The desired effect is of a city
captivated by the collective identification of an image, a mirage.
Ondersteun deur / Supported by: PIKO/PIAD Gourmand Fundraiser

Optrede: Ongetiteld (vir nou) / Performance: Untitled (for now)

Deur/By Sethembile Msezane
Optrede: Ongetiteld (vir nou) / Performance: Untitled (for now)

17 Jul 15:00 18:00 (Rooiplein, UV)

17 Jul 15:00 18:00 (Rooiplein, UFS)

Die kunstenaar Sethembile Msezane het haar BFA-graad in 2012 aan die
Michaelis-kunsskool van die Universiteit van Kaapstad behaal. Sy werk
tans daar aan haar meestersgraad. Msezane ondersoek haar identiteit
rondom die feit dat sy in KwaZulu-Natal gebore is, in Soweto grootgeword
het en nou n stedelike lewenstyl in n metropolitaanse stad het. Sy is n
PIKO-OPENLab-alumni van 2014 en gaan n tussenkomsvertoning met die
Rooiplein-standbeelde aanbied.
The artist SethembileMsezane completed her BFA degree at the Michaelis
School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town in 2012 and is currently
pursuing a Masters in Fine Art there. Msezane explores issues of her
identity that are centred on her being born in the 90s in KwaZulu-Natal,
growing up in Soweto and later leading an urban lifestyle in a metropolitan
city. A PIAD OPENLab 2014 alumni, Msezane will create a performance
intervention with the Rooiplein sculptures.
Chapangu- The Day Rhodes Fell

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Openbare en Lewende Kuns | Public and Live Art Dansteater | Dance Theatre
Musiek: Klassiek | Music: Classical
Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


Dansteater | Dance Theatre

Beneath the concrete


45 min


Sizakele Mdi

Sizakele Mdi, Simphiwe Mbekiselwa

Sizakele Mdi, Mmase Jane, Amee Lakas

13 Jul 20:00, 14 Jul 12:30

Di danstrio ondersoek aspekte van vrees, die effek op geestelike welsyn en sy manifestasie deur die liggaam. As reaksies gedeel word, word n
ritueel van interne kondensasie gesoek, n stilte in die onbuigsame pas van die lewe. Ons ondersoek letterlik die beton op soek na persoonlike
verligting, die skoonheid van hard en sag en weer is die oordrag in die verhoudings in die skeppingsproses. Posie word gebruik vir ons meegevoel
met kwessies oor die wreld. Dit ondersteun veral die Bring Back Our Girls-veldtog. Ondersteun deur Pacofs
The dance trio explores aspects of fear, its effects on spiritual well-being and its manifestation through the body. When responses are shared a
ritual of internal condensation is sought after, a stillness in the rigorous paces of life. We literally explore the concrete in search of personal relief,
the beauty of hard and soft and once again the translation is in the relationships formed in the creating process. Poetry is used to emphasize the
sympathy shared with issues affecting the world, particularly supporting the Bring Back Our Girls Campaign. Supported by Pacofs

Beneath the concrete


Lets eat hair


60 min
kykNET-Repteater ...? Eng 16 NTS/NLS
Carl Lazlo
Mark Antony Dobson, Inandi Vosloo, Michelle Hoffman, Michael Garbett
Czarre Strydom
Ensemble, Michael
Mark Antony Dobson, Inandi Vosloo


Mark Antony Dobson, Inandi Vosloo, Michelle Hoffman, David Griesel

n Uitgelate, absurde stuk geskryf deur Carl Lazlo in 1956. n Vars vertolking van die teks word met post-moderne dans, lewende musiek en visuele
kuns gekombineer om n nuwe verhaal te skep waarmee huidige Suid-Afrikaanse gehore hulle kan vereenselwig. Die temas is sosiale druk,
geslagstereotipes en die behoefte om weg te breek van konvensie.
A rollicking, absurdist piece written by Carl Lazlo in 1956. A fresh interpretation of the text combined with post-modern dance, live music and
fine arts creates a new story that contemporary South African audiences can relate to. The themes explored are of societal pressure, gender
stereotypes and the need to break free from convention.

Lets eat hair

15 Jul 20:30, 17 Jul 21:30



45 min

Steven van Wyk


Kristina Johnstone, Cilna Katzke, Thalia Laric,

Henk Opperman, Ciara Barron, Julia de Rosenwerth,

Kopano Maroga, Aviwe November, Nkosinathi Sangweni, Nicola van Straaten

13 Jul 16:30, 14 Jul 16:00

LoveZero is a tintelating new creation by the award-winning Underground Dance Theatre. With ex-Bloemfontein dancer Henk Opperman winner
of kykNETs Dans! Dans! Dans! this two-part contemporary dance production explores the structure of emotion and the relationship between
sensuality and logic.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


LoveZero is n prikkelende nuutskepping deur die bekroonde Underground Dance Theatre. Ook met Bloemfontein se eie Henk Opperman wenner
van kykNET se Dans! Dans! Dans! verken hierdie tweeledige kontemporre dansproduksie die struktuur van emosie en die verband tussen
wellus en logika.

Musiek: Klassiek | Music: Classical

Anmari & Ilse: Romantiese Sonates



70 min




16 Jul 16:30, 17 Jul 14:00

Romantiese sonates is die titel van Anmari en Ilse se tweede solo-CD. Die twee kunstenaars woon wel op verskillende vastelande, maar hul
diep musikale aanvoeling vir mekaar is onmiddellik hoorbaar en lok gloeiende resensies wreldwyd. Kom luister na pragtige, meesleurende
Romantiese sonates van Grieg en Chopin en korter werke van Kreisler deur twee wreldklas-musici.
Romantic sonatas is the title of the second solo CD by Anmari and Ilse.The two artists may well live on different continents, but one can immediately
hear their deep musical vibe towards each other for which they received glowing reviews world wide. Come and listen to beautiful, compelling
Romantic sonatas by Grieg and Chopin and shorter works by Kreisler performed by two world class musicians.

Anmari & Ilse

Romantiese Sonates

Anmari van der Westhuizen (tjello/cello) en Ilse Schumann (klavier/piano)


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Arabiese nagte, 1001 nagte - BFN Kinderkoor

Arabiese nagte, 1001 nagte BFN Kinderkoor



75 min

Willie Venter





Chris van Niekerk

Huibrie Verster,

Chris van Niekerk (verteller/storyteller)

13 Jul 13:00, 14 Jul 20:00
n Versameling sprokies oor die storie van sultan Shahrayar en sy vrou Scheherazade. Die sultan het sy eerste vrou doodgemaak toe hy uitvind
sy is ontrou. Hy neem n eed om elke aand te trou en die nuwe vrou voor dagbreek dood te maak. Scheherazade trou met die sultan, maar het n
plan. Sy vertel stories wat sy nie klaar maak nie sodat die sultan die volgende aand verder wil hoor. So hou die patroon aan vir 1001 nagte totdat
die sultan haar lewe spaar. Kom geniet die unieke vertolking van die besonderse verhaal.
Sultan Shahrayar killed his first wife when he learnt she was unfaithful. He takes an oath to marry every night and to kill this wife before daybreak.
Scheherazade has a plan when she marries him. She tells stories but dont finish them so that the sultan wants to hear the rest the next night. This
happens for 1001 nights until the sultan spares her life. Come and enjoy this unique interpretation of this special story.

Around the world with 007

Around the world with 007



65 min

Sand du Plessis-teater



Alexander Fokkens

Vrystaatse Simfonieorkes/Free State Symphony Orchestra, solis/soloist: Magdalene

Minnaar (sopraan/soprano)
18 Jul 19:30
Di denkbeeldige en opwindende konsertreis vat die spoor van Agent 007 - oftewel Bond, James Bond - op die maat van musiek van die lande waar
sy avonture afspeel. Saam met die orkes en die solis word die skoonheid van plekke en die vrou ondersoek, asook die opwinding van sukses, terwyl
nog n skurk se plan vir wreldoorheersing gefnuik word. Sluit by ons aan vir werke soos Caro Nome uit Rigoletto, Outdoor-ouverture deur Copland
en die onoortreflike Pomp and Circumstance-mars deur Elgar, en word vir een aand self n musiekspioen. Jy weet nooit watter verrassings mag
opduik nie.
The FSSO presents an exciting journey of the imagination. Through the sounds of different countries, we will follow the adventures and journeys of
007; Bond, James Bond. The orchestra and our soloist will explore the senses and beauty of the places, the woman and the thrill of success as yet
again another villains plot for world domination is foiled. Join us for pieces like Caro Nome from Rigoletto, Outdoor Overture by Copland and the
inimitable Pomp and Circumstance March by Elgar, as for one night we are all musical secret agents. You never know what surprises might pop up.

Duo - Kathleen Tagg & Andre Petersen



70 min

Tagg & Petersen




Kathleen Tagg, Andre Petersen

Duo - Kathleen Tagg &

Andre Petersen

15 Jul 20:00

Duo bring twee van Suid-Afrika se mees gevierde pianiste Kathleen, n klassieke pianis in New York, en Andre, n jazz-pianis in Kaapstad saam
in n verfrissende en unieke program. Die klankryke tapisserie van klassieke musiek, Suid-Afrikaanse jazz, en inheemse musiek van Suider-Afrika
word vermeng in oorsponklike komposisies, tradisionele liedere en werke deur die ikoniese musikante Abdullah Ibrahim, Bheki Mseleku en Dizu
Plaatjies, asook werke van Broadway.
Duo brings two of south Africas most celebrated pianists Kathleen, a classical pianist in New York, and Andre, a jazz pianist in Cape Town
together in a refreshing and unique programme. The rich sonic tapestries of classical music, South African jazz and indigenous music from
Southern Africa are mixed in original compositions, traditional songs and works by iconic musicians Abdullah Ibrahim, Bheki Mseleku and Dizu
Plaatjies, as well as Broadway selections.

Tea with Puccini



75 min


Zanne Stapelberg



Zanne Stapelberg (sopraan/soprano), Philippus Hugo


Tea with Puccini

17 Jul 20:30, 18 Jul 17:00

Klassieke vuurwerke, sublieme arias en hartseer-liedjies ontmoet in n weelderige nuwe opera-kabaret deur die stersopraan Zanne Stapelberg.
Moenie haar vertolking van glansryke arias soos Casta diva deur Bellini, Si mi chiamano, Mimi uit Puccini se tydlose La Bohme en Delila se
sensuele hartslied Mon coeur uit Saint-Sans se Simson en Delila misloop nie. Ook op die program is betowerende liedere uit Bernstein se West
Side Story, Samuel Barber se Sure on this shining night en nog n paar magiese musiekplesiertjies.
Classical fireworks, sublime arias and heartbreaking songs meet in a lush new opera-cabaret by star soprano Zanne Stapelberg. Having been
called a national treasure by critics, Zannes interpretation of glorious arias such as Casta Diva by Bellini, Si mi chiamano, Mimi from Puccinis
timeless La Bohme, Mon Coeur from Saint-SansSamson and Delilah, is not to be missed. These magnificent operatic numbers will be offset by
captivating songs from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein, Samuel Barbers Sure on this shining night and a few other magical music treats.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015 Musiek: Klassiek | Music: Classical
Musiek Kabaret, musiekteater & kontemporr | Music Cabaret, music theatre & contemporary
Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


Musiek Kabaret, musiekteater & kontemporr | Music Cabaret, music theatre & contemporary

Amanda Strydom - State of the heart

Nancy Wilson, Stef Bos,
65 min
Kunstetrust-Odeion ...? Afr/Eng
Koos du Plessis, Chris Blignaut, Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Amanda Strydom
Amanda Strydom
Amanda Strydom, Coenraad Rall (klavier/piano)

State of the Heart is Amanda Strydom se kabaretmeesterstuk. Sy het die stuk in 1993 geskryf en voer dit steeds ter plaatse en in Europa op.
Wanneer n Afrikaanse meisie kort voor die Tweede Wreldoorlog op n Engelse vlienier verlief raak, spat die vonke. Amanda sing in ses tale en
die storie laat gehore aan haar lippe hang. Wenner van die Dalro- en Showtime-pryse vir beste kabaret.
State of the heart is Amanda Strydoms cabaret masterpiece. She wrote it in 1993 and staged it all over South Africa and in Europe. When an
Afrikaans girl falls in love with an English pilot shortly before World War II, sparks really start to fly. Amanda sings in six languages and the story
keeps her audiences spell-bound. Winner of the Dalro and Showtimes Prizes for best cabaret.

Amanda Strydom State of the heart

16 Jul 20:30, 17 Jul 17:00

Bobby van Jaarsveld - Maak n wens

60 min
Bobby van Jaarsveld en Leon Janse van Rensburg (baskitaar), Ruan Theron
(elektriese kitaar en agtergrondsanger), De Waal Bothma (tromme)/Bobby van Jaarsveld
and Leon Janse van Rensburg (bass guitar), Ruan Theron (electric guitar and vocals), De
17 Jul 20:30
Waal Bothma (drums)
Di vertoning deur Bobby van Jaarsveld en sy orkes bring musiek vir die hele gesin! Bobby sing n verskeidenheid van musiek komende van sy
multiplatinum albums, Net vir jou, Wat geld nie kan koop nie en Maak n wens.
This show by the popular singer Bobby van Jaarsveld and his band will provide songs for everybody. Bobby will be singing a variety of music
from his albums Net vir jou, Wat geld nie kan koop nie and Maak n wens.

Bobby van Jaarsveld Maak n wens


Een Rocco, een klavier



90 min (geen pouse/no interval)

Rocco de Villiers


Rocco de Villiers, Louis Nel (14-jarige gaskunstenaar/

18 Jul 14:00 & 20:30

Een Rocco, een klavier, een ongelooflike pak klere, 15 oorspronklike musiekstukke, geen band, geen backtrack - maar soveel meer! Rocco is 50
jaar oud en 25 jaar in die musiekbedryf. Die eerste keer in 25 jaar speel hy sy eie musiek gestroop van alle tierlantyntjies. n Eerste, n moet, n
One Rocco, one piano, an amazing suit, 15 original music pieces, no band, no backtrack but so much more! Rocco is 50 years old and 25 years in
the music industry. For the first time in 25 years he plays his own music stripped of all trimmings. A first, a must, a happening!

Een Rocco, een klavier

14 year-old guest artist)

n Eeu van Eybers




60 min


Lize Beekman

Olga Leonard, Babette Viljoen, Trudie

Olga Leonard (solis/soloist, klavier/piano), Babette

Viljoen (solis/soloist, trekklavier/accordeon), Trudie Prinsloo (solis/soloist, mandolien/

15 Jul 17:30

N die sukses van God die digter ter viering van TT Cloete se 90ste verjaarsdag, bied BO-produksies n Eeu van Eybers aan ter viering van
die formidabele vrou en digter Elisabeth Eybers se 100ste verjaarsdag. In n blitstoer deur haar lewe, staan ons stil by enkele oomblikke wat
Eybers definieer.
After the success with God die digter to commemorate the 90th birthday of TT Cloete, BO Productions now presents n Eeu van Eybers as
celebration of the 100th aniversary of the formidable woman and poet Elisabeth Eybers. In a crash tour through her life, we pause at singular
moments that define Eybers.

n Eeu van Eybers

mandolin, cajon)


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Elvis Blue - Horison



60 min


Deon Opperman

Elvis Blue



Jak de Priester - Ek reis na gister

Elvis Blue - Horison

18 Jul 21:00

Die woord horison spreek van die toekoms en hoop, van dit waarna n mens streef, en dit wat altyd net buite bereik l. Dit is waar elke dag
gebore word en elke dag sterf. Soms is dit n vae gedagte en ander kere n duidelike eindstreep, maar dit spreek altyd van die mens se hunkering.
Met stories en musiek neem Elvis Blue die gehoor op n reis na die horison van die hart.
The word horizon refers to the future and hope, of that towards which we strive, and that which is always just out of reach. It is the place where
every day is born and every day dies. Sometimes it is a vague idea and other times a definite finish, but it always represents a yearning. With
stories and music Elvis Blue takes the audience on a journey to the horizon of the heart.

Jak de Priester - Ek reis na gister



90 min




Jak de Priester

Jak de Priester, Altus Muller (klawerbord/keyboard), Heinrich Pelser (kitare/guitars)

16 Jul 20:00

Jak de Priester is terug met n opwindende nuwe verhoogproduksie getiteld Ek reis na gister waarop hy die gelyknamige albummetsy 17
oorspronklike liedjies bekend stel.Dis komies, soms diep, soms mooi ballades en ook n nommer of twee wat die voete sal laat roer soos met
Roer jou voete! Die konsert sal jou laat glimlag, maar beslis n oomblik laat nadink en dalk net onverwags n traan laat wegvee.
Jak de Priester is back with an exciting new stage production in which he introduces his album with 17 original songs. It is amusing, sometimes
deep, sometimes beautiful ballads and also a song or two that will get the toes tapping like Roer jou voete! The concert will make you smile, but
also let you think for a moment and maybe you will even wipe a tear.

Nianell - Just be


90 min

Sand du Plessis-teater




Nianell - Just be

15 Jul 20:30, 17 Jul 19:30

In September 2014 stel Nianell haar mees introspektiewe en sielvolle album tot op hedebekend. Just Be is n voltooide sirkel in Nianell se
musiekloopbaan. Sy keer terug na die klank van haar eerste twee albums, maar roer die wysheid en lewenservaring van meer as n dekade by
elke liedjie in.
In September 2014, Nianell releases her most introspective and soul-bearing album to date, Just Be. The album sees the artist coming full circle
as she returns to the sound of her first two albums with a tempered wisdom and more than a decade of life experience poured into each track.

Posduif - Chris Chameleon & Daniella Deysel

Posduif - Chris Chameleon &
Daniella Deysel



80 min

Chris Chameleon




Chris Chameleon, Daniella Deysel

Chris Chameleon, Daniella Deysel

14 Jul 20:00, 15 Jul 17:30

Gehore het gewoond geraak aan die buitewreldse stemvermons van Chris Chameleon wat oor 4 oktawe strek. Vanjaar span Chris egter op
unieke wyse saam met n nuwe stem, die helder jong digter en sanger, Daniella Deysel. Haar roerende, konfronterende en ontwapenend eerlike
digkuns word aangebied in unieke toonsettings deur Chameleon. Die liedere word aaneengeskakel om die verhaal van die onsterflike liefde
tussen n man en vrou te vertel, soos vervat in hul briewe aan mekaar. Die produksie het al die kenmerke van Chameleon se werk liefde, humor,
nuuskierigheid en hoop.
Audiences have become used to the unreal vocal abilities of Chris Chameleon, which ranges over 4 octaves. But this year Chameleon collaborates
in a unique way with a new voice, the bright young poet and singer, Daniella Deysel. Her moving, confronting and disarmingly honest poetry is
presented as compositions by Chameleon. The songs are linked to tell the story of the undying love between a man and a woman as expressed in
their letters. It is a production with all the usual Chameleon traits love, humour, curiosity and hope.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Musiek Kabaret, musiekteater & kontemporr |

Music Cabaret, music theatre & contemporary


Liewe Heksie: Flower Power - n amperse pantomime


R120, R80 (kinders o.16/children u.16)


90 min

Sand du Plessis-teater

Francois Toerien, Margit Meyer-Rdenbeck (na Verna Vels se karakters/based

on Verna Vels characters)

Emile Minnie (musiekregie/musical direction & verwerking/

adaptation), lirieke/lyrics:Francois Toerien, Jurgen Human, Margit Meyer-Rdenbeck

Loukmaan Adams
Lizz Meiring

Gerrit Snyman

Rouve Hattingh, Susanne Strydom,

Margit Meyer-Rdenbeck, Chris van Niekerk, Loukmaan Adams,

Hannes van Wyk, Zanne Stapelberg, De Klerk Oelofse, Crystal-Donna Roberts, Emile
Minnie, Luca Human

Haai oe, as jy nog altyd n kind wou leen om n Liewe Heksie-vertoning by te woon, is hierdie net die show vir jou. Levinia is n dollatjie wat al
langer as 50 jaar oud en jonk bekoor. Daar is min teaterstyle wat kinders n volwassenes spontaan vermaak soos n goeie pantomime. Blommeland
se energieke, stuitige manewales gaan jou nog lank laat runnik (skuus, grinnik; o, Griet!).
Produksievennote: kykNET, ABSA-KKNK, Hiemstra Trust, Tygerburger, Hollywood Costumes, Hannon, Clemen Gold
If you ever wanted to borrow a child to see a Liewe Heksie show, now is the time. Levinia is a dolly who has charmed old and young for 50 years.
Few theatre styles entertain children and adults so spontaneously as a good pantomime. Blommelands energetic, outrageous capers will keep you
smiling. Production partners: kykNET, ABSA-KKNK, Hiemstra Trust, Tygerburger, Hollywood Costumes, Hannon, Clemen Gold

Liewe Heksie: Flower Power - n amperse pantomime

14 Jul 17:00, 15 Jul 13:00, 16 Jul 14:30 & 17:30, 18 Jul 10:30


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Taal van my hart



60 min

Janine Neethling




Magdalene Minnaar (sopraan/soprano), Janine Neethling

(klavier/piano, trekklavier/accordeon), Schalk Joubert (baskitaar/bass guitar)

Taal van my hart

16 Jul 13:00, 18 Jul 10:30

n Ballade vir Afrikaans die mooiste Afrikaanse musiek van die afgelope 60 jaar, benoem vir 3 kykNET Fista-toekennings. Di unieke
musiekervaring neem jou op n reis van bekende, beminde en berugte hartsliedjies vertolk deur n opera-diva.Splinternuwe verwerkings deur
klavier-ghoeroe Janine Neethling. Musiek van die Briels tot die Heuwels Fantasties, Mimi Coertse tot Fokofpolisiekar, met gunstelinge soos Lisa
se Klavier, Hillbrow, Stille Waters en nog vele, vele meer.
A ballad for Afrikaans the most beautiful music of the past 60 years, nominated for 3 kykNET Fista Awards. This unique musical experience takes
you on a journey of famous, loved, and infamous heart songs sung by an opera diva. Brand-new arrangements by piano-guru Janine Neethling.
Music ranges from the Briels to Heuwels Fantasties, Mimi Coertse to Fokofpolisiekar with hits like Lisa se klavier, Hillbrow, Stille waters and
many more.

Die Showcase-konsert!


120 min

Pluimbalsaal, UV



Johan Botha

Dewald Louw, Drywater en ander/and others

Die Showcase-konsert!

18 Jul 19:00

Di konsert wat gepaard gaan met die Sentraal SA Musiekekspo bied n opwindende geleentheid aan plaaslike sangers om hul talent aan ons
paneel bekend te stel. Die paneel sal bestaan uit rolspelers in die media, sowel as die musiekbedryf. Wonderlike pryse is op die spel, waarvan n
platekontrak deel sal uitmaak. Om meer inligting of om n oudisie te rel, bel 082-559-9700.
This concert, part of the Central SA Music Expo in the Badminton Hall, offers an exciting chance for local singers to show their talent to our panel.
The panel is made up of role players in the media as well as the music industry. Wonderful prizes can be won, including a recording contract. For
more information or to book an audition, phone 082-559-9700.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Aasvolklub | Vulture Club

Die Tussen Treine Show

Die Tussen Treine Show



70 min



Kontemporr, nostalgies/Contemporary, nostalgia

Richard van der Westhuizen, Lochner de Kock, Andrew Roos

17 Jul 20:30, 18 Jul 14:00
Lochner de Kock en Richard van der Westhuizen het in 1987 saam gedebuteer met die kabaret Sleutelgat. Nou, 28 jaar en 3 albums later, en sowat
3 000 vertonings agter die blad, gaan hulle op n semi-nostalgiese musikale treinreis met Die Tussen Treine Show. Bietjie oud, bietjie nuut, maar
nie n oomblik vervelig nie.
Lochner de Kock and Richard van der Westhuizen made their debut in 1987 in the cabaret Sleutelgat. Now, 28 years and 3 albums later, and with
about 3000 shows behind them, they are going on a semi-nostalgic musical train journey with Die Tussen Treine Show. Something old, something
new, but not one boring moment.



70 min




Drywater & Hadassa (gaskunstenaar/guest artist)

17 Jul 14:00


Drywater is n Suid-Afrikaanse pop-rock-band wat in 2011 in Bloemfontein gestig is. Die groep bestaan uit Rudi van Niekerk (hoofkitaar), Bernard
Mol (bas), Bernard Britz (tromme) en Hanno Mol (hoofsanger/ritmekitaar). Die naam dui op die verskillende invloede van die individuele lede en
hoe hulle hul musiek laat werk deur di verskeidenheid invloede en teksture te kombineer.
Drywater is a South African pop rock band formed in 2011 in Bloemfontein, Free State. It consists of lead guitarist Rudi van Niekerk, bassist Bernard
Mol, drummer Bernard Britz and lead vocalist/rhythm guitarist Hanno Mol.The group decided on the name to depict the different influences that
each individual member has and how they make their music work by combining the variety of influences and textures.

Musiek Kabaret, musiekteater & kontemporr |

Music Cabaret, music theatre & contemporary Aasvolklub | Vulture Club

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


Edith Piaf & Jacques Brel - huldeblyk/tribute


50 min

Leandra Joubert




C.W. Laten

Leandra Joubert, Barend Nagel en Charl Henning

16 Jul 14:00
Kom verloor jouself in n nostalgiese toer deur ou-wreldse Parys met die pragtige musiek van Piaf en Brel. Leandra sal die gehoor betower met
haar stem en liedere soos Non, je ne regrette rein, Padam Padam, La chanson de vleux en Mijn vlakke land.
Come and join a nostalgic tour through old world Paris to the beautiful music of Piaf and Brel. With her clear soprano voice Leandra will charm the
audience with songs like Non, je ne regrette rein, Padam Padam, La chanson de vleux and Mijn vlakke land.

Edith Piaf & Jacques Brel huldeblyk/tribute


Nog een koppie koffie - Lucas Maree-huldeblyk



80 min

Lucas Maree



Jacobus Silwer en Monica Maree

Jacobus Silwer en Monica Maree

15 Jul 17:30
Met die Vrystaatse legende Lucas Maree en sy lirieke en musiek nog vars in die geheue, herdenk ons die vierde jaar van sy Hemelse vakansie
met di produksie genoem na een van sy werke. Smeulende klanke uit kitare, klawerbord, tjello, saxofoon en stemme van die tuisgekweekte
kunstenaars Monica Maree en Jacobus Silwer gee lewe aan snitte soos Die weduwee se kruik, Victoriabaai, Miljoen, en vele ander. Almal word
genooi om di onvergeetlike mens, pa en liedjiereus saam met ons in herinnering te roep.
With the memory of the Free State legend Lucas Marees amazing persona, lyrics and music still fresh in our mind, we commemorate his 4th year
on his Heavenly holiday with this production named after one of his songs. Smouldering sounds from guitars, keyboard, cello, saxophone and the
voices of home-grown artists Monica Maree and Jacobus Silwer hits like Die weduwee se kruik, Victoriabaai, Miljoen and many others will come
alive. You are invited to join us in remembering a man, a father, a song giant who is deeply missed.

Nog een koppie koffie Lucas Maree-huldeblyk

Kontemporr Afrikaans/ Contemporary Afrikaans

Oom Schalk Lourens se mampoerstories



75 min



Charles Herman Bosman


Frans Swart

Frans Swart

16 Jul 17:00
Oom Schalk, n doodgewone Boer, wat eintlik n meester van oorlamse dubbelsinnigheid is, vertel di stories oor die oorlo en liefdes, gelowe
en bygelowe, onkunde en wysheid, vooroordele en insigte, deugde en sondes van n plattelandse Afrikaanse gemeenskap. Di stories, met so n
slukkie mampoer op sy tyd, het van skrywer Herman Charles Bosman n huishoudelike naam gemaak. Di briljante, potiese stories is vol satire,
sentiment, realisme, romanse, ironie en genspireerde gekskeerdery en vir die eerste keer in Afrikaans op die verhoog.
Oom Schalk, an ordinary Boer, who is a master of double entendre, relates these stories of war and love, faith and superstition, ignorance and
wisdom, prejudice and insight, virtues and sin of a rural Afrikaans community. These stories, taken with some peach brandy, made the author
Herman Charles Bosman a household name. The brilliant, poetical stories are full of satire, sentiment, realism, romance, irony and inspired fooling
and for the first time in Afrikaans on stage.

Oom Schalk Lourens

se mampoerstories

Paul Lckhoff

Piet Byleveld baasspeurder: Vraag en antwoord-toer


60 min



Realiteit, storievertel, aktueel, oudiovisueel/Reality,

storytelling, topical, audio-visual

Piet Byleveld, Jacques Botes (aanbieder/presenter)
17 Jul 11:30
Piet en Jacques gaan bekende ou sake weer besoek en die vrae stel wat nog nie beantwoord is nie. Onlangse sake wat prominent in die nuus is,
word ook onder die vergrootglas geplaas. Verder gaan die span die psige en brein van n misdadiger besoek en probeer ontleed. Piet gaan ook
raad gee oor kwellende vrae wat die gehoor mag h oor gewetenlose misdadigers se werkswyse. Die gehoor kry ook geleentheid om vrae te stel.
Piet and Jacques will look at old popular cases and issues that have never been answered. Recent cases that made headlines will also be
discussed. The presenters will try to analyse the psyche and brain of a criminal. Piet will also explain the methods of unscrupulous criminals. The
audience may ask questions.

Piet Byleveld baasspeurder:

Vraag en antwoord-toer



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Radio Kalahari Orkes



70 min




12 T/L

Ian Roberts, Barry Steenkamp, Friso Woudstra, Wynand Davel,

Radio Kalahari Orkes

Bradley Cooper, Alicia van Dyk

17 Jul 17:00, 18 Jul 17:00 & 20:30
Onbeteuelde toonklapmusiek wat ruik, proe en klink na die veld, die lug en die ritme van n windpomp in n stowwerige landskap. n Mengelmoes
van rock & roll, ghoema, Latyns, jazz en Afrikana wat harder skop as mampoer! RKO gebruik trekklavier, viool, penniefluitjies, kitare, bas, tromme,
mondfluitjies en soms n sitar. Die stemme vertel stories wat n mens laat verlang na iemand wat jy nie ken nie.
Untamed toe-tapping music that smells, tastes and sounds like the veld, the air and the rhythm of a wind mill in a dusty landscape. A mix of rock
& roll, ghoema, Latin, jazz and Africana that packs a punch harder than peach brandy! RKO uses accordion, violin, penny whistles, guitars, bass,
drums, mouth organ and sometimes a sitar. The voices tell stories which make you long for people you do not know.

Tamboerynman - Koos van der

Merwe sing Bob Dylan

Tamboerynman - Koos van der Merwe sing Bob Dylan




60 min



Koos van der merwe

Kontemporr, Storievertel/ Contemporary,

Bob Dylan

Sandra Prinsloo

Koos van der Merwe

14 Jul 17:30 & 20:30
Magies. Betowerend. So reageer musiekkenners en taalkundiges op die potiese Afrikaanse herskeppings van Dylan-meesterstukke soos
Tamboerynman, Verlore in die wind, Dat jy my liefde voel. Selfs geharde Dylan aanhangers sal hierdie huldeblyk, gekombineer met Koos se
gedigte en vertellings, as hoogtepunt beleef. Wees gereed om meegesleur te word.
Magical. Enchanting. These are reactions of music fundis and linguistics to the poetical Afrikaans recreations of Bob Dylans masterpieces like
Tambourine man and Blowing in the wind. Even hardy Dylan fans will experience this tribute, combined with Kooss poems and anecdotes, as a
highlight. Be ready to be entranced.

The Lyzyrd Kyngs - Piet Botha & Akkedis



75 min




Piet Botha & Akkedis

TThe Lyzyrd Kyngs Piet Botha & Akkedis

16 Jul 20:30

Die kitare sing. Soms in harde, ongebonde blues. Soms in n Spaanse geur. Soms in die folkerige, country-manier wat jou laat l in n groen
weiveld met n blou hemelruim. Die man met die wit-grys baard en die rou-grof stem sing stories van jare se verho en wilde nagte. Ander kere
is dit n sagter stem wat vertel. The Lyzyrd Kyngs is n besondere kombinasie van talent. Wanneer die legendariese blues-rocker Piet Botha en die
groep Akkedis as The Lyzyrd Kyngs musiek maak, hang magic in die lug.
The guitars sing. Sometimes in loud, unfettered blues. Sometimes with a Spanish flavour. Then again in a folksy, country way which lay you down
in green pastures under a blue sky. The man with the white-grey beard and the gruff voice sings stories of years of stages and wild nights. And
other times the voice is softer. The Lyzyrd Kyngs is a rare combination of talent. When the legendary blues rocker Piet Botha and the group Akkedis
make music as The Lyzyrd Kyngs, magic is in the air.

The songs of Neil Young Rockspiders & friends



60 min




The songs of Neil Young

Rockspiders & friends

Peter Mynhardt, Max Theron, Riaan Bailey, Paul Wege, Isabel van Rooyen,
Deon van Rooyen
15 Jul 20:30
Beeldbestormer, innoveerder, dis Neil Young, een van die invloedrykste liedjieskrywers en kitaarspelers van sy generasie gebore in Kanada.
Young, bekend vir liedjies soos Heart of gold, Harvest moon, The needle en The damage done, is twee keer benoem om in die Rock n Roll Hall of
Fame opgeneem te word. Die Rockspiders, vriende en n sesstuk-band laat sy liedjies herleef.
Iconoclast, innovator, thats Neil Young, one of the most influential songwriters and guitarists of his generation who was born in Canada. Young,
known for songs like Heart of gold, Harvest moon, The needle and The damage done was nominated twice to be inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall
of Fame. His best known songs are being represented by the Rockspiders and Friends and a six piece band.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Aasvolklub | Vulture Club Blrkas


The way we were! Cat sings Barbra her way



60 min



Paul Spence

Kontemporr, musiekspele/Contemporary,
Cat Simoni

18 Jul 12:00

Musiekspele, flieks, sgoed en onvergeetlike liedjies. Cat se verstommend suiwer eerlike stem is perfek vir die tydlose, pragtige Barbra Streisandtreffers, van The way we were tot Woman in love. Wonderlike musiek deur sommige van die wreld se groot liedjieskrywers: Gershwin, Kern,
Porter, Sondheim, Bernstein, Rodgers & Hart en Lerner & Loewe. Niemand vertolk Barbra beter nie. N 10 jaar van optredes voor die internasionale
crme de la crme in Londen se 5-ster-hotels en eksklusiewe klubs, The Ritz, Carlton, Dorchester, Mayfair, en so meer, is Cat Simoni tuis en verheug
om Suid-Afrikaanse gehore te vermaak.
Musicals, movies, anecdotes and unforgettable songs.Theway weweretoWoman in love. Featuring sensational music of some oftheworlds
greatest songwriters, Gershwin, Kern, Porter, Sondheim, Bernstein, Rodgers & Hart and Lerner & Loewe. Quite simply nobody doesBarbrabetter.
After ten years singing for the international crme de la crme at Londons 5-star hotels and exclusive clubs, The Ritz, Carlton, Dorchester, Mayfair
et al, Cat Simoni is back home and delighted to be entertaining South African audiences!

The way we were!

Cat sings Barbra her way


Dinsdag 14 Julie 2015


Cd Promo Artist
Jonien Fourie
Tribute To Dean Martin
With Mario Lategan
Hennie Jacobs (7de Laan)
Naude Swart
Hennie Jacobs (2de helfte)


15/07 21:00 Brendon Pyper

16/07 20:00 / 22:00 Caitlin


Cd Promosiekunstenaar
Rene Van Zyl
Wesna Steenkamp
Andriette Norman
Brendon Pyper
Andriette Norman (2nd half)
Zak Steyn



Cd Promo Artist
Leandra Nora Joubert
Caitlin Zambiese Elektriese Violis,
21:00 Brendon Pyper
22:00 Caitlin Zambian Electric Violinist,
International Act
23:00 Balzhak Band Live

Vrydag 17 Julie 2015

17/07 20:00 / 22:00 Emo Adams

18/07 20:00 / 22:00 Dj Ossewa


Serame - Pop Idol

Jacobus Silwer (met kitaar)
Emo Adams
Il Orio Pop Classic Trio
Emo Adams (2de helfte)

Saterdag 18 Julie 2015

15/07 21:00 / 22:00 Andriette Norman


Battle of the Singing Schools

Cd Promo Artist
Cd Promosiekunstenaar
Cd Promo Artist
Cd Promosie: Chri-Zade
Reinhard Mulke
Dj Ossewa
Francois Jacobs
Dj Ossewa (2de helfte)
DJ: Dansmusiek/Dance Music

intelligent design
with thought and craftmanship at its core.
Kreatiewe ontwikkeling van die nuwe handelsmerk

kunstefees arts festival tsa - botjhaba

C r e a t i v e



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Toneel: Drama | Theatre: Drama



90 min


Janice Honeyman



Elton Landrew, Waldemar Schultz, Lee-Ann van Rooi,

Gideon Lombard, Crystal-Donna Roberts


Saartjie Botha

Andr P Brink


15 Jul 17:00 & 20:00, 16 Jul 10:00

Kupido Kakkerlak is nie op die gewone manier uit sy ma se liggaam gebore nie, hy het uitgebroei uit die stories wat sy vertel het. S begin
Bidsprinkaan, wat alom as Brink se beste roman gereken word. Kupido Kakkerlak is n leuenaar, drinker, minnaar en bakleier; n legendariese
jagter getem deur n vrou. Danontmoet hy n sendeling enword deur die Woord betower. S word hy npredikeren dan die eerste Khoi-sendeling.
Bidsprinkaan is op n ware verhaal gegrond en is, volgens Landrew, nstorie vir alle Suid-Afrikaners.
Kupido Kakkerlak was not born in the usual way out of his mothers body, he hatched from the stories she told. So begins Bidsprinkaan, regarded
as Brinks best novel. Kupido Kakkerlak is a liar, boozer, lover and fighter; a legendary hunter tamed by a woman. Then he meets a missionary
and becomes enchanted by the Word. He becomes a preacher and then the first Khoi missionary. Bidsprinkaan is based on a true story and is,
according to Landrew, a story for all South Africans.



65 min


Sandra Prinsloo



DuPreez Strauss

Jan Groenewald, Erik Holm

Erik Holm

14 Jul 17:00, 16 Jul 12:00, 16 Jul 20:00


Hulle speel met n bal, dit beland in die water. Hy duik agterna maar die dam is vlak. Hy breek sy nek. Die dood nader: hy moet leef
vir ander. In donker dae ontglip hy die werklikheid na n ander sfeer van bestaan, surrealisties en abstrak. Hy bevriend dolfyne. Hulle vertel hom
waarom hy leef en deel insigte wat sy lewe n ander betekenis gee. n Multi-media-produksie met werklikegebeure wat op n skerm afspeel.
They play ball, it falls in the water. He dives in to retrieve it, but the dam is shallow. He breaks his neck. Death approaches: he must live for others.
In dark days he escapes reality to another sphere of existence. Surreal and abstract. He befriends dolphins. They tell him why he is living and
shares insights that give his life another meaning. A multi-media production with real things happening on a screen.

Die klaagliedere van ds. Tienie Benade



75 min

Dana Snyman



Gerrit Schoonhoven

Frank Opperman

Die klaagliedere van

ds. Tienie Benade

15 Jul 20:30, 16 Jul 16:30, 18 Jul 13:30

Tienie Benade is n middeljarige predikant van n sukkelende Afrikaanse gemeente. Die gemeente se lidmaatgetalle kwyn, die skuldlas groei en
die gemeentelede wat steeds tot die kerk behoort, is onseker hoe om sinvol in n moderne wreld te bly glo. Dis n storie van verdriet, maar ook
n storie van die hoop wat nie beskaam nie.
Tienie Benade is a middle-aged minister of a struggling Afrikaans congregation. The congregations members are dwindling, the debt is growing
and those who still belong to the church are not sure how to still believe in a modern world. It is a heart-breaking story, but also one in which
hope is not impossible.

Wies bang vir Virginia Woolf?

Wies bang vir Viginia Woolf?



120 min

Edward Albee


Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Saartjie Botha



16 TS/LS

Christiaan Olwagen

Sandra Prinsloo, Marius Weyers, Wessel Pretorius, Greta Pietersen

14 Jul 20:30, 15 Jul 20:00, 16 Jul 09:30, 18 Jul 14:00
Om getroud te wees is nie vir sissies nie. Edward Albee se klassieke verhoudingsdrama stel n jong getroude paar bloot aan n oorlog tussen ou
getroudes in n nag van verwyte, verraad, ontboeseming en versinsel. Dis n waansinnige, maar bekende blik op wat mense aan mekaar doen:
uit liefde, uit selfbehoud, wanneer drome en ideale nie realiseer nie en mense met mekaar opgeskeep sit. Huweliksmaats wat mekaar genadeloos
uitoorl en in die proses bewys dat min dinge so snaaks is soos gemeensame wreedheid tussen bekende partye. n Clover Aardklop-produksie
It is not easy being married. Albees classic drama about relationships exposes a young couple to a war between married veterans in a night of
blame, deceit, revelation and invention. It is a crazy but well-known view on what people do to each other: out of love and self-defense, when
dreams and ideals do not realise and people have to put up with each other. Married partners who defeat each other without mercy and in the
process prove that few things are as funny as familiar cruelty between known parties. A Clover-Aardklop production

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Toneel: Drama | Theatre: Drama




80 min

Ina Wichterich

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Charl-Johan Lingenfelder



16 D

Christiaan Olwagen

Erik Holm, Tinarie van Wyk Loots, Rolanda Marais, Albert Pretorius, Barileng Thato
Malibye, Roelof Storm, Bontle Wichterich-Mohane

17 Jul 09:30 & 21:00, 18 Jul 10:00

n Jong man ondersoek die verbrokkeling
van sy ouers se verhouding nadat
veelvuldige sklerose by sy pa, n
predikant, gediagnoseer is. n Eietydse
Job in die woestyn. n Gesprek tussen
geskiedenis en geloof, identiteit en
bestaan, menslikheid en die magiese.
n Verhaal oor grootword in n huis met
Dylan en dogma. Bekroon met twee
Kannas vir die beste debuutproduksie,
asook beste produksie tydens ABSA
KKNK 2014.

Ondersteun deur UV Studentesake /

Supported by UFS Students Affairs

Siener in die suburbs


130 min [20min

PG du Plessis

Kosie Smit

17 Jul 21:00, 18 Jul 17:00 &

Andr Huguenet-teater

Alexa Strachan



14 TG/LV

Heinrich Reisenhofer

Shaleen Surtie-Richards, Christo Davids, Brendon Daniels, Ivan Abrahams,

Crystal-Donna Roberts, Dann-jaques Mouton, Andrea Frankson

Ek wil van geweet wees, Ma, ek wil nie
vrek soos n hond nie, ek wil van geweet
wees die wanhopige kreet van
Tiemie, die pragtige jong vrou van Du
Plessis se Hertzogprys-bekroonde 1971
drama. Dit speel af teen n agtergrond
van maatskaplike verval, maar die
fokus bly op die komplekse onderlinge
menseverhoudings. Dis nie ingewikkeld
nie, nie hoogdawerend, betogend nie,
dis sonder etikette, so inheems soos die
skrywer self, dis komies en ontroerend.
Chris Barnard
I want people to know about me, Ma,
I dont want to die like a dog. the
desperate cry of Tiemie, the beautiful
young woman in Du Plessis 1971 drama
that won the Hertzog Prize. It takes
place against a background of social
decline, but the focus remains on the
complex underlying human relations.
it is not complicated, not bombastic,
not argumentative, it is without labels,
as indigenous as the author himself, it is
funny and moving. Chris Barnard
Ondersteun deur / Supported by: Die
Dagbreek-trust, Pacofs
Produksievennote / Production partners:
Woordfees, ABSA KKNK, Clover
Aardklop, Suidooster Festival

Siener in die suburbs



A young man delves into the crumbling

relationship of his parents after multiple
scleroseis is diagnosed in his dad, a
minister. A present-day Job in the desert.
Dialogue between history and faith,
identity and existence, humanity and the
magical. A story about growing up in a
house with Dylan and dogma. Won two
Kannas for best debut production and
also best production at the ABSA KKNK


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

The mother of all eating




Andr Huguenet-teater

The mother of all eating

Makhaola Siyanda Ndebele


13 OB/PG

Zakes Mda

Mpho Osei-Tutu, Jerry Mntonga,

Bernett Mulungo (pianis / pianist)

16 Jul 17:30 & 20:30
n Satire wat kyk na n ongelukkige kultuur van korrupsie genaamd eet wat sinoniem geword het met korrupte staatsamptenare wat hulsef deur staatsonderhandelings
en -fondse verryk het. Die stuk draai om Die Man, hoofsekretaris van n regeringsminister. Die Man is totaal korrup en het homself behoorlik binne die regering
verryk. Hy is die hooffigguur in n onlangse staatstender wat verkeerd geloop het, wat maak dat sy uitspattige lewe skielik tot n einde kom. Geplaas in Lesotho in
die 1980s ontbloot hierdie tydlose klassieke werk die gierigheid, verwoesting en tragiese gevolge van korrupsie.
A satire exploring an unfortunate culture of corruption called eating which has become synonymous with corrupt state officials who enrich themselves through
government deals and funds. The play centres around The Man; the principal secretary to a government minister. The Man is corrupt to the core, and has thoroughly
enriched himself within the ranks of his government. He is the main figure involved in a recent government tender deal gone wrong; causing his extravagant life to
come to an abrupt end. Set in Lesotho in the 1980s, this timeless classic exposes the greed, the destructive mindsets, and tragic effects behind corruption.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

n Aand van grappe, stories, posie en

booty shaking. Candy B is een van die
uitsonderlikste verhoogkunstenaars
in Australi. Hierdie skerp talent, met
Suid-Afrikaanse ouers, het n tong wat
soos n peits piets en n vlymskerp
spitsvondigheid. Sy tree gereeld
op Melbourne se Internasionale
Komediefees op en is die ringmeester
van Circus Oz. Sy baan haar eie paadjie
en eet kultuur vir ontbyt. Di vuurwarm
bruin heuningkoekie verskaf n uur
van grappe en kommentaar oor bruin
grootword doer onder, veelrassige
afsprake, hip-hop, booty shaking en
haar groot sonde . . . koek. Candy B
flows between conversational standup, musical numbers and cultural
commentary without missing a step.
Herald Sun

A taste of Candy B


Toneel: Komedie | Theatre: Comedy

A taste of Candy B


60 min

OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium



15 T/L

Candy Bowers
13 Jul 20:30, 14 Jul 13:00

A night of jokes, stories, poetry and

booty shaking. Candy B is one of the
most extraordinary performers to
come out of Australia. Born of South
African parents, this fierce talent has
a tongue like a whip and an even
sharper wit. A regular at Melbourne
International Comedy Festival and
ring-mistress of Circus Oz, this
comedian cuts her own path and eats
culture for breakfast. Indulge this hot
brown honey for an unplugged hour
of jokes and commentary on growing
up brown down under, interracial
dating, hip hop, booty-shaking and
her number one vice . . . cake. Candy
B flows between conversational
stand-up, musical numbers and
cultural commentary without missing
a step. Herald Sun

Affairs vir domkoppe 2



65 min

Chris Vorster




14 T/L

Chris Vorster

Affairs vir domkoppe 2

14 Jul 20:00, 17 Jul 17:30, 18 Jul 13:30

Chris Vorster (Ryno van 7de Laan) is op sy beste met die opvolg van die suksesvolle en snaakse Affairs vir domkoppe. In Domkoppe 2 sluit twee
nuwe karakters by die reeds sterbelaaide rolverdeling aan. In die eerste film het Chris klas gegee oor affairs. Nou is dit meer n aksie-avontuur
. . . iets tussen Frankenstein en The Fugitive. Maak gereed vir n dolle jaagtog. Jy kan Domkoppe 2 geniet sonder om die eerste te gesien het. Chris
vertolk verskeie bekendes skitterend, di keer is daar o.a. Tobie Cronj, Steve Hofmeyr, Shaleen Surtie-Richards en Die Flooze.
Chris Vorster (Ryno in7de Laan) is at his best in the sequal of the successful and funny Affairs vir domkoppe. Now two new characters join the
already star studded cast. In the first film Chris was teaching. Now it becomes an action adventure . . . something between Frankenstein and
The fugitive. Be ready for a crazy chase. You can enjoy Domkoppe 2 without having seen the first show. Chris is excellent as several celebrities,
like Tobie Cronj, Steve Hofmeyr, Shaleen Surtie-Richards and The Flooze.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Toneel: Drama | Theatre: Drama Toneel: Komedie | Theatre: Comedy


Amper, Vrystaat!


60 min


Nico Scheepers



14 OB/PG

Antoinette Louw, Milan Murray, Cintaine Schutte

Mense s die Vrystaat is waarheen verlore siele trek om dood te gaan, waar geheime die emmer skop, waar die aarde so plat is jy sien jou hele
toekoms as jy n windpomp klim. . . En so ontmoet drie vervreemde susters een Saterdag vir Ma se begrafnis in Amper, n dorpie duskant nrens.
Daarby het die vreemde omstandighede rondom hul ma se dood die hele kontrei aan die gons.
People say the Free State is where lost souls move to in order to die, where secrets kick the bucket, where the earth is so flat that you can see your
whole future if you climb a windmill . . . And so three estranged sisters meet one Saturday for Mas funeral in Amper, a town next to nowhere.
Besides, the strange circumstances round their mothers death have got the whole town talking.

Amper, Vrystaat!

13 Jul 19:30, 15 Jul 16:30, 17 Jul 15:00

Boeing Boeing


120 min

Hugo Taljaard




Henry Mylne

14 N

Marc Camoletti

Theodore Jantjies, Hennie Jacobs,

Heino Schmidt, Werner Coetzer, Kaz McFadden, Lindie Stander

Vyf gay karakters in die sestigerjare in Parys. n Fransman is terselfdertyd in verhoudings met drie vlugkelners/ lugmatrasse. Hy beplan hul
afsonderlike progressie na sy slaapkamer met behulp van n internasionale tydrooster. Sy seksueel-naewe ou vriend word deel van die chaos as
sygladde ratwerk skeefloop met die oorskakeling na vinniger Boeings en al drie vlug-kelners gelyktydig op hom toesak.
Five gay characters in Paris in the sixties. A Frenchman has, at the same time, affairs with three flight attendants (air mattresses). He plans their
seperate progression to his bedroom with the help of an international flight schedule. His sexual naive best friend becomes part of the chaos when
his smooth plans go haywire with the transition to faster Boeings and all three attendants arrive together at his flat.

Boeing Boeing

17 Jul 10:30, 18 Jul 16:00 & 20:00

Curl up and dye



75 min

Sue Pam-Grant

OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium
Karabelo Lekalake



16 T/L

Tinah Mnumzana, Mosili Makuta,

Gene McCaskill, Michelle Hoffman, Lulu Botha/Marnele Bester

Sue Pam-Grant se teks ondersoek en definieer seksualiteit, identiteit, tradisie en geslag. Kragtig en pittig, tog eggo n ongemaklike inhoud die
stemme van Suid-Afrika se vroue. Sommige veg om te behou wat hulle het, ander veg net om te kan bestaan. Die stuk ontbloot dit waarmee
afgereken sal moet word om versoening in die komende nuwe Suid-Afrika te bereik.
Sue Pam-Grants robust text desires to explore and define sexuality, identity, tradition and gender. Powerful and witty yet an uncomfortable story
echoes voices of women in South Africa. Some are fighting to keep what they have, others are fighting for existence. The play exposes the bare
wires that would have to be dealt with in achieving reconciliation in the imminent new South Africa.

Curl up and dye

16 Jul 16:30, 17 Jul 10:00, 18 Jul 10:30

Die Kaap is weer Holms


75 min

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Marion Holm, Chris Vorster

Marion Holm

Chris Vorster



Craig Leo

13 Jul 17:30 & 20:00, 14 Jul 09:00

Ag nee regtig? Wil jy vir my s jyt nog nooit vir Marion Holm op die verhoog gesien nie? Ai tog . . . dan is dit seker jou eerste fees? Welkom! Ons
weet jy sal dit vreeslik geniet . . . dis een vrou, hope stories, bietjie heimwee, baie lag. Holm wag nie vir ander om haar Kaap Hollands te maak nie,
sy maak sommer self haar Kaap Holms. Kom nou, maak jou fees n fees en kom kyk hoe om j Kaap Holms te maak!
Come on! Have you really never seen Marion Hom on stage before? Oh dear . . . then this must be your first festival. Welcome! We know you will
enjoy this very much provided you understand Afrikaans . . . its one woman, many stories, a bit of nostalgia and lots of laughter. Holm waits for
no one to make her life a ball, she does it herself. So come and get tips from Holm on how to make your life a joyous occasion yourself.

Die Kaap is weer Holms



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Die wagkamer


60 min

Saartjie Botha

OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium

Johan Engelbrecht


Afr / Eng

Elize Cawood, Wilson Dunster

Die wagkamer

15 Jul 16:30, 16 Jul 11:00 & 20:30, 17 Jul 13:30

N die sukses van die-hoe-se-wat-se-wie-nou-weer? is Bertie en Alfrieda Botha terug, in Die Wagkamer, geskryf deur Saartjie Botha. Wat is n
mondigwording-storie? Mens sien prentjies van avonture en n gelag en verwarring en hartseer. Dis presies wat Die Wagkamer is behalwe
dat dit 60 jaar later is n tweede mondigwording. Nuwe woonplek, nuwe bekommernisse, nuwe vrese. Twee oumense wat nuwe dinge ervaar
deur mekaar se brille daarna kyk en lag terwyl hulle wag. Elize Cawood en Wilson Dunster in nog n treffer-tragi-komedie.
Bertie and Alfrieda Botha are back in Die Wagkamer after the success of die-hoe-se-wat-se-wie-nou-weer? What is a coming-of-age story? One
pictures adventures and laughter and confusion and heartbreak. Die Wagkamer is exactly that except its 60 years later a second coming-ofage. New home, new worries, new fears. An old couple experiencing something new, seeing it through each others glasses and laughing while
waiting. Elize Cawood and Wilson Dunster in another hit tragicomedy.

Die woema van n windgatwyfie

Die woema van n windgatwyfie



60 min

Barry van Rensburg

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater
Andr Stolz



Shaleen Surtie-Richards

14 Jul 13:00, 15 Jul 10:00, 16 Jul 13:00 & 21:30

Die Woema van n Windgat Wyfie gaan beslis Suid-Afrika verower. Dit volg in die voetspore van die gat-trilogie (Windgat, Banggat en Jou gat
my Skat!). Dis skreeusnaakse komedie met diepte. Dit bekyk die mensdom en verhoudings vanuit die perspektief van die windgat, en spesifiek
die windgat-vrou. Jy herken jouself en jou medemens in die lewensgetroue situasies. Dit steek die draak met, maar gee ook hoop, vir al die gatte
daar buite.
This outrageous comedy with depth is definitely going to win South Africa over. It follows in the wake of the gat trilogy (Windgat, Banggat
and Jou gat my skat!). It looks at humanity and relationships from the perspective of the bragger, and specifically the bragger female. You will
recognise yourself and your fellow human being in the true to life situations. It pokes fun at, but also gives hope for all the windgatte out there.

Innie rof


60 min

Leon Kruger




14 T/L

Neels van Jaarsveld

14 Jul 13:30, 16 Jul 15:00, 18 Jul 20:30

Innie rof

Ek is baie algemeen. Die ou langsaan. Die gewone ou. Ek is so gewoon my register-onderwyser deur my hele horskoolloopbaan was verras toe
sy een oggend in matriek my naam uitlees en nie kon help om te vra nie: Hoe lank is jy al hier? Ek is so algemeen ek kan na enigeen of niemand
lyk. Uit n sekere hoek lyk ek soos almal se buurman. Ek is so algemeen soos margarine, aartappelslaai en Sasko meel. Ek is so gewoon en
oninteressant soos gras. Ek is Jan Alleman . . . en toe begin ek gholf speel.
Im very ordinary. The guy next door. The usual guy. Im so ordinary my register teacher through all my high school years was surprised one
morning reading my name: How long have you been here? Im so ordinary I look like everybody and nobody. From a certain angle I look like
everyones neighbour. Im as ordinary as margarine, potato salad and Sasko flour. Im as ordinary and uninteresting as grass. I am Everyman . . .
and then I started to play golf.

My boetie se boetie se boetie se baba



125 min

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Ray Cooney, Michael Cooney




Frans Swart

Cobus Venter, Cindy Swanepoel, Marga van Rooy, Botha Enslin, Francois van Rensburg,

rof se boetie
se boetie se baba

Ana van Achterbergh, Dirk Vermeulen, Duncan Johnson, Phillru van Achterbergh
16 Jul 17:30, 17 Jul 13:00 & 17:00, 18 Jul 20:00
Tom Koekemoer en sy vrou Linda is opgewonde oor die vooruitsig om n baba aan te neem. Hulle moet nog net n paar vrae van die maatskaplike
werker antwoord en die baba is hulle sn. Maar dinge werk nie so uit nie. Nie met twee broers soos Tom sn nie die een met gesmokkelde
ware en die ander wat n lyk in sy tuin wil begrawe. Onwettige immigrante, n knaende polisiekonstabel en n skobbejak maak alles een groot
Tom Koekemoer and his wife Linda is about to adopt a baby. They only have to answer some questions from a social worker and the baby will be
theirs. But so easy it is not, not with Toms brothers the one involved with smuggling and the other trying to bury a corpse in the garden. Illegal
immigrants, a questioning police constable and a scoundral help to derail everything.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Toneel: Komedie | Theatre: Comedy Toneel: Storievertel | Theatre: Story Theatre




65 min




14 T/L

Leon Kruger

Chanelle de Jager, Paul du Toit

En toe is julle drie. N nege maande het jul Pienkvoet gearriveer. Jullet al die boeke gelees, die internet gefynkam en jul ore vir al wat raad is
gespits, maar niks kon julle voorberei op die totale aanslag van n eersteling nie. N ses weke besef jy jy het ses weke laas geslaap en wonder of
die hospitaal di wonderwerkie sal terugneem. Maar nes jy breekpunt bereik, smile sy vir jou. Nou wat nou? As jy n ouer is, sal jy begryp en as jy
wonder waaroor al die bohaai is, is di skreeusnaakse sketskomedie net die regte doepa!
And now youre three. After nine months your pink baby arrived. Youve read all the books, checked the internet and tried to remember all the
advice you were given, but nothing could have prepared for the total onslaught of a first born. You havent slept in six weeks and wonder if
the hospital will take this little miracle back. But just when you reach breaking point, she smiles at you. Now what? If you are a parent you will
understand, and if you wonder what all the fuss is about, this outrageous comedy might just be the answer.


15 Jul 20:30, 17 Jul 12:00, 18 Jul 17:00



100 min




Anton Tsjekhof

Nico Luwes


Chris Vorster, Thys Heydenrych, Johann Nel, Nico Luwes, Pieter Venter

Die beroemde dramaturg op sy skerpste! Drie kort tragi-komedies verwerk vir die Vrystaatse pryswennerakteurs en -regisseurs saam aangebied
met twee kort pouses. Die skadelike effek van twak is n solostuk oor n pateet wat n toespraak moet maak oor die skadelike effek van twak. In n
Tragiese krel teen wil en dank smeek n staatsampenaar sy stadvriend vir n rewolwer om sy kop weg te blaas. Getroude mans sal skater vir
sy relaas oor sy daaglikse lot. Swanesang is n juweel oor n ou akteur en n ou souffleur se laaste aand in die teater wat die hartsnare gaan roer!
The famous playwright at his wittiest. Three short tragi-comedies adapted for the Free States prize-winning actors and directors divided by two
short intervals. Die skadelike effek van twak is about a pathetic man who must speak about the damaging effect of tobacco. In n Tragiese krel
teen wil en dank a civil servant begs a revolver from a city friend so that he can blow his head off. Married men should find his view on his daily
lot very funny. Swanesang is a very moving jewel about the last night of an old actor and an old prompt in the theatre.


15 Jul 10:00, 16 Jul 21:00, 17 Jul 21:00



65 min

Ilne Fourie

OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium



Ilne Fourie

Dit was in 2008 by die see, toe n dogtertjie vir haar pa vra: Why is that lady so fat?, dat Ilne besluit het genoeg is genoeg. VettieBOEMBOEM is
n vertelling, n praatjie van inspirasie, n goedvoel-verhaal vertel in Fourie se eie unieke komiese aanslag en styl oor gewigsverlies, hoe om dit op
die regte manier te doen, haar suksesverhaal en lang en soms baie alleen pad wat sy gestap het. n Moetsien vir vroue, dames, dogters, en selfs
die enkele mans wat glo slaai is net vir hase en bokke bedoel!
It was during a beach holdiay in 2008 that a little girl asked her dad: Why is that lady so fat? that Ilne decided to do something about her body.
VettieBOEMBOEM is a narration, an inspirational talk, a feel good story told in Ilnes unique comical style about weight loss, the correct way to do
it, her success story and the long and sometimes difficult road to get there. A must see for women, girls and daughters and even those males who
believe salad is only for rabbits and goats!
Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


14 Jul 21:00, 17 Jul 19:30, 18 Jul 21:00

Toneel: Storievertel | Theatre: Story Theatre

My travelling bag

80 min

Gcina Mhlope

OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium
Gcina Mhlope



14 Jul 17:00, 15 Jul 12:30 & 20:00

Van jongs af het ek oral deur my tuisprovinsie, KZN, gereis. In die afgelope 33 jaar was ek gesend om kruis en dwars oor di wonderlike wreld
te reis. Oe, die wonderlike ondervindings, ontelbare mementos en herinneringe wat my kop vul soos n betowerde Afrikabos. Die baie kulture en
gefrustreerde tye gevul met vrees en heimwee. Maar niks kan die vreugde klop om die stories van my mense op wreldverho te vertel nie, die
magiese universaliteit van di stories, wat vir eens en altyd bewys dat mense meer eenders is as wat hulle verskil.
From a very young age I got to travel all over my home province, KZN. In the past 33 years I have been blessed to travel the length and breadth
of this amazing world. Oh the amazing experiences, countless the mementos and memories that fill my head like an enchanted African forest. The
many cultures and frustrating times filled with fear and homesickness. But nothing can top the joy of sharing the stories of my people on world
stages, the magical universality of these stories, proving once and for all that people are more alike than different.

My travelling bag



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Reinier (Grootlieg) de Winnaar

Reinier (Grootlieg) de Winnaar



60 min


Ingrid Howard, Chris van Niekerk



Pietman Geldenhuys

Ingrid Howard

Chris van Niekerk, Pietman Geldenhuys

16 Jul 10:00, 17 Jul 11:00
Renier de Winnaar (Chris van Niekerk), di spekskieter van formaat, is op 22 September 1795 in Tulbach gebore. Hierdie legendariese figuur
het met sy vergesogte stories tot 1883 van presidente tot volksgenote vermaak. Renier se getroue skaduwee, genaamd Vosmerrie (Pietman
Geldenhuys), moes alle vertelling beaam as die reine waarheid nou doen hy dit ook deur sy musiek. Di produksie laat jou skaterlag-ligvoets
huiswaarts keer.
Renier de Winnaar (Chris van Niekerk), formidable fibber, was born in Tulbach on September 22, 1795. Until 1883 this legendary figure entertained
presidents and fellow citizens alike with his outrageous stories. Reniers faithful shadow, named Vosmerrie (Pietman Geldenhuys), had to
corroborate all his stories as the absolute truth now he also does it with his music. This production will happily send you home laughing all
the way.
Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Toneel: Woordkuns | Theatre: Literary Art



40 min

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, teologiese klaskamer nr.

33 / theological class no. 33


Diek Grobler

Afrikaans poems



n Seleksie Afrikaanse gedigte / A selection of

Vir die ATKV: Nita Cronj

In hierdie produksie van die ATKV, in samewerking met Diek Grobler, is n reeks kort animasiefilms geskep wat genspireer is deur n seleksie van
12 Afrikaanse gedigte. Klassieke gedigte, asook die werk van kontemporre digters, word gebruik word om n visuele bloemlesing saam te stel
waarin n dialoog tussen woord en beeld geskep word. Elke animasiefilm het sy eie klankbaan waarop die gedig onder andere voorgelees word.
Die DVD-vertoning word vergesel van n uitstalling van plakkate van elk van die twaalf animasiefilms.
Twelve short animation films inspired by a selection of 12 Afrikaans poems were created for this project by the ATKV in collaboration with Diek
Grobler. Classical poems, as well as work by contemporary poets, were used to create a visual anthology in which dialogue were created
between word and image. Each animation film has its own sound track including a reading of the relative poem. The DVD show is accompanied
by an exhibition of posters of each of the twelve animation movies.

Ligvanger die rolprent / the movie



Tessa Louw

50 min

OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium



Chris van Niekerk

Ligvanger die rolprent

16 Jul 13:30, 17 Jul 16:30, 18 Jul 14:00

Ligvanger is n tweeluik: n kunsuitstalling van fotos deur Chris van Niekerk op aluminium gedruk (eksamenlokaal 7), asook n film van fotos,
musiek en woordkuns. Die werk is n soeke na en n ontginning van lig, en ondersoek die wisselwerking tussen lig en donker en die invloed wat
dit op ons emosionele en kognitiewe wese het.
Ligvanger is a diptych: an art exhibition of photos by Chris van Niekerk printed on aluminium (examination room 7), plus a film of photographs,
music and literary art. The work searches for and develop light, and explores the interrelationship between light and dark and the influence it has
on our emotional and cognitive being.

Mokete poetry explosion



120 min



SeSotho, Setswana, Isizulu, English

Mokete poetry explosion

Charmaine Kolwane Mrwebi, digter, publiseerder, mentor, skrywer, storieverteller /

Charmaine Kolwane Mrwebi, poet, publisher, mentor, author, storyteller
16 Jul 19:30, 18 Jul 19:30
n Tweedaagse toonvenster vir posietalent 18 plaaslike en twee nasionale digters. Die vertoning sal posie kombineer met inheemse klanke en dans.
A 2 day poetry showcase that will provide a platform for 18 local poets and 2 national poets. The show will combine poetry with indigenous sounds
and dance.

Toneel: Woordkuns | Theatre: Literary Art

Toneel: Kinderteater | Theatre: Childrens Theatre

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


Toneel: Kinderteater | Theatre: Childrens Theatre


R60 [Volwassenes / Adults R80]


Nieke Lombard

45 min


Nieke Lombard



Gideon Scheepers

15 Jul 12:30, 16 Jul 10:30, 17 Jul 10:00, 11:30 & 19:00

n Nawe skepseltjie word gebore uit n hart en gaan deur n emosionele reis om sy uiters noodsaaklike lig te herwin. Die gehoor ervaar n reeks emosies
deur die medium van visuele storievertel met ho gehalte-poppeteater, sowel as n interaktiewe gevoel speelgroep n die tyd vir die teikengroep
4-7 jaar oud, om n inleiding te gee tot die uitdrukking en gevoel van emosies. Di opwindende produksie is geskep deur Nieke Lombard wat Beste
Vrystaatse Produksie(Vryfees 2012)en twee Kannas (KKNK 2013)gewen het vir haar poppeteaterstuk Elnora & Nirvana.
A naive creature Falma born out of a heart goes through an emotional journey as it tries to retrieve its much needed light; the audience experiences a
range of emotions through the medium of visual storytelling; in the form of high quality puppetry, as well as an interactive feeling play shop afterwards
to give the target age group (4-7) an introduction to expressing the language of feelings.This exciting new production is brought to you by Nieke
Lombard, the same creator ofElnora & Nirvana which won theBestFree State production at Vryfees 2012.
Developed at OPENLab14 and supported by the PIAD Gourmand Fundraiser


Ontwikkel by OPENLab14 en ondersteun deur die PIKO Gourmand-fondsinsameling

Hans Haas se hospitaal



45 min




Xander Steyn

15 Jul 15:00, 16 Jul 16:30, 17 Jul 14:00, 18 Jul 10:00 & 15:30
Al die diere op Haaslaagte is in rep en roer oor die bou van n nuwe hospitaal. Daar is wel n probleempie: hulle kort geld om die hospitaal te kan
bou. n Talentaand is die perfekte idee om hierdie probleem op te los, maar Morrie die meerkat sal alles doen om te keer dat di talentaand nie
gebeur nie.
All the animals in Haaslaagte is excited about the building of a new hospital. But there is a little problem: they need money for this. A talent show
is the ideal way to solve the problem, but Morrie the meerkat will try everything to keep this talent show from happening.

Hans Haas se hospitaal

Xander Steyn, Estie de Wet, Mosa Sixishe, Lienka Stevens, Cobus Hugo,
Antonette de Klerk, Karien van Coller

Lollos 7: Laat jou bene bewe!


45 min

Minki Burger




Minki Burger en Alta Joubert

Minki Burger, Benjiman Jacobs, Linecia Matthee-Daniels,

Redlane Stephens
16 Jul 10:00, 17 Jul 10:00
Lollos, Lettie, Minki & Disco gaan op n avontuur opsoek na n spesiale boksie en dit neem hulle na die uithoeke van die wreld. Op die reis
ontdek hulle verskillende kulture en dansies. Splinternuwe liedjies waarna uitgesien kan word is Laat jou bene bewe, Sy wil net dans en Die
Lollos, Lettie, Minki & Disco have an adventure looking for a little box that takes them to the four corners of the world. On their journey they
discover various cultures and dances. Brand new songs include Laat jou bene bewe, Sy wil net dans and Die Paddakonsert.

Lollos 7: Laat jou bene bewe!




45 min

Thys Heydenrych




Gaerin Hauptfleisch

Marnel Bester, Marnus Nel, Franco de Wet

As n weefster by die koning spog dat haar talentvolle dogter strooi met haar spinwiel in goud kan verander, beveel die Koning haar om n kamer
vol strooi in goud te verander. Repelsteeltjie help haar, maar vra n vreeslike prys. Gaan sy n prinses word en sal sy haar woord hou? Kom vind
uit saam met Spektrum-Kinderteater.
When a weaver boasts to the king that her talented daughter can turn straw into gold on her spinning wheel, the king orders her to turn a room
full of straw into gold. Repelsteeltjie helps her, but asks a terrible fee. Will she become a princess and keep her word? Come and join Spektrum
Childrens Theatre to find out.


15 Jul 10:00, 16 Jul 13:30, 17 Jul 16:30, 18 Jul 13:00


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Tjiff en Tjaff
Lollos 7: Laat jou bene bewe!



45 min




Jrgen Hellberg (oorspronklik / original)

Thys Heydenrych

Marnel Bester, Marnus Nel, Franco de Wet

14 Jul 10:00, 15 Jul 13:00, 16 Jul 09:30, 17 Jul 10:00
Wat is groot en groen en kom kuier vanjaar by die Vrystaat Kunstefees? Dis natuurlik Tjiff en Tjaff van die gewilde kykNET-kinderreeks. Die geliefde
groen outjies laat lag, sing en dans gehore met hul opgewonde vrae, antwoorde en avonture. Neem deel aan hulle kaperjolle en kom kyk of Mimi
hulle uit die kattekwaad kan hou.
What is big and green and will be visiting Vrystaat Arts Festival this year? Of course, Tjiff and Tjaff, the popular kiddies series on kykNet. The
beloved green guys let audiences laugh, sing and dance with their exciting questions, answers and adventures. Come and join in their capers and
see of Mimi can keep them out of mischief.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Toneel: Jeugteater | Theatre: Youth Theatre

Reza de Wet-fees
Aangebied deur die Sekondre Meisieskool Oranje/
Presented by the Oranje Secondary School

Reza de Wet-fees

Ondersteun deur ATKV-tienertoneel/

Supported by ATKV-tienertoneel


R30 per groepvertoning / R30 per group show

Sowat 90 min. per groep / About 90 min. per group
Alle opvoerings is in die kykNET-Repteater / All shows are in the kykNET-Repteater


13 Jul 11:00
Sekondre Meisieskool Oranje/Oranje Secondary Girls School

Pierre-Andr Viviers, Retha Pool

Retha Pool

Alet is vet. Haar beste vriendin, Marie, moedig haar aan om maer te word. Dis mos wat vriende doen? Om maer genoeg te wees is nie vir sissies
nie. Om vet te wees is nie vir iemand wat hou van gratis komkommers nie. (M)eet, waar pas jy in? Di stuk is nie n quick fix nie.
Alet is fat. Her best friend, Marie, encourages her to lose weight. Isnt that what friends do? To be slender enough is not for sissies. To be fat is not
for one who loves free cucumbers. Where do you fit in? This play is not a quick fix.


Groep 1

13 Jul 11:00
Horskool Louis Trichardt/Louis Trichardt High School

Marcel van Niekerk

Marcel van Niekerk

Thinus ontdek sy vlerke tussen die laaste asem van menswees en die eerste oogopslag met hoop. Gespan tussen die sonneblomme wat hom
vaarwel salueer en Bea, leer hy om op die somer lig te sweef. Met duifskulp in die hand, loop soek die twee hand-aan-hand die ongelynde, wit
oppervlak van geloof, hoop en liefde. Die enigste gare wat die weggooi lappies van die lewe kan vaswerk.
Thinus discovers his wings between the last breath of being human and the first sight of hope. Stretched between the sunflowers which salute him
farewell and Bea he learns to glide lightly on the summer. Hand in hand the two go in search of faith, hope and love the only bits of yarn that can
sew together lifes discarded bits of cloth.


13 Jul 15:30
Horskool Upington/Upington High School

Lesley Swart

Die ewige stryd tussen lig en donker. Die produksie vaar op die see van mites om die eeuoue stories van gode, kleur, dag en nag te vertel.
Die continuous struggle between light and dark. The production sails the sea of myths in order to tell the old stories of gods, colour, day and night.


Groep 2

13 Jul 15:30
Horskool Martin Oosthuizen/Martin Oosthuizen High School

Jaco Visser

Barnie Mans, Jacques Crafford

Ouers verwek ons, ken ons vreeslik itiem, totdat ons uit selfbehoud ons eie ervarings buite die huislike sfeer en goedkeuring van ouers gaan soek
en die sonde as leerskool verken. Want in die klein vergrype van diefstal tot ontug ontdek ons iets van ons uniekheid. En daarmee begin onthegting.
Parents beget us, know us intimately, up to where we go in search of our own experiences outside the safety of home and the approval of our
parents and explore sin as a learning school. Because in the small misdeeds of theft and immorality we discover something of our uniqueness.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


13 Jul 20:00
Barnie Mans, Alae Hanekom
Horskool Martin Oosthuizen/Martin Oosthuizen High School

David Foxton


Toneel: Kinderteater | Theatre: Childrens Theatre

Toneel: Jeugteater | Theatre: Youth Theatre

L.A. Swart


B. Mans

Die Appleyard-kollege is een van die top-meisieskole in die land, maar is alles pluis? Dit is Valentynsdag 1900 en die skool gaan hou piekniek by
Hangklip. Twee van die meisies en n onderwyseres verdwyn. Wat het by Hangklip gebeur en by Appleyard-kollege aangegaan toe die meisies weg is?
Appleyard College is one of the best girls schools in the country, but something is wrong. It is Valentines Day 1900 and the school is going for a picnic
to Hanging Rock. Two of the girls and a teacher disappear. What happened at the picnic and what was wrong at the school when the girls disappeared?


Johann Smith

Johann Smith, Pieter Alberts

Is jy swart, bruin of wit? Ates, of kan jy bid? Van die Kaap of Gauteng? Liberaal of baie eng? Wie jy ookal is en waarvandaan jy ook al kom, as jy di land
met ons deel, het jy tien teen een al n draai by Hospitaner gemaak. Hospitaner (kort vir Hospitaal Suid-Afrikaner) is n kabaret wat heilige koeie slag,
jou laat rondrol van die lag, en so nou en dan in die maag skop.
Are you black, brown or white? Atheist, or can you pray? From the Cape or Gauteng? Liberal or narrowminded? Whatever you are and wherever youre
from, if you share this country with us you must have met Hospitaner. Hospitaner (short for Hospitaal Suid-Afrikaner) is a cabaret in which nothing is
sacred, it will make you laugh and sometimes kick you in the stomach.


Horskool Waterkloof/Waterkloof High School

14 Jul 11:00

Groep 3

13 Jul 20:00
Horskool Zwartkop/Zwartkop High School

Retha Kearns, Jaco Janse van Rensburg


Kaz Mcfadden

J. Janse van Rensburg

Dis die verhaal van Anne Sullivan se worsteling om die blinde endowe Helen Keller te leer kommunikeer.
The struggle of Anne Sullivan to teach the deaf and blind Helen Keller to communicate.


Lesley Swart

Dis 1986. Daar is onrus in die land, selfs in n dorp soos Upington. Die seuns is weg, army toe, en die families wag op hul terugkeer, maar soms is dit
veiliger anderkant die kaplyn.
It is 1986. There is unrest in the country, even in a town like Upington. The boys have gone, to the army, and families are waiting for their return. But
sometimes it is safer on the other side of the kaplyn.

Groep 4

14 Jul 11:00
Horskool Upington/Upington High School


14 Jul 15:30
Horskool Sentraal/Sentraal High School
Pierr-Andre Viviers

Schoem Grobler

Daar is groot makietie as die wreld se onbekendste aktrise, Dorothy Martha Anne Penelope Simpson . . . Junior, 50 word. Dis net jammer niemand het
vir die party opgedaag nie. Die verhaal van n showgirl wat alles opgeoffer het vir die kollig; maar ook n verhaal vol humor en baie pyn. But the show
must go on . . . en n party bly n party!
There is a big celebration when the worlds most unknown actress, Dorothy Martha Anne Penelope Simpson . . . Junior, turns 50. Just a pity nobody
pitched for the party. The story of a showgirl who gave up everything for the spotlight; but also a story full of humour and pain. But the show must go
on after all, a party is a party.


Jaco Visser

Barnie Mans

Ses jong mans wil n rally wen om met die geld te gaan club in Johannesburg. Dis nie maklik om al die onderdele in Koppies op te spoor nie. En dis nie
maklik as almal van beter weet nie. Maar die payoff om jong girls in Joburg op te tel, is groot.
Six guys want to win a rally to go clubbing in Johannesburg with the money. It is not easy finding all the parts in Koppies. And its not easy if everyone
knows better. But the pay-off to pick up girls in Joburg is too good.

Groep 5

14 Jul 15:30
Horskool Martin Oosthuizen/Martin Oosthuizen High School


14 Jul 20:00
...asook die Sekondre Meisieskool Oranje se aanbiedingSes j

Die Reza de Wet-tienertoneelfees poog om n liefde vir teater by skoliere te bevorder. Dit is nie n kompetisie nie, maar twee beoordeelaars wys wel n
feesproduksie aan. Die Hor Meisieskool Oranje gee een van die genooide skole die geleentheid om die feesproduksie op te voer. Daarom kry Oranje
en die feesproduksie geleentheid om weer op te tree.

Groep 6

The Reza de Wet Drama Festival wants to encourage a love for theatre among teenagers. It is not a competition, but two judges choose a festival
production. The Oranje Girls School gives one of the guest schools the chance to present the festival production. That is why Oranje and the festival
production can be seen again.


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Filmfees | Film Festival

CR Swart-anneks nr. 10/CR Swart-annex no 10



Braam Muller



13 G/V



Lajos Koltai

134 min


Eng onderskrifte/subtitles

Marcell Nagy, Bla Dra, Blint Pntek

15 Jul 14:00, 18 Jul 17:00

Ons wil met di vier trefferprente bydra tot vanjaar
se 70ste herdenking van die Jodeslagting in Nazikonsentrasiekampe. Net een speel in die kampe self
af, die ander handel oor die gevolge van Nazisme
op mense se lewens. Laat dit nie weer gebeur nie.
With these four movies we want to contribute to the
70th commemoration of the Holocaust in World War
II. One movie takes you into the camps, the others
depict how Nazism changed peoples lives. Let it not
happen again.

Gyrgy, n 14-jarige Hongaar, se lewe word wreed versteur wanneer hy in die Tweede Wreldoorlog
na n konsentrasiekamp gestuur word waar hy gedwing word om n man te word. Hy leer om geluk
te vind te midde van haat, asook wat dit regtig beteken om Joods te wees. n Huldeblyk aan die
oorlewendes en slagoffers van die Jodeslagting.
The 14-year-old Gyrgys life is torn apart in World War II in Hungary as he is sent to a concentration
camp where he is forced to become a man. He learns to find happiness in the midst of hatred, and
what it really means to be Jewish. A tribute to the survivors and the victims of the WW II Holocaust.

Hiroshima mon amour







Alain Resnais

86 min


Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada, Stella Dassas

16 Jul 19:15, 17 Jul 09:00

Die tema van vrouetrauma in n oorlogsituasie bly aktueel, soosleserreaksie opFrancois Smith se Kamphoer toon. Resnais se swart en wit prent
pak die uitdagende tema van moontlike geluk tussen twee naamlose getraumatiseerdes:sy is Elle, hy is Lui. Sy het die wraak van haar Franse
landgenote oorleef nadat sy met die vyand geheul het; hy het in Hiroshima alles en almal verloor wat vir hom lief en dierbaar was.Hierdie
grootse prent hetEmmanuelle Riva (wat dekades later die hoofrol in Amour sou speel) aan die wreld bekend gestel.
The theme of female trauma in a war situation remains topical, as illustrated by reader reaction to Francois Smiths Kamphoer. Resnais black and
white movie engages with the challenging theme of possible happiness between two anonymous, traumatised people: she is Elle, he is Lui. She
survivedher French countrymens revenge after having collaborated with the enemy; he lost everything and everybody of meaning to him in
Hiroshima. This great movie introduced Emmanuelle Riva (who would play the female lead in Amour decades later) to the world.




13 NS



Pawel Pawlikowski

82 min


Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska,

Dawid Ogrodnik
14 Jul 11:30, 15 Jul 17:00
Anna, n jong kloosterling in Pole in die jare sestig, is op die punt om n non te word wanneer sy n donker familiegeheim ontdek wat na die jare
van Nazi-besetting teruglei. Wenner van vanjaar se Oscar vir beste buitelandse rolprent.
Anna, a young novitiate nun in 1960s Poland, is on the verge of taking her vows when she discovers a dark family secret dating back to the years
of the Nazi occupation. Winner of this years Oscar for best foreign movie.






Cate Shortland


109 min


Saskia Rosendahl, Kai Malina, Nele Trebs

13 Jul 15:00, 16 Jul 09:00

Nadat hul Nazi-ouers gevang is, moet Lore die res van hul gesin deur die oorlog-verwoeste Duitsland van 1945 na haar ouma in die noorde van
die land lei. In die chaos van n verslane volk, ontmoet Lore n jong Joodse vlugteling. Om te oorleef moet sy leer om iemand te vertrou wat sy
geleer is om te haat. En soos die gevolge van haar ouers se dade en menings duidelik word, moet Lore ook die donker binne haarself konfronteer.
Stranded after their Nazi parents are imprisoned, Lore leads the remains of her family across war-torn Germany in 1945. To survive, the children
must reach their grandmothers house in the north but amidst the chaos of a defeated nation, Lore meets a young Jewish refugee. In order
to survive she must learn to trust a person she has been taught to hate. And as the consequences of her parents actions and beliefs become
apparent, Lore must also start to face the darkness within herself.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Filmfees | Film Festival


Die windpomp

Romantiese fantasie/Romantic fantasy

Etienne Fourie


114 min




Armand Greyling, Leandie du Randt, Ian Roberts,

Marga van Rooy, Grethe Fox

An endearing, humorous and quirky fantasy love story that revolves around a summer romance in a retirement village between 17 year old Hendri
and Margot, with an unexpected twist.


n Innemende, humoristiese en spitsvondige fantasie-liefdesverhaal oor n somerromanse tussen twee tieners wanneer die 17-jarige Hendri by sy
oupa in n aftree-oord gaan bly. Dit loop uit op n onverwagse kinkel.

Die windpomp

15 Jul 09:00, 17 Jul 13:30

Little one


13 OB/PG

84 min



Darrell Roodt


Lindiwe Ndlovu, Vuyelwa Msimang, Mutodi Neshehe

15 Jul 11:30, 17 Jul 16:00

A little girl is left for dead after a brutal attack. But sometimes healing comes from the most unexpected places when a group of school boys find
her and the mother of one of them steps in.

Little one

N n wrede aanranding word n meisietjie as dood agtergelaat. Maar genesing kom soms uit die mees onverwagte oorde wanneer n groep
skoolseuns haar vind en die een se ma oorneem.


Die tema van vrouetrauma in n oorlogsituasie bly aktueel, soosleserreaksie opFrancois Smith se

Lord Oom Piet



Jamie Uys

80 min



Jamie Uys, Bob Courtney, Hettie Uys, Morn Coetzer,

Madelein Usher, Arthur Swemmer

Lord Oom Piet


An Afrikaner and an NP candidate is horrified when he learns on the eve of the election that he is related to British aristocracy believing this will
help his opposition to rile his supporters against him.

die wreld/the world

Voor n verkiesing verneem n Boer, n NP-kandidaat, tot sy ontsteltenis hy is n nasaat van Britse aristokrasie wat goeie skietgoed vir n SAPkandidaat bied om hom in onguns by sy kiesers te bring.

A royal affair

18 Jul 09:00

A royal affair


137 min


Historiese romantiese drama/Historical romantic drama


Nikolaj Arcel

Mikkel Boe Flsgaard

Alicia Vikander, Mads Mikkelsen,

14 Jul 14:00, 17 Jul 18:00

In 1767 word die Britse prinses Caroline aan Denemarke se mal koning Christian VII as vrou gegee. Haar lewe in die neerdrukkende land word n
hel totdat sy kennis maak met die koning se dokter, Johann Struensee, n idealistiese volgeling van die Verligting. Deur die koning voer hy verligte
idees die land in. Caroline raak op hom verlief. Hul geheime verhouding word egter n rampspoedige fout wat hul konserwatiewe vyande tot hul
voordeel gebruik.
In 1767, the British Princess Caroline is betrothed to the mad King Christian VII of Denmark, but her life in the oppressive country becomes an
isolating misery. However, Christian soon gains a companion, the German Dr. Johann Struensee, a quietly idealistic man of the Enlightenment. As
the only one who can influence the King, Struensee is able to begin sweeping enlightened reforms of Denmark through Christian even as Caroline
falls for the doctor. However, their secret affair proves a tragic mistake that their conservative enemies use to their advantage.


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

13 OB/PG



Andrey Zviagintsev

135 min


Aleksey Serebryakov, Elena Lyadova,

Roman Madyanov

die wreld/the world


13 Jul 17:30, 18 Jul 11:00

Nikolai word gedwing om die korrupte burgemeester van n Russiese kusdorp te pak wanneer hy verneem sy huis gaan gesloop word. Hy kry die
hulp van n prokureursvriend, maar die man se koms bring groter ongeluk vir Nikolai en sy gesin.
In a Russian coastal town, Nikolai is forced to fight the corrupt mayor when he is told that his house will be demolished. He recruits a lawyer friend
to help, but the mans arrival brings further misfortune for Nikolai and his family.

Like father, like son




Hirokazu Kore-eda

116 min


Masaharu Fukuyama, Yoko Maki, Keita Ninomiya, Lili Franky,

Machiko Ono, Jun Kunimura

die wreld/the world

Like father, like son

14 Jul 17:00, 16 Jul 11:30

Ryota, n suksesvolle argitek in Tokio, werk lang ure om vir sy vrou en sesjarige seun, Keita, te sorg. n Bloedtoets toon egter dat Keita en n ander
baba by geboorte omgeruil is. Twee baie uiteenlopende gesinne se paaie kruis en hulle word gedwing om n moeilike besluit te neem terwyl Ryota
sy eie probleme van verantwoordelikheid en wat dit beteken om n pa te wees, moet konfronteer. n Teer, ontroerende verhaal van persoonlike
bevryding wat speels sy weg deur die drama vind. Wenner: Jurieprys, Cannes-filmfees.
Ryota is a successful Tokyo architect who works long hours to provide for his wife and six-year-old son, Keita. But when a blood test reveals Keita
and another baby were switched at birth, two very different families are thrown together and forced to make a difficult decision while Ryota
confronts his own issues of responsibility and what it means to be a father. A gentle and moving story of personal redemption that playfully
navigates its way through the drama.



Jafar Panahi

Satiriese komedie/Satirical comedy

93 min


Sima Mobarak-Shahi, Shayesteh Irani, Ayda Sadeqi

die wreld/the world


16 Jul 16:45, 17 Jul 11:00

Panahi, wat huisarres opgel is en verbied is om flieks te maak weens sy kritiese houding teenoor die Iranse regering, terg heerlik wanneer n
groep bekkige sokkerliefhebbers die nasionale stadion in Teheran waar vroue verbied word infiltreer in n poging om na n kwalifiserende
wedstryd vir die Wreldbeker te kyk. Vermom as mans moet die meisies nie net die soldate systap wat die skare monitor nie, maar ook n plan
maak weens die tekort aan vrouetoilette.
Iranian comedy drama, highlighting the struggle for womens rights. A group of young girls, obsessed with football, come up with an audacious
plan to infiltrate the national stadium in Tehran where women are banned from attending matches in order to watch the World Cup qualifying
game. Disguising themselves as men, the girls sneak into the stadium, but have to dodge the soldiers monitoring the crowds, as well as deal with
unforseen problems such as the lack of womens bathrooms.

Shanghai dreams


Xiaoshuai Wang

123 min


Yuanyuan Gao, Bin Li, Hao Qin

die wreld/the world

Shanghai dreams

14 Jul 09:00, 16 Jul 14:00

Aangemoedig deur die regering het baie families in die jare 1980 China se stede verlaat om in die armer streke te gaan woon om plaaslike
industrie te help bevorder. Die hoofkarakter is n 19-jarige meisie wat in die Guizhou-provinsie woon waarheen haar ouers verhuis het. Dis waar
sy grootgeword het, waar haar vriende is en waar sy haar eerste liefde ervaar. Haar pa glo hul toekoms l in Sjanghai. Hoe kan hulle saam woon
as hulle nie dieselfde drome deel nie?
In the 1980s, encouraged by the government, many families leave Chinese cities to settle in the poorer regions, in order to develop local industry.
The films main character is a 19 year old girl who lives in the Guizhou province, where her parents have settled. Thats where she has grown up,
where her friends are and where she experiences first love. But her father believes that their future lies in Shanghai. How can they all keep on
living together when they dont share the same dreams?

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Filmfees | Film Festival


Van Rensburg-patolo-Boekefees | Van Rensburg Pathologists Book Festival

Giselle (rolprent/film)
Nederlandse Nasionale Ballet/Dutch National Ballet


115 min

Giselle: Anna Tsygankova, Graaf Albrecht: Jozef Varga, Myrthe: Igone de Jongh,

n Dramatiese, tydlose verhaal van liefde, verraad, wraak en vergifnis. n Betowerende klassieke ballet uit die Romantiese tydperk. Die kombinasie
van toneelspel, virtuose tegniek en eteriese skoonheid bekoor gehore telkens. Rachel Beaujean en Ricardo Bustamante het die oorspronklike ballet
van Jean Coralli en Jules Perrot herskep met atmosfeerryke dekor en prag-kostuums. Dit is in 2009 in Amsterdam se Muziektheater opgeneem.
Giselle is a dramatic and timeless tale of love, deception, revenge and forgiveness. This enchanting classical ballet from the Romantic era is
a combination of dramatic acting, virtuoso technique and ethereal beauty which continues to enthrall audiences. Dutch National Ballets new
production, by the creative partnership of Rachel Beaujean and Ricardo Bustamante, is based on the original ballet by Jean Coralli and Jules
Perrot. Recorded live at the Muziektheater Amsterdam, in February 2009.

Van Rensburg-patolo-Boekefees | Van Rensburg Pathologists Book Festival

Alle besprekings is in die ATKV-Van der Merwe-Scholtz-saal, klaskamer 1.

Al die sessies duur 50 minute, behalwe Fees van digters (120 min). Joan Hambidge se optrede
is moontlik gemaak deur die Kunstetrust. Boekborge: NB Uitgewers, LAPA Uitgewers
All discussions take place in the ATKV Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom 1.
They all last 50 min. except Fees van digters (120 min). Joan Hambidges participation was
made possible by the Kunstetrust. Book sponsors: NB Publishers, LAPA Publishers

Van Rensburg-patoloBoekefees

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


14 Julie 19:30, 18 Julie 14:30

Giselle (rolprent/film)

Hilarion: Jan Zerer

Fees van die sintuie - ontbyt / breakfast



Eetsaal, Huis Abraham Fischer/Dining room, House Abraham Fischer

18 Jul 09:00

Dit het nou al tradisie geword dat die feestelike ontbyt steeds geborg deur Van Rensburg-patolo een van die hoogtepunte van die Vrystaat Kunstefees is. Vanjaar skuif die bekende jazz-pianis Nol Stockton voor die klavier in en tree die a cappella-groep Pendoring ook weer op. Die genooide
skrywer is die bekende en bekroonde Dan Sleigh, skrywer van die internasionale suksesromans Eilande en Afstande. Hennie van Coller sal n onderhoud met hom voer en Karien van Coller en Anthea van Jaarsveld sal stukke uit sy werk voorlees. Sun Niemand, bekende spysenier, sorg vir heerlike
kos wat naatloos gaan aansluit by die wyn van vanjaar se wynborg: niemand anders as La Motte nie! Wynghoeroe Hein Koegelenberg en sy vrou,
Hanli Rupert, het hierdie kelder uitgebou tot een van die heel voorstes in Suid-Afrika. Om di wyne saam met puik kos te kan proe is n voorreg wat
bywoners van die fees nie gou weer gaan kry nie.
It has become tradition that this festive breakfast still sponsored by Van Renburg Pathologists is one of the highlights of the Arts Festival. This year
jazz-pianist Noel Stockton will be playing the piano and the a cappella group Pendoring will be performing again. The invited author is the well-known
and prized Dan Sleigh, writer of the internationally successful novels Eilande and Afstande. Hennie van Coller will interview him and Karien van Coller
and Anthea van Jaarsveld will read sections from his work. Popular Sun Niemand will provide delicious food that will match the wine from this years
sponsor none other than La Motte! Wine guru Hein Koegelenberg and his wife, Hanli Rupert, built up this cellar to be one of South Africas best. To
taste these wines with excellent food will be a privilege not easily matched.

Internasionale Gasskrywer / International Guest Writer: Lyn Hughes

17 Jul 10:00

Tony Ullyatt gesels met Hughes oor haar boeke The bright house en Flock. Lyn is in 1952 in Wallis gebore en het
18 jaar lank in Suid-Afrika gewoon voordat sy in 1982 na Sydney verhuis het. Ek stel belang in die grense wat ons
oorsteek. Die misdade wat ons pleeg. Hoe ons hier gekom het van waar ons was. Hoe kennis ons aanmoedig en
toelaat om groot skeidings te oorbrug.
Tony Ullyat talks to Hughes about her books The bright house and Flock. Born in Wales in 1952, Lyn lived in South
Africa for 18 years before settling in Sydney in 1982. Im interested in the lines we cross. The crimes we commit. How
we get from who we were to who we now are. How knowledge encourages and enables us to step across divides.

Fanie Viljoen

Fees van die sintuie ontbyt / breakfast

180 min

Lyn Hughes


14 Jul 09:00

Die bekende en bekroonde Bloemfonteinse jeugverhaalskrywer Fanie Viljoen sal weer eens prikkel en skok. Sy nuwe sielkundige riller, Prooi, beloof om
weer lesers n kritici regop te laat sit. Wie is uiteindelik die jagter, en wie die prooi? Viljoen se boeke is van Suid-Afrika se heel beste verkopers. In die
afgelope twee jaar het sy naam meer as vyftig keer op Nielsen se topverkoperlyste verskyn.
The well-known and award-winning Bloemfontein author Fanie Viljoen will once again provoke and shock. His new psychological thriller Prooi promises
to get readers and critics attention. Who is the hunter, and who is the prey? Viljoen is one of South Africas best sellers. In the past two years his name
appeared over 50 times on Nielsens best seller lists.

Fanie Viljoen



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Nami Morgan


Noord-Kaapse Dorpe/Northern Cape Towns

Jan van der Merwe volg sy sukseswerk oor Vrystaatse dorpe op met n insiggewende fotoboek oor Noord-Kaapse dorpe. Di Bloemfonteinse antropoloog
met sy groot passie vir die platteland het weer saam met mede-fotograaf Philippe Burger n boek oor 230 Noord-Kaapse dorpe die lig laat sien. SuidAfrikaners kan hierin meer oor di ongerepte deel van die land met sy ryke geskiedenis leer.
Jan van der Merwe follows the success book on Free State towns with a notorious photo book about Northern Cape Towns. This Bloemfontein
anthropologist with his great passion for the platteland again collaborated with photographer Philippe Burger on this book which features 230 Northern
Cape towns. South Africans can learn more about the untouched land with its rich history in this book.

Nami Morgan

14 Jul 12:00

Woorde is stil musiek . . . en die transponering van een taal na n ander moet reg op jou oor val, het die bekroonde vertaler Nami Morgan al in n
onderhoud ges. N die sukses van Oskar en die pienk tannie praat Nami Morgan met Francois Smit oor haar nuutste vertaling van die Franse skrywer
Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Meneer Ibrahim en die blomme van die Koran. Di kinderboek handel oor temas soos godsdienstige verdraagsaamheid,
mentorskap en die ontwikkeling van kind tot grootmens.
Words are silent music . . . and the transposing from one language to another must sound right, the awarded translator Nami Morgan said in an
interview. Following the success of Oskar en die pienk tannie she talks to Francois Smit about her latest translation of the French author Eric-Emmanuel
Schmitt, Meneer Ibrahim en die blomme van die Koran. This book for children (and adults) touches on themes like religious tolerance, mentorship and
the development from child to adult.

Knobel 80

Wilhelm Knobel 80

14 Jul 13:30

Ter herinnering aan die bekende digter Wilhelm Knobel wat vanjaar 80 sou geword het. In Brief aan my broer Wilhelm, die Ongewapende man op 80,
deel Deon Knobel met sy broer en die gehoor oor sy herinneringe aan en ervaring met die vroeggestorwe digter. Nami Morgan sal ten slotte in gesprek
tree met Deon oor verdere aspekte van Wilhelm se lewe. Dit sal luisteraars laat lag en huil.
In honour of the well-known poet Wilhelm Knobel who would have been 80 this year. In Brief aan my broer Wilhelm, die Ongewapende man op 80,
Deon Knobel shares with his brother and the audience his memories of and experiences with the prematurely departed poet. It will make you laugh
and cry.

Die nuwe HAT/

The new HAT

Eugene de Kock:

Posie praat /
Poetry matters

Rudie van

Rudie van Rensburg

14 Jul 15:00

Die oud-Bloemfonteiner en stigtersredakteur van Bloemnuus, Rudie van Rensburg, gesels met koerantman Sakkie van der Vyver oor sy derde
spanningsroman, Judaskus. Nadat menslike beendere op n stortingsterrein gevind word, moet die boeremusiekliefhebber en posselversamelaar
speurder Kassie Kasselman nuut begin dink oor ou moordsake. Maar elke warm leidraad lewer n koue lyk op. Rudie is die skrywer van die gewilde
spanningsromans Slagyster en Kopskoot.
Van Rensburg,ex-Bloemfonteiner and founder editor of Bloemnuus, talks to newsman Sakkie van der Vyver about his third thriller, Judaskus. After
human remains were found at a dumping site the boeremusiek-lover and philatelist detective Kassie Kasselman must dig up old murder cases. But each
new clue leads to a cold corps. Rudie is the author of the popular thrillers Slagysterand Kopskoot.

Posie praat/Poetry matters

14 Jul 16:00

Jerry Mofokeng, direkteur van Pacofs, gesels met n paneel digters van verskillende taalgroepe oor die ontstaan van n nuwe kultuur van digkuns in
Bloemfontein/Mangaung. Die digters in die paneel is Tessa Ndlovu, Charmaine Mrwebi, Gisela Ullyatt en Tony Ullyatt.
Jerry Mofokeng, director of Pacofs, will be talking to a panel of poets from different language groups Tessa Ndlovu, Charmaine Mrwebi, Gisela Ullyatt
and Tony Ullyatt about fostering a culture of poetry in Bloemfontein/Mangaung.
Gesteun deur die Kunstetrust / Supported by the Kunstetrust

Eugene de Kock: Man/monster?

15 Jul 10:00

Die bloed van tientalle anti-apartheidaktiviste sit aan die Vlakplaas-figuur Eugene de Kock se hande. Vir die meeste Suid-Afrikaners is hy die vergestalting
van boosheid. Is daar enige menslikheid aan die man wat talle n monster noem? Anemari Jansen soek na antwoorde in haar aangrypende boek Eugene
de Kock: sluipmoordenaar van die staat. Moenie haar gesprek hieroor met Jonathan Crowther misloop nie.
The blood of many anti-apartheid activists is on the hands of the Vlakplaas-figure Eugene de Kock. For most South Africans he is the embodiment of
evil. Is there any humanity in the man many regard as a monster? Anemari Jansen searches for answers in her controversial book Eugene de Kock:
sluipmoordenaar van die staat. Dont miss her discussion with Jonathan Crowther.

Die nuwe HAT/The new HAT

15 Jul 11:30

Die Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (HAT) is vanjaar 50 jaar oud. Die splinternuwe sesde uitgawe is die resultaat van die grootste hersiening
van die HAT sedert die verskyning van die derde uitgawe in 1993. Die redakteurs, Jana Luther, Fred Pheiffer en Rufus H. Gouws, vertel van agt jaar se
werk aan die reuseprojek: n papierwoordeboek van meer as 1600 bladsye en n nuwe, lewende woordeboek van eietydse Afrikaans aanlyn.
A discussion about the sixth issue of the Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal by Jana Luther, Fred Pheiffer and Rufus H. Gouws and their eight
year of labour on this massive project: a printed dictionary of more than 1600 pages, and a new, alive dictionary of modern Afrikaans online. Come
and celebrate 50 years of the HAT with us.

Madelein Rust
Madelein Rust

14 Jul 10:30

15 Jul 13:00

Oud-Bloemfonteiner Madelein Rust gesels oor haar twee werke oor moorde in en om die stad: 13de Kaart en Monstersaad. In Die 13de Kaart en
Monstersaad kombineer sy haar vermons en ervaring om n ware naelbyter te skep. Gaste gaan op die punte van hul stoele sit.
This ex-Bloemfontein author talks about her two novels about murder in and around the city: 13de Kaart and Monstersaad. In them she combines her
ability and experience in creating nail biting suspense. You are going to sit on the edge of your seat.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Andr Fourie: Monochroom renboog

With this book the author tried to be as realistic as possible in sketching a given milieu (Bloemfontein) during the 1960s and 1970s in South Africa seen
through the eyes of an Afrikaans boy. Some words may hurt and upset, but are important within the context used, according to the author.

Not only do they write lekker, this brother and sister team also enjoy talking. Henks Kodenaam Icarus was published in February and Dibis Saliger will
soon be on the bookshelves. For both it is their crime debuts and should offer a lot of suspense.

Dibi & Henk


16 Jul 09:00

Di boetie- en sussiespan skryf nie net lekker nie, hulle praat ook lekker. Henk se Kodenaam Icarus het in Februarie verskyn en Dibi se Saliger verskyn
eersdaags. Dit is albei se krimidebute en behoort oorgenoeg naelbytoomblikke te bied.

Gilbert Gibson

Andr Fourie

15 Jul 17:00

Met di boek poog die skrywer om so lewensgetrou moontlik n prentjie te skets van n bepaalde omgewing (Bloemfontein) in die 1960s en 1970s in
Suid-Afrika gesien uit die oogpunt van n Afrikaanse seun. Daar mag woordkeuses wees wat gaan seermaak en ontstel, maar wat na die skrywer se
mening belangrik is vir die konteks waarbinne dit gebruik word.

Dibi & Henk Breytenbach

Trevor Emslie

15 Jul 14:30

Hierdie ervare advokaat van Kaapstad praat oor die boek Die groot Boere-ontsnapping deur Willie Steyn. Steyn was die leier van n groep van vyf boere
wat tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog in die hawe van Ceylon van n Britse skip ontsnap het en op n Russiese skip skuiling gekry het. Die boek bevat die
oorspronklike vertelling wat Steyn in die Hollandse Afrikaans van die vroe 1900s geskryf het, met n Afrikaanse vertaling. Dit is werklik n verhaal wat
die verbeelding aangryp.
This experienced advocate from Cape Town will talk about the book Die groot Boere-ontsnapping by Willie Steyn. Steyn was the leader of a group
of five boers who, during the Anglo-Boer War escaped from a British ship in the harbour of Ceylon and hid on a Russian boat. The book contains the
original story as told by Steyn in the Dutch Afrikaans of the early 1900s plus an Afrikaans translation. It is a story that truly grabs the imagination.

Gibson introduces his new book of poetry, Vry. Gibson is known for his post-modern, experimental style, but his poems remain original. In vry the
poems are about family relations, love, memories of youth and the Free State landscape. Gibsons earlier anthologies include [vii] and oogensiklopedie.

Gilbert Gibson

16 Jul 10:30

Die bekroonde Bloemfonteinse digter Gilbert Gibson gesels oor sy jongste digbundel, Vry. Gibson is bekend vir sy postmodernistiese, eksperimentele
styl, maar sy gedigte bly persoonlik. In vry dig hy oor familieverhoudings, die liefde, jeugherinneringe en die Vrystaatse landskap. Gibson se vorige
bundels sluit in [vii] en oogensiklopedie.

This well-known author talks about his bestselling Kamphoer. It is the true story of Susan Nell who was raped during the Anglo Boer War and left
for dead. It is a psychological thriller which will have you in its grip right up to the last page. Smiths debut novel has been described as stunning,
boundary shifting, and he is regarded as a future master.

Johann Rossouw & Pieter Duvenage

16 Jul 16:00

Die verskynsel van n Afrikaanse filosofie die afgelope 100 jaar. Die gesprek tussen die filosowe Pieter Duvenage en Johann Rossouw oor n Afrikaanse
filosofie die laaste honderd jaar gaan die tonge laat klap. Albei akademici hou selde n wag voor die mond. Hoekom is daar in Afrikaans so n diepliggende
letterkundige besinning, maar nie n soortgelyke filosofiese tradisie nie?
The phenomenon of an Afrikaans philosophy during the past 100 years. The discussion between philophers Pieter Duvenage and Johann Rossouw will
have people talking. Why is there in Afrikaans such a deep literary consciousness, but not a similar philosophical tradition?

Nil Stemmet Bitter+Soet

16 Jul 17:30

In sy jongste boek vertel kosskrywer en storieverteller Nil Stemmet die verhaal van Mietha Klaaste op kleurryke wyse: met gedigte, rympies, liedjies en
vergange dae se erfeniskos. n Pragboek met meer as 90 resepte vir asbrood, snoektert, boerbokslaai, tamatiebredie en sagopoeding. Heerlike inspirasie
vir die hart en die kombuis.
In his latest book food writer and storyteller Nil Stemmet tells the colourful story of Mietha Klaaste: with poems, rhymes, songs and long agos heritage
food. A beautiful book with more than 90 recipes for asbrood, snoek tart, goat salad, tomato stew and sago pudding. Wonderful inspiration for the heart
and the kitchen.

Fees van Digters

16 Jul 18:30

Dit kan net feestelik wees wanneer drie uitsonderlike digters saamspan om gaste met voorlesings uit hul jongste werke te bederf. Kom drink n glas
wyn en geniet n aand saam met die digters Gilbert Gibson, Joan Hambidge, Charl-Pierre Naude en Hennie van Coller. n Hoogtepunt op die fees se
It can only be festive when three exceptional poets take hands to spoil guests with readings from their newest work. Come enjoy a glass of wine with
Gilbert Gibson, Joan Hambidge, Charl-Pierre Naude and Hennie van Coller. A highlight of this years Book Fest.
Tydsduur/duration: 120 min

Johann Rossouw
& Pieter Duvenage

Di bekende skrywer gesels met die historikus Andr Wessels oor sy wegholsuksesroman . Kamphoer is die ware verhaal van Susan Nell wat in die
Anglo-Boereoorlog wreed verkrag en vir die aasvols weggegooi is. Dit is n sielkundige riller wat jou tot op die laaste bladsy in sy yskoue greep sal
hou. Smith se debuutroman word beskryf as verbysterend, grensverskuiwend en hy word beskou as n toekomstige meester.

Francois Smit

16 Jul 14:30

Nil Stemmet

Francois Smit


Fees van Digters

Trevor Emslie

Van Rensburg-patolo-Boekefees | Van Rensburg Pathologists Book Festival


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Dawie Louw:

Dawie Louw: eMajuba

Die bekendstelling van n verrassende debuutwerk, eMajuba deur Dawie Louw. nTeks vol verrassings en spanning. Di dubbele familiesage is ambisieus
in omvang en strek vanaf 1901 tot die hede. Dit is n macho-storie vol wraak en verkragting. Bloederige aksietonele en stomende sekstonele is volop, en
goed geskryf. Die liefdesdramas tussen verskeie karakters is meesleurend.
The introduction of a surprising debut, eMajuba by Dawie Louw. A script full of surprises and suspense. This double family saga as ambitious in scope
and covers the periods between 1901 and now. It is a macho story of rape and revenge. It is well-written including many bloody actions scenes and
steaming sex episodes. The love intrigues between various characters are gripping.

Dan Sleigh
Dan Sleigh

17 Jul 11:30

17 Jul 13:00

Die meesterskrywer en historikus Dan Sleigh gesels oor sy werke, onder meer die veelbekroonde Eilande wat in 2000 die Sanlam/Insig/Kwlaromanwedstryd gewen het en daarna in Engels en Nederlands uitgegee is, Wals met Matilda en Afstande. Hy vertel ook meer oor die roman waaraan
hy tans werk.
Master writer and historian Dan Sleigh talks about his work, amongst others the many times awarded Eilande that won the Sanlam/Insig/Kwla Novel
Prize in 2000 which was translated into English and Dutch, as well as Wals met Matilda and Afstande. He will also tell more about the novel he is working
on now.

Joan Hambidge,
Gisela Ullyatt

Skryf van historiese fiksie/

Writing historical fiction

Skryf van historiese fiksie/Writing historical fiction

Die gesprek oor weergawe van die verlede/die skryf van historiese fiksie sal een van die feeshoogtepunte wees. Die deelnemers is almal gesoute
skrywers: Hannes Haasbroek wat n biografie van Bram Fischer geskryf het; Jaap Steyn bekend vir magistrale biografie oor MER, Piet Cilli en veral
N.P. van Wyk Louw; Andr Wessels, professor in geskiedenis en bekende navorser; Francois Smith, skrywer van die topverkoper, Kamphoer, en filosoof;
Alexander Strachan, bekroonde romanskrywer wie se werk oor die Boere-verraaier Villonel groot opspraak gaan verwek; en Hennie van Coller, besig
met n Nederlandse literatuurgeskiedenis en redakteur van die internasionaal-bekende Perspektief en profiel.
The discussion about renditions of the past/the writing of historical fiction whould prove to be a festival highlight. The participants are all seasoned
writers: Hannes Haasbroek who wrote a biography of Bram Fischer; Jaap Steyn, known for biographies about MER, Piet Cilli and N.P. van Wyk
Louw; Andr Wessels, professor in History and well-known researcher; Francois Smith, author of the bestselling Kamphoer; Alexander Strachan, prized
novelist whose book about the Boer traitor Villonel is going to be controversial; and Hennie van Coller who is working on a Dutch literature history and
editor of the internationally popular Perspektief en profiel.

Joan Hambidge, Gisela Ullyatt

Nil Barnard
Derick van der

17 Jul 17:00

Grensverskuiwings: Tendense in die Afrikaanse posie. Gisela Ullyatt tree in gesprek met Joan Hambidge oor die kanon, sosiale media en ander
tendense in die Afrikaanse digkuns.
Boundary shifting: Tendencies in Afrikaans poetry. Gisela Ullyatt talks to Joan Hambidge about the canon, social media and other tendencies in
Afrikaans poetry.
Gesteun deur die Kunstetrust / Supported by the Kunstetrust

Nil Barnard

18 Jul 10:00

In die langverwagte en opspraakwekkende Geheime revolusie onthul Barnard die duistere wreld van spioene n wreld waarin die gewone rels
nie geld nie. Kom luister na sy gesprek met die historikus Andr Wessels en kry n fassinerende blik op Nil se lewe as hoof van die Nasionale
Intelligensiediens in die jare tagtig.
In this long-awaited and controversial Geheime revolusie Barnard reveals the sinister world of spies a world in which the usual rules dont count. He
talks to historian Andr Wessels which should give a fascinating glimpse into Barnards life as head of National Intelligence in the eighties.

Derick van der Walt - Bambaduze

18 Jul 11:30

Die bekroonde skrywer Derick van der Walt gesels met die ewe bekende Fanie Viljoen oor sy jongste roman, Bambaduze, die inspirerende verhaal van
n seun se eerste kennismaking met verlies. In hierdie gesprek krap Derick en Fanie ook koppe oor wie hul lesers nou eintlik is. Derick is ook die skrywer
van die Sanlam-pryswenner Lien se lankstaanskoene wat met groot sukses verfilm is.
This awarded author talks to Fanie Viljoen about his latest novel, Bambaduze, the inspiring story of a boys first experience of loss. Derick and Fanie will
also try to fathom who their readers really are. Derick is also the writer of Lien se lankstaanskoene which was filmed with great success.

Pieter van Jaarsveld

Pieter van

17 Jul 15:00

18 Jul 13:30

Met sy boek Dink jouself gelukkig wys die wreldbekende spreker Pieter van Jaarsveld hoe jy jou lewe kan omkeer. Di inspirerende boek ontbloot
ondermynende mites oor geluk, verduidelik dat vreugde vir alle mense beskore is en inspireer jou tot n positiewe ingesteldheid. Hierdie is n praktiese
handleiding deur een van die mens se grootste strewes: om gelukkig te wees.
In his book Dink jouself gelukkig the famous speaker Pieter van Jaarsveld inspires you positively and explains that happiness is for everyone. This is a
practical manual to fulfill one of mans greatest desires: to be happy.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Van Rensburg-patolo-Boekefees | Van Rensburg Pathologists Book Festival

Visuele Kuns | Visual Arts
Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


Visuele Kuns | Visual Arts

Strukture van dominium & demokrasie /

Structures of dominion and democracy Deur/By David Goldblatt
13 Jul 20:00

Johannes Stegmann-kunsgalery, Sasol-biblioteek, UV / Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery, Sasol Library, UFS

13 17 Jul 09:00 18:00 Rondleiding deur die kunstenaar/Walkabout with the artist:: 14 Jul 10:00


Gratis / Free

David Goldblatt, Sculpted by Kagiso Pat Mautloa, a memorial to those who died while in detention of the Security Police in this building formerly known as John Vorster Square, now
Johannesburg Central Police Station. 27 February 2012, Silver gelatin print on fibre based paper, 98 x 120cm

Die uitstalling word gewy aan die reeks Strukture, een van die groot
versamelings van werke deur die befaamde fotograaf David Goldblatt.
Meer as drie dekades het Goldblatt Suid-Afrika deurkruis om plekke en
strukture gelaai met historiese narratief te fotografeer: monumente,
privaat, godsdienstig en sekulr, terreine wat iets blootl van die mense
wat dit gebou het. Hierdie terreine gee ons n blik op die alledaagse.Elke
plek is n bewaarplaas, n landskap met n epiese verhaal wat hele
gemeenskappe betrek: die ervarings soms vertel deur die herinneringe
van merkwaardige individue.

This exhibition is dedicated to the series Structures, one of the major

bodies of works by renowned South African photographer David
Goldblatt.For over three decades Goldblatt has travelled South Africa
photographing sites and structures weighted with historical narrative:
monuments, private, religious and secular, that reveal something
about the people who built them.These sites allow us a glimpse into
the everyday. Each place is a repository, a landscape containing an epic
story that has involved whole communities: the experience sometimes
told through the memorialising of remarkable individuals.

Die uitstalling Strukture van dominium en demokrasie betree twee

duidelike eras in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis. Goldblatt verduidelik
dat hy oor die jare die strukture gefotografeer het wat hy as aanduidend
van die geleidelike blanke oorheesing oor die hele Suid-Afrika en
sy inwoners gesien het. Oorheersing het in 1660 begin toe Jan van
Riebeeck beveel het dat blokhuise en skanse opgerig moes word om
die inheemse bevolking uit te sluit van die Europese nedersettings se
grond, water en weiding. Hierdie tydvak is beindig toe president FW
de Klerk op 2 Febraurie 1990 namens die regering en blankes van SuidAfrika afstand gedoen het van mag en oorheersing. Goldblatt s dat hy
sedert 1990 steeds strukture fotografeer wat spreek van ons groeiende
demokrasie. Hy glo dat ons uiting gee aan ons waardestelsel deur die
strukture wat ons oprig. Dit is n verklaring van dit waarin ons glo, ons
waardes en etos.

The exhibition Structures of dominion and democracy traverses two

distinct eras in South African history. As Goldblatt explains over the
years I have photographed South African structures which I found
eloquent of the dominion which Whites gradually came to exert over all
of South Africa and its peoples.That time of domination began in 1660
when Jan van Riebeeck ordered a cordon to be erected of blockhouses
and barriers that would exclude the indigenous population from access
to the first European settlement in South Africa and its herds, lands,
water and grazing.The time of domination ended on the 2nd of February
1990, when, on behalf of the government and the Whites of South Africa,
President FW de Klerk effectively abdicated from power.Beginning in
1999 and continuing to the present, I have photographed some structures
that are eloquent of our still nascent democracy.In the belief that in what
we build we express much about what we value, I have looked at South
African structures as declarations of our value systems, our ethos.

Strukture van dominium & demokrasie /Structures of dominion and democracy - David Goldblatt



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Blowing in the wind Kurator/Curator: Carol Brown


13 Jul 19:00

Eeufees-kunsgalery, Eeufeeskompleks, UV / Centenary Art Gallery,

Blowing in the wind

Bongani Khanyile, Nasty Partition, Mixed media installation

Centenary Complex, UFS

13 17 Jul 09:00 18:00


Gratis / Free

Vanjaar is ingelui met n reeks internasionale tragedies wat ons herinner dat onverdraagsaamheid, fanatisme
en geweld steeds diepgewortel is in ons samelewing. Sedert die 1960s toe die idee van n moontlike
vreedsame en verdraagsame samelewing posgevat het, was daar nog nie genoeg verandering nie. Die idee
word treffend saamgevat in die lirieke van Blowin in the Wind deur Bob Dylan. Die kuratoriale oogmerk
van di uitstalling is om di lirieke te hersien in die lig van n halwe eeu later.
Verskeie van die werke in die uitstalling handel oor die uitbuiting van mense en die omgewing. Die
hoeksteen van ons land se materile rykdom, nl. Mynbou, is ook hierby ingesluit. Die diskoers oor mag en
magsmisbruik kom na vore in die werke oor die Marikana-moorde. Geweld en die obsessie met misdaad
in ons samelewing is n indringende tema in die werke. Die werk van Lerato Shadi jukstaponeer die
Steenkamp/Pistorius-saak met n video waarin vroue vasgevang is en aan pyn onderwerp word. Die brose
installasie deur Vulindlela Nyoni wat murmurerende swaeltjies uitbeeld, is n dubbelsinnige herinnering aan
die krag van solidariteit, waarin n kritiese massa die verloop van die geskiedenis kan verander, terwyl dit
ook n bevestiging van die belangrikheid van die individu binne die massa is.
Werke in verskillende media deur gevestigde en opkomende kunstenaars word uitgestal / The exhibition
shows works by established and emerging artists in diverse media: William Kentridge, Jeannette Unite,
Mary Wafer, Wonder Mbambo, Mthobisi Maphumulo, Andrea Walters.
This year has been marked with a series of international tragedies that remind us that intolerance, fanaticism
and violence still pervade our world. Not enough has changed from the 1960s when the possibility of a more
peaceful and tolerant society took hold of the world. The lyrics of Blowin in the Wind by Bob Dylan say
it all.The curatorial intention of this exhibition is to revisit these lyrics in the light of a half century since.
Several of the works on exhibition deal with environmental and human exploitation issues including those
surrounding the cornerstone of our countrys material wealth the mining industry.The discourse about
power and its abuse is evident in the works which relate to the Marikana killings.Violence and our societys
obsession with crime is a pervasive theme in the exhibition for example in the work by Lerato Shadi, where
reminders of the Steenkamp/Pistorius case are juxtaposed with a video expressing the pain and entrapment
to which many women are subjected. The fragile banner installation by Vulindlela Nyoni depicting a
murmuration of swallows is an ambiguous reminder of both the power of solidarity, where a critical mass
can alter the course of history. It is also the affirmation of the importance of the individual in the crowd.

[my] PLEK/[my] PLACE Kurator/Curator: Angela de Jesus


13 Jul 18:30

Foyer, kykNET-Scaena, UV / Foyer, kykNET-Scaena, UFS

[my] PLEK/[my] PLACE

13 17 Jul 09:00 19:00


Gratis / Free

Adelheid von Maltitz, Bodies (2014), Installasie: Harpuis, grond en as, 190 x 250 x 190 cm

[my] PLEK is n uitstalling oor ligging, ruimte, terreine en/of eienaarskap. Kunstenaars ondersoek en bevraagteken idees wat vereenwelsig word met
spesifieke plekke of die idee van ruimte. In die proses verwys hulle na hul [my] posisie (gedefinieer of ongedefinieer), rangorde of uitgangspunt. Die
uitstalling vertoon werke deur gevestigde en middel-loopbaan kunstenaars wat geaffilieer is by die Departement van Beeldende Kuns, Universiteit
van die Vrystaat, asook werke van genooide kunstenaars en sluit in kunswerke deur Janine Allen, Willem Boshoff, Ben Botma, Pauline Gutter, Jaco
Spies, Strijdom van der Merwe, Dot Vermeulen en Adelheid von Maltitz.
[my] PLACE is an exhibition about location, space, site and/or ownership. Artists explore and interrogate ideas associated with specific sites or the
notions of space while alluding to their [my] position (definite or indefinite), rank or point of view. The exhibition showcases works by mid-career
and established artists affiliated with the Department of Fine Arts, University of the Free State, with invited guest artists including artworks by Janine
Allen, Willem Boshoff, Ben Botma, Pauline Gutter, Jaco Spies, Strijdom van der Merwe, Dot Vermeulen and Adelheid von Maltitz.

Brent Meistre at Oliewenhuis

Oliewenhuis-kunsmuseum, Harry Smith-straat 16, Waverley /
Oliewenhuis Art Museum, 16 Harry Smith Street, Waverley

Brent Meistre


Gratis / Free

Oliewenhuis-kunsmuseum bied twee uitstallings aan deur die fotograaf/fliekmaker Brent Meistre. Meistre werk in verskillende media, insluitend klanken stopraam-animasie. Hy het verskeie toekennings ontvang en is die enigste Suid-Afrikaanse videokunstenaar wat in 2011 op die Bamako Fotobinnale in Mali uitgestal het. Die sentrale tema van beweging, reis en verskuiwing binne n globale en Afrika-konteks is deurlopend sigbaar in
Meistre se werk. Dit wissel tussen fotografiese en rolprentwerk wat navors hoe spore en oorblyfsels voortgaan om n invloed op die lewe en ervaring
van mense op die vasteland te h.
Oliewenhuis Art Museum presents two exhibitions showcasing the work of Brent Meistre a photographer/filmmaker who works in varying media
including sound and stop-frame animation. Winner of multiple awards and the only South African video artist to have exhibited at the Bamako Photo
Biennale in Mali in 2011, the central notion of movement, journey, and migration within a global and African context is evident throughout Meistres
varying bodies of photographic and film work, which consider how these traces and remnants continue to constitute and speak to the lived experience
of people on the continent.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Visuele Kuns | Visual Arts


Sojourn Deur/By: Brent Meistre

14 Jul 19:00

Oliewenhuis-kunsmuseum, Hoofgebou /Oliewenhuis Art Museum,

13 16 Jul 08:00 17:00, 17 & 18 Jul 09:00 16:00

Main Building

Rondleiding/Walkabout: 15 Jul 10:00


Gratis / Free

Brent Meistre, Verneukpan, Northern Cape, South Africa (2007), Archival pigment ink on Hot Press Smooth Cotton Rag, 95 x 112 cm

Sojourn is n fotografiese uitstalling van 30 uitgesoekte landskapfotos van afgele dele van Suidelike Afrika wat oor n tydperk van ses jaar geneem
is. Die projek fokus op talle sosio-politieke en omgewingsuitdagings soos die daaglikse stryd van gesoleerde en plattelandse gemeenskappe, die
ontwikkeling en eienaarskap van grond in Suidelike Afrika en die invloed van die klimaat en die omgewing.
Sojourn is a photographic exhibition of 30 selected landscape images taken over a period of six years across rural and remote parts of Southern
Africa. The project focuses on numerous socio-political and environmental challenges such as the daily struggle of isolated and rural communities,
the development and ownership of land in Southern Africa and the impact of climate and the environment.

Sojourn - Brent Meistre


Across my fathers fault Deur/By: Brent Meistre


Oliewenhuis-kunsmuseum, Reservoir /Oliewenhuis Art Museum,

13 16 Jul 09:00 16:00, 17 & 18 Jul 09:00 16:00

Rondleiding/Walkabout: 15 Jul 10:00


Gratis / Free
Brent Meistre, Across my fathers fault, Stopraam-animasie

Across my fathers fault is n plekgebonde stopraam-animasie-installasie, geskiet in die Wieg van die Mensdom naby Johannesburg. Die stuk
vertel die verskyning van die eerste vader uit die oergrot wat doelloos oor die land dwaal waarop hy sy wilsbesluite uitvoer.
Across My Fathers Fault is a site-specific stop frame animation installation, shot on location in the Cradle of Humankind, near Johannesburg. The
piece loosely narrates the emergence of the first father, emerging from the primordial cave, wandering aimlessly across the land upon which he
enacts his will.

Faces that are us Deur/By: Philippe Burger


10 Jul 18:00

Gallery on Leviseur, Genl. Dan Pienaar-rylaan 59, Westdene /

Gallery on Leviseur, 59 Genl. Dan Pienaar Drive, Westdene

13 16 Jul 08:00 16:00, 17 Jul 09:00 13:00


Gratis / Free

Rondleiding met die kunstenaar/Walkabout with the artist: 11 Jul 10:00

Philippe Burger, A brother and a sister (2011), Photographic print, 42 x 42 cm

Di fotografie-uitstalling deur Philippe Burger beeld portrette van gewone mense en hul alledaagse aktiwiteite uit soos handeldryf, vieringe, werk, bou,
speel, leef, liefh en lyding. Burger suggereer dat die portret n persoonlike deurgang na die siel en die wreld van die gefotografeerde oordra. Hy
beskryf n gesig as n kaart waar ontbering, lyding, plesier, wysheid, ervaring, liefde en haat teenoor die wreld gevind kan word. Ons kyk dikwels die
persoon mis en sien nie altyd die gesig nie. Burger, as fotograaf, wissel voortdurend rolle tussen storieverteller en voyeur. Hy bied vlugtige blikke van
die lewe en die verskillende realiteite van di wat hy fotografeer, wat die kyker in staat stel om empatie met hulle te h en met hulle te kan vereenselwig.
This photographic exhibition by Phillippe Burger depicts portraits and tells stories of everyday people trading, celebrating, working, building, playing,
living, loving and suffering. Burger suggests that the portrait conveys a personal pathway to the soul and the world of its wearer. He describes a face
as a map where hardship, suffering, pleasure, wisdom, experience, love and hate towards the world can be found. Often we lose sight of the person
and do not always see the face. Burger, as photographer, passes between the role of storyteller and voyeur. He offers glimpses into the lives and the
different realities of those he photographs, enabling the viewer to empathize and find familiarity with them.

Accross my fathers fault Brent Meistre

14 Jul 19:00

Faces that are us Philippe Burger


10 Jul 18:00 | Gallery on Leviseur: Faces that are us - Phillippe Burger

13 Jul 18:30 | kykNET-Sceana-foyer: [my] PLEK / [my] PLEK
13 Jul 19:00 | Eeufees-galery/ Centenary Gallery: Blowing in the wind

13 Jul 20:00 | Johannes Stegmann-kunsgalery: Strukture van dominium & demokrasie - David Goldblatt
Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery: Structures of dominion & democracy - David Goldblatt
14 Jul 19:00 | Oliewenhuis-kunsmuseum/Art Museum: Sojourn + Across my fathers fault - Brent Meistre

Vir inligting oor die uitstallings, rondleidings en die safari-opening kontak die Johannes Stegmann-kunsgalery by / For information about the
exhibitions, walkabouts and safari of openings contact the Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery at: 051-401-2706 of/or dejesusav@ufs.ac.za

n Safari van uitallingopenings/

Safari of exhibition openings

n Safari van uitstallingopenings/Safari of exhibition openings


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Ligvanger - n foto-uitstalling/
a photo exhibition - Chris v Niekerk

Anthropos - Conrad Bornman


Deur/By: Conrad Bornman

Restaurantfoyer, kykNET-Scaena / Restaurant Foyer, kykNET-Scaena

13 18 Jul 09:00 19:00


Gratis / Free

Conrad Bornman, Adam moord Bethulie

Di reeks nuus- en dokumentre fotos beeld die diversiteit van die Vrystaat en ook Suid-Afrika se mense uit. As fotojoernalis by n daaglikse Afrikaanse koerant
(Volksblad), wat geskiedenis afneem soos dit ontvou, bied Conrad Bornman n unieke blik op die lief en leed van gewone mense van elke tong, taal en kultuur.
Bornman het verskeie nasionale en internasionale fotografiepryse gewen. In 2013 is hy as naaswenner van die internasionale Open-Photo-kompetisie vir
Afrikafotograwe oor minderheidsgroepe in Afrika aangewys. Hy was in 2014 Media24 se Legends24-wenfotograaf en die nasionale wenner in die Vodacomjoernalis van die Jaar se kompetisie vir fotograaf van die jaar.
This series of news and documentary photographs depicts the diversity of the people in the Free State and also South Africa. As photo journalist at a daily
Afrikaans newspaper (Volksblad), recording history as it happens, Conrad Bornman offers a unique view on the everyday life of ordinary people of every culture
and language group. He has won various national and international photographic prizes. In 2013 he was runner-up in the international Open-Photo competition
for photographers from Africa on minority groups in Africa. In 2014 he was Media24s Legends24 winning photographer, as well as the photographer of the year
in the Vodacom Journalist of the Year competition.

Ligvanger - n foto-uitstalling/
a photo exhibition Deur/By: Chris van Niekerk
Eksamenlokaal 7 / Examination Room 7
09:00 - 18:00


Gratis / Free

Die uitstalling-deel van Van Niekerk se tweeluik: n kunsuitstalling van fotos deur Van Niekerk op aluminium gedruk, asook n rolprent van fotos,
musiek en woordkuns (Albert Wessels-ouditorium). Die werk is n soeke na en n ontginning van lig, en ondersoek die wisselwerking tussen lig en
donker en die invloed wat dit op ons emosionele en kognitiewe wese het.
The exhibition is part of a diptych by Van Niekerk: an art exhibition of photos by Van Niekerk printed on aluminium, plus a film of photographs, music
and literary art (Albert Wessels Auditorium). The work is a search for an exploration of light. It eplores the interrelationship between light and dark
and the influence it has on our emotional and cognitive being.

PIKO: Transformering deur kunsinnovering/

PIAD: Transformation through art innovation
PIKO/PIAD OPENLab 2014. Photograph: Abrie Fourie

Die Program vir Innovering en Kunsvormontwikkeling (PIKO) is n

program wat deur die Vrystaat Kunstefees en die Universiteit van die
Vrystaat ontwikkel is. Dit kyk hoe tegnologie, interdissiplinre en
eksperimentele kunste met gemeenskappe kan bind en n impak daarop
h. PIKO is in 2014 van stapel gestuur as n proefprojek in reaksie op
onlangse data wat wys dat die kreatiewe industrie in Afrika minder as
1% tot die wreldproduksie bydra.
Namate groter toegang tot en deelname in kultuur gekoppel kan
word aan n verbetering in menslike ontwikkeling, fokus PIKO op die
ondersteuning van wissel-kulturele, eksperimentele kunsprogramme
wat die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap kreatief kan transformeer. Vir di
doel werk PIKO saam met verskeie Suid-Afrikaanse en internasionale
kunstenaars om n gesamentlike voordelige program van kontak te


PIKO koester vernuwing in kunsvormontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika deur die

ontwikkeling, aanbieding en bevordering van kunsprojekte, insluitend
n reeks Eerste Nasies-projekte; kuns/wetenskapnavorsing en interdissiplinre kunstenaarsverblyfprogramme; interdissiplinre kunslaboratoriums vir skeppende praktisyns; die produksie en aanbiedings van
uitdagende nuwe werk in die kunste; en kritiese debatte/forums.

The Programme for Innovation in Artform Development (PIAD) is a

programme developed by the Vrystaat Arts Festival and the University
of the Free State.
PIAD is an arts development programme focusing on how technology,
interdisciplinary and experimental arts can connect with and impact on
communities. PIAD was launched in 2014 as a pilot project in response
to recent data indicating that the creative industries in Africa contribute
less than 1% to global creative output.
As increased access to and participation in culture can be linked to an
increase in human development, the PIAD focuses on supporting crosscultural, experimental art programmes that can creatively transform
South African society. For this process the PIAD is working with several
South African and international artists to develop a mutually beneficial
programme of engagement.
PIAD fosters innovation in artform development in South Africa
through the development, presentation and promotion of art projects,
including a series of First Nations projects; arts/science research and
interdisciplinary artist residencies; interdisciplinary arts laboratories for
creative practitioners; the production and presentation of challenging
new work in the arts; and critical debates/forums.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Visuele Kuns | Visual Arts PIKO | PIAD


Kuns, vernuwing en diversiteit van gehore/
Art, innovation and audience diversity


Planetarium, Naval Hill

16 Jul 09:00 - 13:00

The Vrystaat Arts Festival in partnership with the Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery and the Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice, co-present
this artist and academicforum. Donna Walker-Kuhne, expert of audience diversification and author of the book Invitation to the Party, will present the
keynote address followed by a conversation by a panel of national and international creative practitioners on arts/cultural policies and the praxis of
artists having to deliver locally relevant and diverse work. Special guests include Sarah Gardner, Rosemary Mangope, Rosemary Miller, Nike Jonah,
Alex Rinsler, Erwin Maas, Isobel Hawson, Fotis Kapetopolous, Jerry Mofokeng, Hennie van Greunen, Saartjie Botha, Cornelia Faasen and Jess Olivieri.


Aangebied deur die Vrystaat Kunstefees in vennootskap met die Johannes Stegmann-kunsgalery en die Instituut vir Versoening en Sosiale Geregtigheid.
Die hoofspreker is Donna Walker-Kuhne, kenner van gehoordiversifikasie en skrywer van die boek Invitation to the party. Dit word gevolg deur n paneel
van nasionale en internasionale kreatiewe praktisyns wat kunste- en kulturele beleide bespreek en voorbeelde van kunstenaars se plaaslik-relevante
en diverse. Spesiale gaste sluit in Sarah Gardner, Rosemary Mangope, Rosemary Miller, Nike Jonah, Alex Rinsler, Erwin Maas, Isobel Hawson, Fotis
Kapetopolous, Jerry Mofokeng, Hennie van Greunen, Saartjie Botha, Cornelia Faasen en Jess Olivieri.

PIKO: Internasionale en nasionale gaste/

PIAD: International and National Guests
Die Vrystaat Kunstefees is trots daarop dat verskeie internasionale en nasionale gaste aan die PIKO Forum deelneem.
The Vrystaat Kunstefees is proud to have a range of international and national guests participating in discussions for the PIAD
forum Art, Innovation and Audience Diversity.

Donna Walker-Kuhne, Vice-President Communications, New Jersey Performing Arts Centre (NJPAC), will
deliver the keynote discussion. Acknowledged as the US foremost expert on audience diversification
by the Arts and Business Council, Donna, an accomplished arts administrator and adult educator, has
devoted her professional career to increasing the accessibility and connection to the arts by the USs rapidly growing multicultural population.
Donna firmly believes that the arts are the only pure vehicle we have in todays society that cross cultural and ethnic barriers and allow people to
transcend their differences.
Sarah Gardner is sedert Maart 2001 die uitvoerende stigtershoof van die Internasionale Federasie van
Kunsterade en Kulturele verenigings (IFACCA). Sy was voorheen die direkteur: strategiese inisiatiewe
van die Australia Council waar sy van 1990 verskeie senior uitvoerende poste beklee het. Sy was
voorheen die direkteur van openbare sake vir die Australian Bicentennial Authority en n konsultant in
die private en openbare sektore van die leidende Australiese firma Issues Australia. Voor dit was sy die
tegniese bestuurder van die Duitse maatskappy Schering AG, en het vryskut in die toerismebedryf en
gemeenskapsektor in Engeland, Itali, Skotland en Spanje gewerk. Sy het n BSc- en meestersgraad in
openbare beleid aan die Universiteit van Sydney.
Sarah Gardner has been the founding Executive Director of the International Federation of Arts Councils
and Cultural Associations (IFACCA) since March 2001. She was previously the Director, Strategic Initiatives at the Australia Council, where she held
various senior executive roles from 1990. She was formerly the Director of Public Affairs for the Australian Bicentennial Authority and a consultant
in the private and public sectors for the leading Australian firm Issues Australia. Prior to that she was technical manager with the German company
Schering AG, and worked freelance in the tourism industry and community sector in England, Italy, Scotland and Spain. She has a BSc and Masters
in Public Policy from the University of Sydney.
Rosemary Miller, uitvoerende hoof/artistieke direkteur: Salamanca-kunssentrum, het jare lank in
diverse multi-kunste-rolle in Suid-Australi, Victoria en nou ook Tasmani gewerk. Sy het programme
en projekte vir die kunste en die ontwikkeling van die kunsbedryf beoog en toegepas en feeste skeppend
aangebied, gelei, ontwikkel en bestuur. Rosemary kombineer haar diverse kunsondervinding in haar
leiding van die Salamanca-kunssentrum. Sy stel baie belang in vertolkings-, visuele en mediakunste
en hul aansluitingspunte, en in kulturele diverse kunspraktyke. Die Salamanca-kunssentrum bestuur
SituateArts in Festivals, een van die sleutel-feesinisiatiewe van die Australiese Kunsteraad, en is n
vennoot van die Vrystaat Kunstefees.
Rosemary Miller, CEO/Artistic Director, Salamanca Arts Centre (SAC), has worked for many years in
diverse multi-arts roles in South Australia, Victoria, and the Australian island state of Tasmania. She has envisioned and implemented arts and arts
industry development programmes and projects and creatively produced, directed, developed, managed and advised festivals. Rosemary combines
her diverse arts experience as she leads Salamanca Arts Centre as CEO/Artistic Director. She has strong interests in performance, visual and media
arts and their points of intersection, and in culturally diverse arts practices. The SAC manages SituateArts in Festivals, one of the key festival
initiatives of the Australia Council for the arts, and a partner of the Vrystaat Arts Festival.
Nike Jonah is n spesialiskonsultant wat in strategiese ontwikkelingsprojekte vir kreatiewe bedrywe
en die kulturele sektor oor die wreld heen werk. Van 2008 2012 het sy Decibel Performing Arts
Showcase gelei, n strategiese bemiddeling van die Britse Kunsteraad om sakegeleenthede van Afrika-,
Asiatiese en Karibiese kunstenaars in Engeland te verbeter. Hy is onlangs gekies as deelnemer aan
die UK-Nigeria Creative Partnership, n projek wat as deel van die London 2012 New World Nigeriaprogram in vennootskap met die British Council ontwikkel is.
Nike Jonah is a specialist consultant working on strategic development projects for creative industries
and the cultural sector worldwide. From 2008 2012, Nike led, Decibel Performing Arts Showcase an

PIKO: Internasionale en nasionale gaste/PIAD: International and National Guests

Donna Walker-Kuhne, vise-president kommunikasie, New Jersey Performing Arts Centre (NJPAC),
word erken as die VSA se voorste kenner van gehoordiversifikasie deur die Arts and Business Council,
en is n bewese kunste-administrateur en volwasse-opvoeder. Sy het haar beroepsloopbaan gewy
aan groter toegang tot en verbintenis met die kunste in Amerika se snelgroeiende multi-kulturele
bevolking. Donna glo vas die kunste is vandag die enigste medium wat kulturele en etniese grense kan
oorsteek en mense toerus om hul verskille te oorbrug.


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Arts Council England strategic intervention designed to increase business opportunities of African, Asian* and Caribbean artists based in England.
Recently, Nike was selected as a participant for the UK-Nigeria Creative Partnership, a project developed as part of London 2012 New World Nigeria
programme in partnership with the British Council.
Rosemary Mangope is in 2013 aangestel as uitvoerende hoof van die Nasionale Kunsteraad (NAC)
van Suid-Afrika. Sy is al 30 jaar by die kunste, sake, sosiale en gemeenskapsontwikkeling betrokke.
Voordat sy by die NAC aangesluit het, was sy afdelingshoof: kommunikasie, bemarking en openbare
sake by die Ontwikkelingsbank van Suidelike Afrika waar sy bygedra het tot strategiese leierskap
en voorligting oor die organisasie se wye kommunikasie- en bemarkingsinisiatiewe. In 2009 was sy
waarnemende adjunk-direkteur-generaal van die Departement Kuns en Kultuur (DAC). Voor dit was
sy in 2005 die stigter en hoofdirekteur van die Kunste, Sosiale Ontwikkeling en Jeugafdeling van die
Rosemary Mangope was appointed CEO of the National Arts Council of South Africa in 2013. Her
30-year career spans the arts, business, and social and community development. Before joining the NAC, Rosemary was Divisional Executive:
Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs at the Development Bank of Southern Africa, where she contributed strategic leadership and
guidance across the organisations widespread communications and marketing initiatives. In 2009 she was Acting Deputy Director General at the
Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) and, prior to that, was founder and Chief Director of the Arts, Social Development and Youth Division at the
DAC in 2005.
Jerry Mofokeng is artistieke direkteur van die Uitvoerende Kunstesentrum van die Vrystaat (Pacofs) en
n legende op die verhoog, op TV en in rolprente. Hy het in verskeie rolprente gespeel, insluitend Cry,
the beloved country, Mandela and De Klerk, en Tsotsi wat in 2005 n Oscar gewen het. Mofokeng het in
die jare sewentig aan die Horskool Orlando-Wes en die Youth Alive Ministeries in Soweto gestudeer.
In die stormagtige jare van die skole-onrus het hy in gemeenskapsteater gespeel. Hy is daarna na
die Wits-dramaskool waar toneelspel sy hoofvak was en toe na die Columbia-universiteit in Amerika
waar hy n meestersgraad in regie ontvang het. Hy het die Golden Horn-lewensprestasietoekenning
in 2013 ontvang.

PIKO: Internasionale en nasionale gaste/PIAD: International and National Guests

Jerry Mofokeng is the Artistic Director of the Performing Arts Centre of the Free State (PACOFS) and a
South African legend of the stage and screen, who has appeared in a number of critically-acclaimed
films, including Cry, The Beloved Country; Mandela and De Klerk; and the 2005 Academy Award-winning film Tsotsi. Mofokeng attended Orlando
West High School and Youth Alive Ministries in Soweto in the 1970s. He acted in community theatre during the turbulent years of the students
unrest. He proceeded to Wits Drama School where he initially took his major in acting. He went on to study at Columbia University in America,
where he obtained his Masters Degree in Theatre Directing. He is the recipient of the Golden Horn Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013.
Erwin Maas is n onafhanklike Nederlandse teaterregisseur, onderwyser en internasionale raadgewer
vir die uitvoerende kunste wat in New York gevestig is. Hy het in Australi, Europa en Amerika gewerk.
Van 2010 tot 2014 het Maas die pos as direkteur van uitvoerende kunste vir die Kultuurdepartement
van die Koninklike Nederlandse ambassade en konsulate in Amerika gedeel. Hy is n kernlid van
Teater Sonder Grense, n lid van die Nederlands-Amerikaanse Stigting se Kulturele Komitee en dien
in die Artistieke Adviesraad van die ISSUE Project Room in Brooklyn.
Erwin Maas is a New York based theatre director, teacher and international performing arts advocate
from the Netherlands. He has worked extensively in Australia, Europe, and USA. From 2010 to
2014, Maas shared the position of Director of Performing Arts for the Cultural Department of the
Royal Netherlands Embassy & Consulates in the USA. He is a core-member of Theater Without Borders, a member of the Netherlands-America
Foundation Cultural Committee and he is on the Artistic Advisory Board of the ISSUE Project Room in Brooklyn.
Alex Rinsler is n openbare kunstenaar en kulturele vervaardiger wat in Manchester, Brittanje, woon.
Hy wil mense op inspirerende en onverwagte maniere saambring en kleur en n sin van die natuur
na die stad bring. Met Urban Fox het hy in 2014 Brittanje op die Jingan Internasionale Beeldeprojek
in Sjanghai verteenwoordig en beplan tans die opening van HOME, n multi-kunstesentrum van
6,500m2, in Manchester. In 2012 het hy die kunstenaarsbeurs van die Clore-leierskapprogram
Alex Rinsler is a public artist and cultural producer, living in Manchester, UK. He aims to bring people
together in inspiring and unexpected ways, and bring colour and a sense of the wild to the city. He
represented the UK at the Jingan International Sculpture Project in Shanghai in 2014 with Urban Fox,
and is currently producing the opening for HOME, a 6,500m2 multi-arts centre in Manchester. In 2012 he was awarded the Artist Fellowship on the
Clore Leadership Programme.
Fotis Kapetopoulos, direkteur van Kape Communications Pty Ltd, het 25 jaar ondervinding in
kunstebestuur, kommunikasie, gehoorontwikkeling en internasionale verbintenisse. Hy is tans die
ontwikkelingsbestuurder van Melbourne se Internasionale Jazz-fees en lei die Bite the Big Applekunstebestuurstoer van New York. Fotis was multikulturele media-adviseur vir die gewese premier
van Victoria, Ted Baillieu, en redakteur van Neos Kosmos, die Engelse uitgawe van Australi se
voorste Grieks-Australiese koerant en aanlyn-publikasie. Hy is die skrywer van Who goes there?,
gevallestudies van nasionale multi-kulturele kunstegehore en Adjust your view: Developing
multicultural audiences for the arts, uitgegee deur die Australiese Kunsteraad.
Fotis Kapetopoulos, director of Kape Communications Pty Ltd, has 25 years of experience in arts
management, communications and audience development and international engagement. He is currently the Development Manager of the
Melbourne International Jazz Festival ands leads Bite the Big Apple! Arts Management Tour of New York City. Fotis was Multicultural Media Adviser
to the former Premier of Victoria, Ted Baillieu, and Editor of Neos Kosmos English Edition, Australias leading Greek-Australian newspaper and
on-line publication. He was the Director of Multicultural Arts Victoria between 1992 and 2001. He authored Who goes there?, National multicultural
arts audience case studies and Adjust your view: Developing multicultural audiences for the arts, published by the Australia Council for the Arts.
Cornelia Faasen is direkteur: Studentelewe aan die UV en neem ook tans waar as studentedekaan. Sy
het n meestersgraad in teaterstudies en het n besondere belangstelling in teater as n alternatiewe
historiese vertelling.
Cornelia Faasen is the Director: Student Life at the University of the Free State and currently also
acting as the Dean of Students. She has a Masters degree in theatre studies and has a particular
interest in theatre as alternative historical narrative.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015



Vrystaat Kunstefeesinisiatiewe | Vrystaat Arts Festival Initiatives

Hennie van Greunen (BA, HDE, Hons [sielkunde]) is n regisseur, skrywer en vervaardiger en is mede-eienaar
(saam met akteur-musikus Pedro Kruger) van Wordsmiths Theatre Factory, die oudste en suksesvolste
selfonderhoudende Afrikaanse toneelgeselskap in Suid-Afrika. Die doel van sy maatskappy is om
toeganklike gehalte-teater aan sy tuisgehore te bied. Hy het talle pryse en benoemings ontvang vir skryf,
regie, feesgunstelinge en vervaardiging. Sy produksies tel gewoonlik onder die top-5 van enige fees waar dit
aangebied word. / Hennie van Greunen (BA, HDE, Hons [Psych]) is a director, translator, writer and producer
and is co-owner (with actor/musician Pedro Kruger) of Wordsmiths Theatre Factory, the oldest and most
successful self sustaining Afrikaans theatre company in South Africa. His companys goal is to bringquality
and accessible theatre to his home audiences. He has received a myriad of prizes and nominations for
writing, direction, festival favourites and producing. His productions inevitably feature on the Top 5 list of any festival where they are performed.

Vrystaat Kunstefeesinisiatiewe/Vrystaat Arts Festival Initiatives

Die Vrystaat Kunstefees is veel meer as net n groot gemeenskapgebeurtenis wat elke jaar in Julie plaasvind. Ons werk ook deur die jaar aan
grondverskuiwende projekte om die skeppende ekonomiese spoor van die Vrystaat en Suid-Afrika te vergroot.
Hier is n paar daarvan: / The Vrystaat Arts Festival is much more than just a great community event that happens in July each year. We also work on
ground breaking projects throughout the year to increase the creative economy footprint of the Free State and South Africa. Here are some of them:

Eksperimentele kuns-wetenskapverblyfprogram / Experimental Art/Science Residencies

As deel van PIKO ondersteun die Vrystaat Kunstefees in vennootskap met die Universiteit van die Vrystaat
n wreld-eerste, navorsing- en ontwikkelingsverblyfprogramme rondom kuns/wetenskap-spanpogings.
Drie internasionale kunstenaars werk oor die volgende paar jaar saam met ons om nuwe, interdissiplinre
projekte te ontwikkel. / As part of the PIAD, the Vrystaat Arts Festival in partnership with the University of the
Free State supports world first research and development residencies around arts/science collaborations.
Three international artists are working over the next few years with us to develop new, interdisciplinary
projects. Ondersteun deur / Supported by Australia Council for the Arts.

Dr. Nigel Helyer (ook bekend as dr. Sonique) is n onafhanklike klankkunstenaar wat n internasionale reputasie gevestig het deur sy grootskaalse
klankbeeldinstallasies, omgewingskunswerke in die openbaar, interaktiewe projekte in museums en nuwe mediaprojekte. As verblyfkunstenaar ontwikkel
hy saam met prof. Koos Albertyn en klankkunstenaar Leon Snyman die GeneMusik-projek. GeneMusik is n eksperimentele biologiese musiekstelsel wat
ontwerp is om n funksionele verwantskap tussen konvensionele Westerse musieknotasie en DNA-sekwense te vestig. In teenstelling met vorige werk
op gebied wat bekende DNA-sekwense bloot in musiek-analo vertolk het, is GeneMusik radikaal anders - dit stel n organiese proses van chemiese en
biologiese wyses voor om musiek in genetiese materiaal en weer terug te transformeer in hierdie geval die Suid-Afrikaanse Volkslied.
Dr Nigel Helyer (a.k.a. DrSonique) is an independent sound-artist who has forged an international reputation for large scale sound-sculpture installations,
environmental public artworks, museum inter-actives and new media projects. Working with Professor Koos Albertyn and sound artist Leon Snyman, Dr
Helyer, in residence is researching and developing the GeneMusik project. GeneMusik is an experimental biological music system, which is designed to
establish a functional relationship between conventional Western music notation and DNA sequences. Whereas previous work in this field has simply
interpreted known DNA sequences into musical analogues, GeneMusik makes a radical departure by proposing an entirely organic process, employing
chemical and biological means to transform music into genetic material and back againin this case the South African National Anthem.
Dr Mari Velonaki, mede-professor en direkteur: Creative Robotics Laboratory, National Institute for Experimental Arts (NIEA), werk sedert 1995 as
kunstenaar en navorser op die gebied van interaktiewe installasiekuns. Sy het interaktiewe installasies geskep wat beweging, spraak, aanraking,
asem, elektrostatiese lading, kunsmatige visie en robotika inkorporeer. In 2003 het haar praktyk na robotika uitgebrei toe sy n belangrike kuns/
wetenskapnavorsingsprojek Fish-Bird: Autonomous Interactions in a Comtemporary Arts Setting vir die Australiese Navorsingsraad begin het in
samewerking met robotwetenskaplikes by die Australian Centre for Field Robotics. Dr. Velonika sal in 2015 by die UV wees om interaktiewe projekte met
plaaslike kunstenaars te ondersoek.
Dr Mari Velonaki, Director, Creative Robotics Laboratory, National Institute for Experimental Arts (NIEA), has worked as an artist and researcher in the
field of interactive installation art since 1995. She has created interactive installations that incorporate movement, speech, touch, breath, electrostatic
charge, artificial vision and robotics. In 2003, her practice expanded to robotics, when she initiated and led a major Australian Research Council art/
science research project Fish-Bird: Autonomous Interactions in a Contemporary Arts Setting in collaboration with robotics scientists at the Australian
Centre for Field Robotics. Dr Velonaki will be in residence at UFS in 2015 to explore interactive projects with local artists.

Kuns en gesondheid / Arts and Health

Die Vrystaat Kunstefees span saam met een van die grootste gestremdes-/kuns en gesondheidorganisasies (DADAA) in Australi om n langtermynprogram vir die kunste en gesondheid in die
Vrystaat te ontwikkel. n Proefprojek wat op die gesondheid van mans fokus en die Universiteit van die
Vrystaat betrek, begin in Augustus 2015. DADAA, gevestig in Wes-Australi, bestaan uit n geografiesverspreide span van strate, vervaardigers, kunstenaars, verwante gesondheidswerkers, navorsers,
vennootmakelaars, digitale vervaardigers, gemeenskapbouers en ondersteuningwerkers. Hulle werk
internasionaal en plaaslik saam met die huidige span van 24 heeltydse personeellede wat meer as 16000
gemeenskapslede ondersteun om aan die kunste deel te neem. Die werk word deur die gemeenskap en
gestremdes gelei.
The Vrystaat Arts Festival has partnered with one of the biggest Arts and Disability/Arts and Health Infrastructure organisations (DADAA) in Australia
to develop a long term arts and health programme for the Free State. A pilot project focussing on mens health, involving the University of the Free
State, will commence in August 2015. DADAA, based in Western Australia, is comprised of a geographically dispersed team of strategists, producers,
artists, allied health workers, researchers, partnership brokers, digital producers, community builders and support workers.They work internationally
and locally, with the currentteam of 24 full-time staff supporting more than 16,000 community members to participate in the arts.The work is
community-led, disability-led, rigorous and long haul.

Vrystaat Kunstefeesinisiatiewe/Vrystaat Arts Festival Initiatives

Dr. George Khut, die pryswenner- elektroniese mediakunstenaar en interaktiewe ontwerper, was in Februarie
2015 drie weke lank in Bloemfontein om lokale en geleenthede vir samewerking vir die ontwikkeling van
n nuwe interaktiewe kunsprojek wat deur breingolwe beheer word vir die Vrystaat Kunstefees te ondersoek. Vir sy studieverblyf en uitstalling in die
Johannes Stegmann-galery in 2016 sal hy n intieme openbare laboratorium inrig waar besoekers n video-selfie van hul interaksie met die werk kan
neem. Dit dokumenteer die klanke en visuele effekte wat gedurende hul interaksie met die Alpha-golf- beheerde kunswerk voortgebring is.
Dr George Khut: In February 2015 award-winning electronic-media artist and interaction-designer Dr George Poonkhin Khut, spent three weeks in
Bloemfontein to explore locations and opportunities for collaboration on the development of a new brain-wave controlled interactive art project for the
2016 Vrystaat Arts Festival. For his residency and exhibition at the UFS Stegmann Gallery in 2016, Dr Khut will be installing an intimate and immersive
public laboratory where visitors will be able to record and share a subtitled video selfie of their interaction with the work, that documents the sounds
and visual effects generated during their interaction with the Alpha-wave controlled artwork.


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Kuns en opvoeding: digKUNS-projek / Arts and Education: poARTry Project

Die kunste staan krities teenoor die ontwikkeling van skoliere se eiewaarde, emosionele intelligensie
en redenaarsvernuf. Kunsgeletterdheid bied nie net geleenthede vir die kultivering van skakels tussen
verskillende kunsgenres nie, maar ook tussen die kunste en ander dissiplines. Die digKUNS-projek neem
skoolkinders op n reis van verskeie benaderings tot kunsskepping deur leerlinge se voorgeskrewe
posie as grondslag vir n vernuwende multi-dissiplinre kunsontdekking te gebruik. Posie sal dien as
vertrekpunt vir verdere ondersoek, deur verskeie kunsvorms, van verwante Suid-Afrikaanse temas, asook
persoonlike en ander bepaalde ervarings. Die projek word ontwikkel deur dr. Stphanie Brink, Walter
Strydom en Mark Antony Dobson. Ondersteun deur die ATKV se gefokuste taal-en kunste-afdelings
The arts are critical for the development of school students self-worth, emotional intelligence and reasoning skills. Art literacy not only provides
opportunities for the cultivation of links between different art genres, but also between the arts and other disciplines. The poARTry project takes school
children on a journey through various approaches to art creation through utilising the learners prescribed poetry art in their own right as a basis
for an innovative multidisciplinary, artistic exploration. Poetry will serve as a starting point for a further investigation, through various art forms, of
relevant South African themes, as well as individual-personal and more localized experiences. The project is developed by Dr. Stphanie Brink, Walter
Strydom and Mark Antony Dobson. Sponsored byItumeleng Community Trust.

Gourmand-fondsinsamelings / Gourmand Fundraisers

Die Gourmand: Vrystaatse Fynproewer-etes vir Geldinsameling is n nuwe private gee-inisiatief, die eerste
in sy soort in die Vrystaat, wat die kreatiewe energie van gourmet-geregte en ander kreatiewe praktyke wil
integreer om beleggings te vind vir projekte wat uit PIKO spruit. Hierdie nuwe werke sal oor die volgende
paar jaar op die Vrystaat Kunstefees realiseer en ons provinsie vestig as n belangrike kreatiewe kern vir
vernuwing in Afrika. Belasting is aftrekbaar op alle skenkings aan PIKO. Die twee dryfkragte agter die
eerste geslaagde geldinsameling was Philippa Tumubweinee en Louise Klopper. As jy wil help om die
private gee-kultuur van die Vrystaat te laat groei, bel asb ons kantoor vir meer besonderhede, tel. 051404-7811.
The Gourmand: Free State Fine Dining Fundraisers, is a new private giving initiative, the first of its kind in the Free State, which aims to integrate the
creative energy of gourmet food with other creative practices, to help raise investments for projects that emerged from the PIAD. These new works will
be realised at the Vrystaat Arts Festival over the next few years and will position our state as a critical creative hub for innovation in Africa. All donations
to the PIAD are tax deductible. The two driving forces behind the first successful fundraising initiative were Philippa Tumubweinee and Louise Klopper.
If you are interested in helping us grow the private giving culture of the Free State, please contact our office for further details, tel. 051-404-7811.

Vrystaat Kunstefeesinisiatiewe/Vrystaat Arts Festival Initiatives

Program vir kapasiteitsontwikkeling / Capacity Development Programme

Sophie McCarthy is die uitvoerende direkteur van McCarthy Mentoring, n raadgewende firma in Sydney
wat wreldwyd werk om uitvoerende sakelui met ervare mentors te verbind. Dit is in 1998 gestig en
bied formele, gestruktureerde raadgewende en onderrigprogramme geskoei op senior uitvoerende
lui en werkers met ho potensiaal. Sophie is n gids vir Philippa Tumubweinee as n ontwikkelingsbestuurder vir die Vrystaat Kunstefees om filantropiese en private skenkings vir die fees in te samel.
Philippa is ook n senior dosent aan die department van argitektuur aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat,
n medestigter en direkteur van IZUBA INafrica en n doktorale student aan die UV. Sy het ook in die raad
van direkteure van VEGA; iMPAC, skool vir grafiese ontwerp en advertensies; The Moving Images-fees;
en die 40000 Bubbles Club gedien.
Sophie McCarthy is the Executive Director of McCarthy Mentoring, a Sydney based consulting firm working globally to connect executives with
experienced mentors. Established in 1998, it offers a suite of formal, structured mentoring and coaching programmes tailored for senior executives and
high potential employees. Sophie is mentoring Philippa Tumubweinee as a Development Manager for the Vrystaat Arts Festival to raise philanthropic
and private giving donations for the festival. Philippa is also a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Architecture at the University of the Free State, a
co-Founder and Director of IZUBA INafrica and a Doctoral student at the University of the Free State. She has also served on the Board of Directors for
VEGA: School of Graphic Design and Adverting, iMPAC: The Moving Images Festival, and the 40 000 Bubbles Club.

SITUATEArt in Festivals Vennootskap / Partnership

SITUATEArt in Festivals is n Australiese program wat uitstekende kunstenaars vroeg in hul loopbaan
help om nuwe eksperimentele kunswerke vir diverse feesomgewings te skep. SITUATEArt in Festivals
gee kreatiewe kandidate kans om te waag, grootskaalse werk te skep, hul praktyk uit te brei en kontak te
maak met gehore op verskeie feeste. Die Vrystaat Kunstefees is die enigste internasionale feesvennoot
van SITUATEArt in Festivals en n trotse ondersteuner van innoverende werk en kulturele uitruiling, soos
Plastiek Geskiedenis en die Wit Perd-projek.
SITUATE Art in Festivalsis an Australian programme designed to support outstanding early career artists to
develop new experimental artworks for diverse festival environments. SITUATE Art in Festivalsgives creative practitioners the opportunity to take risks,
develop works of scale, expand their practice and connect with audiences across a variety of festivals and sites. The Vrystaat Arts Festival is the only
international festival partner of SITUATEArt in Festivals and a proud supporter of the innovative works and cultural exchanges, such as Plastic Histories
ans the White Horse Project.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Vrystaat Kunstefeesprojekte | Vrystaat Arts Festival Projects Initiatives

Gemeenskap | Community

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


Gemeenskap | Community

No Student Hungry (NSH) Ekstreme Uitdaagprogram / The No Students Hungry Extreme (NSH) Challenge
Grasperk voor die George du Toit-gebou / Lawn in front of George du Toit building
17 & 18 Jul van/from 09:00
Gekoppel aan Mandeladag gaan verskeie sakespanne deelneem aan die NSH- ekstreme uitdaagprogram
wat in vennootskap met die Vrystaat Kunstefees aangebied word. Die aard van die uitdagings bly geheim
tot die dag van die wedstryd. Wees reg vir geestelike en fisieke uithouproewe om die beste span te vind.
Die doel is om mense bewus te maak van n kos-tekort onder UV-studente en om geld vir die No Student
Hungry-beursfonds in te samel. Om jou span van vyf lede in te skryf, kontak Vicky Simpson, tel 051-4017197, e-pos simpsonvz@ufs.ac.za
Linked to Mandela Day, various business teams from Bloemfontein will take part in the NSH Extreme Challenge in partnership with the Vrystaat Arts
Festival. The nature of the challenges will remain a secret, only to be revealed on the day of the event. Be prepared for competitive mental and physical
endurance trials. Only the best team will make it to the finish line. The goal of the NSH Extreme Challenge is to create awareness on food insecurity
among students at our University and to raise funds for the No Student Hungry Bursary Programme of the UFS. Contact Vicky Simpson to enter your
team of five. Tel: 051-401-7197 or email: simpsonvz@ufs.ac.za

Wreldleierskapprogram / Global Leadership Programme

In die strewe na transformasie en vernuwing het die UV toenemend internasionalisasie in sy
strategiese prioriteite. Die Leierskap vir Verandering-program, wat in 2010 begin is, is n geleentheid
vir leierskapontwikkeling vir eerstejaarstudente om vlakke van nuwe denke en n verbintenis tussen
studente van uiteenlopende agtergronde te bou. Die program het UV-studente bekend gestel aan
positiewe modelle van rasseintegrasie in n internasionale konteks en fasiliteer die uitruil van idees tussen
studente op kampusse oor geregtigheid, diversiteit, ras, rassisme, rasse-integrasie en rasseversoening.
Die Vrystaat Kunstefees is trots om n vennoot in die Wreldleierskapprogram te wees.
In the pursuit of transformation and renewal, the University of the Free State (UFS), Bloemfontein,
South Africa, has increasingly embedded internationalisation in its strategic priorities. The Leadership for Change Programme, initiated in 2010, is a
leadership development opportunity focused on first-year students to build layers of new thinking and engagement among students from diverse
backgrounds. The programme introduces UFS students to positive models of racial integration in international contexts and facilitates the exchange
of ideas between students on diverse campuses around social justice, diversity, race, racism, racial integration and racial reconciliation. The Vrystaat
Arts Festival is proud to be a partner on the Global Leadership Programme.

Sentraal SA Musiek-ekspo / Central SA Music Expo

Pluimbalsaal, UV/ Badminton Hall, UFS
13 18 Jul



Nog altyd gewonder hoe werk die musiekbedryf regtig? Waarna soek platemaatskappye, wat is musiekreg
of hoe kan effektiewe bemarking jou sangloopbaan bevorder? Dan is di Musiek-ekspo net die plek om
te wees! Kom beleef die musiekbedryf onder een dak en kry die geleentheid om met rolspelers te gesels.
Werksessies deur bekende persoonlikhede sal ook in die tyd aangebied word (R100 elk). Op 18 Julie
kry plaaslike kunstenaars die kans om in ons Showcase-konsert voor spesiale gaste op te tree en wie
weet, jy word dalk raakgesien en kan jou musiekloopbaan behoorlik vlerke kry! Lees meer hieroor op bladsy 20. Kaartjies is R100. Alle kaartjies is by
Have you ever wondered how the music industry really works? What is the recording industry looking for, what are music rights and how may effective
marketing promote your music career? Then this Music Expo is the place to be! Come and experience the music industry under one roof and get
the chance to speak directly to role players. Well-known personalities will also present workshops (R100 each). On July 18 local artists will have the
opportunity to perform in the Showcase Concert before special guests and who knows, you might just be noticed and your music career might take
flight. Read more on page 20. Tickets are R100, available from Computicket.

Naval Hill Planetarium

Passport to the universe (Spesiale program vir Vrystaat Kunstefees/ special programme for
14 Jul 11:00
Vrystaat Arts Festival)
Met dinamiese beelde van die heelal op die planetariumkoepel word lewend musiek gemaak. Daarna
neem die volkoepelprent, Passport to the Universe, die gehoor op n onvergeetlike reis met Tom Hanks
as verteller vanaf ons tuisplaneet, deur die Melkweg, tot aan die einde van die waarneembare heelal.
Navrae: Yolandie Loots, e-pos FickY@ufs.ac.za, tel. 051-401-9751. / With dynamic images of the universe on the planetarium dome live music is played.
Afterwards the full dome film, Passport to the Universe, with Tom Hanks as narrator will take the audience on an unforgettable journey from the earth,
through the Milky Way right to the known ends of the universe. Enquiries: Yolandie Loots, e-mail FickY@ufs.ac.za, tel. 051-401-9751.

The Search for Life: Are We Alone?

17 Jul 20:00



18 Jul 18:30



Vanuit die dieptes van die aarde se oseane tot aan die buitewyke van die kosmos, ondersoek die program die verband tussen lewe op aarde en die
moontlikheid van lewe op ander planete. Aanbeveel vir algemene gehore. / From the depths of earths oceans to the outmost reaches of the cosmos,
this programme researches the bond between life on earth and the possibility of life on other planets. Recommended for general audiences.

Gemeenskap / Community

Computicket R50, skoliere R20, student, pensioenarisse en groepe R30 / Computicket
R50, learners R20, students, pensioners and groups R30


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Anglo-Boereoorlogmuseum / Anglo-Boer War Museum

Die museum streef daarna om n instelling van uitnemendheid te wees waardeur die inklusiwiteit en
lyding van alle gemeenskappe in die Anglo-Boereoorlog uitgebeeld word. Hieruit spruit die boodskap
dat onderhandeling beter is as oorlog.
Straatadres: Anglo-Boereoorlogmuseum, Monumentweg, Bloemfontein, Suid-Afrika, 9301
Telefoon: +27-51-447-3447/+27-51-447-0079 Faks: +27-51-447-1322
Webtuiste: www.anglo-boer.co.za
Facebook-bladsy: Official: Anglo-Boer War Museum

E-pos: museum@anglo-boer.co.za

The museum strives to be an excellent institution through which the inclusivity and suffering of all communities during the Anglo-Boer War is
presented, and according to this convey the message that negotiation is better than war.
Street address: Anglo-Boer War Museum, Monument Road, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 9301
Telephone: 27-51-447-3447/+27-51-447-0097 Fax: +27-51-447-1322 E-mail:museum@anglo-boer.co.za Website: www.anglo-boer.co.za
Facebook Page:Official: Anglo-Boer War Museum

Die Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkundige Museum en Navorsingsentrum (Naln) is die geheue van die
Afrikaanse letterkunde, musiek en toneel. Die versameling bevat n geraamde 750,000 items en inligting
oor ruim 10,000 skrywers en musiek- en toneelpersoonlikhede. Die persoonlike literre nalatenskappe,
soms die volledige studeerkamers, van tientalle individue, asook die argiewe van verskeie uitgewerye,
word bewaar en is vir uitstal- en navorsingsdoeleindes toeganklik.
Besoek Naln by Pres. Brandstraat 9 (bopunt van Charlotte Maxekestraat, agter die standbeeld van pres.
J.H. Brand GPS: -29.116706, 26.216824); of kontak by tel. 051-405-4013/4034/5407;
e-pos: ojlnaln@sacr.fs.gov.za.
The National Afrikaans Literary Museum and Research Centre (Naln) is the memory of the Afrikaans literature, music and theatre. The collection
runs into an estimated 750,000 items, with information on easily 10,000 authors and music- and theatre personalities. The personal literary estates,
in some cases the complete studies, of scores of individuals, as well as the archives of various publishers, are being preserved and made accessible
for the purposes of exhibition and research.
Visit Naln at 9 Pres. Brand Street (upper end of Charlotte Maxeke Street, behind the statue of Pres. J.H. Brand; GPS: -29.116706, 26.216824); or contact
at tel. 051-405-4013/4034/5407; email: ojlnaln@sacr.fs.gov.za.

Nasionale Museum / National Museum

Di museum, gestig in 1877, is n natuur-historiese, kultureel-historiese en kunsmuseum. Die Nasionale
Museum se doel is om erfenisbronne te bied, asook n genotvolle ervaring vir almal deur gehaltenavorsing,
bewaring, opvoeding en uitstallings. Satellietmuseums sluit in Oliewenhuis-kunsmuseum, Freshfordhuismuseum, die Eerste Raadsaal en die Wa-museum.
Ligging: Aliwalstraat 36, Bloemfontein Tel: 051-447-9609 Webblad: www.nasmus.co.za
Ure oop: Maandae tot Vrydae: 08:00 17:00; Saterdae: 10:00 17:00; Sondae: 12:00 17:00; Gesluit op
Goeie Vrydag en Kersdag Toegang: Volwassenes: R5, skoliere: R3, voorskools: gratis
This museum, established in 1877, is a natural history, cultural history and art museum. The National Museum aims to provide heritage resources and
an enjoyable experience to all people through quality research, conservation, education and exhibitions. Satellite museums include Oliewenhuis Art
Museum, Freshford House Museum, the First Raadsaal and Wagon Museum.
Location: 36 Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein Tel: 051-447-9609 Website: www.nasmus.co.za
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 17:00; Saturdays: 10:00 17:00; Sundays: 12:00 17:00; Closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day
Entrance: Adults: R5, scholars: R3, pre-school: free


Out @ Kovsies
Die nuwe Out@Kovsies-kantoor, wat omsien na die menseregte van die lesbiese, gay- en biseksuele
gemeenskappe op die kampusse van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) is onlangs op die Bloemfonteinkampus gestig. Die kantoor is n inisiatief wat saamwerk met die Sentrum vir Gesondheid en Welstand
en Studentesake. Hulle geniet ook die ondersteuning van die nie-regeringsorganisasie Networkings Aids
Community of South Africa (Nacosa). Die doel is om n gebalanseerde en LGBTI-vriendelike omgewing
op die UV-kampusse te vestig deur kapasiteitsbou, dialoog en programme wat deur die jaar aangebied
word. Die kantoor verskaf dienste aan studente en personeel. Vir inligting oor Out@Kovsies en sy dienste,
kontak Zanele Thela, e-pos ThelaZ@ufs.ac.za of LGBTIQ@ufs.ac.za, of bel 051-401-3881.
The new Out@Kovsies office, which is concerned with the human rights issues of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gendered and inter-sexed
(LGBTI) community on the campuses of the University of the Free State (UFS), was recently established on the Bloemfontein Campus.This office
is a collaborative initiative between the Centre for Health and Wellness and Student Affairs. They also enjoy the support of the non-governmental
organization Networking Aids Community of South Africa (Nacosa).The goal is to establish a balanced and LGBTI-friendly environment on the UFS
campuses through capacity building, dialogue and the programmes which will be presented throughout the year. The office provides services to both
students and staff. For more information about Out@Kovsies and their services, contact Zanele Thela at ThelaZ@ufs.ac.za or LGBTIQ@ufs.ac.za or call
on 051-401-3881.

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015 Vrystaat Kunstefeesprojekte | Vrystaat Arts Festival Projects Initiatives
UV Gemeenskap | UFS Community Gemeenskap | Community



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

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Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Dagrpogram | Day Programme


Dagprogram/Day Programme

The White Horse

From Tweetoringkerk to the White Horse, Naval Hill

Maandag 13 Julie/Monday 13 July

08:00-17:00 Sojourn
08:00-17:00 Across my fathers fault
08:00-16:00 Faces that are us

Gallery on Leviseur

Step into

09:00-18:00 Strukture van dominium en domakrasie

Johannes Stegmann-kunsgalery
09:00-18:00 Blowing in the wind

09:00-19:00 [my] PLEK

Foyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-19:00 Anthropos

Restaurantfoyer, kykNET-Scaena

09:00-18:00 Filmverse

ATKV-Van der Merwe-Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr. 33


Arabiese Nagte Bloemfontein-kinderkoor



Fliek: Lore
CR Swart-anneks nr. 10

Reza de Wet-fees, Groep 2

Die Kaap is weer Holms

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater


Fliek: Leviathan
CR Swart-anneks nr. 10


Amper, Vrystaat


Die Kaap is weer Holms

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Reza de Wet-fees, Groep 3
Beneath the concrete

A taste of Candy B
OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium


Die Kaap is weer Holms

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre


Shanghai dreams (movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10


Books: Fanie Viljoen

ATKV Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33


Tjiff en Tjaff

Books: Northern Cape Towns

ATKV Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33

Reza de Wet Festival, Group 4

Passport to the universe

Naval Hill Planetarium


Ida (movie)
CR Swart-annex no. 10


Books: Nami Morgan

ATKV Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33

at Mimosa Mall

09:00-18:00 Ligvanger die uitstalling

Eksamenlokaal 7

Reza de Wet-fees, Groep 1

09:00-18:00 Filmverse

ATKV-Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33

Beneath the concrete

Die woema van n windgatwyfie

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre


A taste of Candy
OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium

Innie rof

Wilhelm Knobel 80
ATKV Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33


A royal affair (movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10


Books: Rudie van Rensburg

ATKV Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33

Reza de Wet Festival, Group 5

Books: Poetry matters

ATKV Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33


My travelling bag
OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium


Liewe Heksie: Flower power

Sand du Plessis Theatre


Like father, like son (movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10

Dinsdag 14 Julie/Tuesday 14 July

Tamboerynman Koos van der Merwe

08:00-17:00 Sojourn

Oliewenhuis Art Museum


08:00-17:00 Across my fathers fault

Oliewenhuis Art Museum

Affairs vir domkoppe 2

08:00-16:00 Faces that are us

Gallery on Leviseur


09:00-18:00 Structures of Dominium and democracy

Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery

Reza de Wet Festival Final

09:00-18:00 Blowing in the wind

Centenary Art Gallery

Arabiese nagte Bloemfontein-kinderkoor

09:00-19:00 [my] PLACE

Foyer, kykNET-Scaena

Tamboerynman Koos van der Merwe

09:00-19:00 Anthropos

Restaurant foyer, kykNET-Scaena


Wie is bang vir Virginia Woolf?

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre

09:00-18:00 Ligvanger the exhibition

Examination Room 7


OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium

Giselle (ballet movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10

Posduif Chris Chameleon & Daniella Deysel

Kovsie Church

Dagprogram/Day Programme: Sondag 12 Julie/Sunday 12 July Maandag 13 Julie/Monday 13 July Dinsdag 14 Julie/Tuesday 14 July

Sondag 12 Julie/Sunday 12 July


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Dagprogram/Day Programme
Woensdag 15 Julie/Wednesday 15 July
08:00-17:00 Sojourn
08:00-17:00 Across my fathers fault
08:00-16:00 Faces that are us

Gallery on Leviseur
09:00-18:00 Strukture van dominium en demokrasie

Johannes Stegmann-kunsgalery
09:00-18:00 Blowing in the wind
09:00-19:00 [my] PLEK

Foyer, kykNET-Scaena

Dagprogram/Day Programme: Woensdag 15 Julie/Wednesday 15 July Donderdag 16 Julie/Thursday 16 July

09:00-19:00 Anthropos

Restaurantfoyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-18:00 Ligvanger die uitstalling

Eksamenlokaal 7
09:00-18:00 Filmverse

ATKV-Van der Merwe-Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr. 33

Die windpomp (fliek)

CR Swart-anneks nr. 10


Die woema van n windgatwyfie

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater


Boeke: Eugene de Kock

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr. 33

The man with the green blanket

Little one (fliek)

CR Swart-anneks nr. 10


Boeke: Die nuwe HAT

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr. 33


My travelling bag
OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium

Tjiff en Tjaff

Liewe Heksie: Flower power

Sand du Plessis-teater


Boeke: Madelein Rust

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr. 33


Fateless (fliek)
CR Swart-anneks nr. 10

Die man met die groen kombers

Boeke: Trevor Emslie

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr. 33

Hans Haas se hospitaal
Amper, Vrystaat

Die wagkamer
OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium


Ida (fliek)
CR Swart-anneks nr. 10


Boeke: Andr Fourie

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr. 33

n Eeu van Eybers
Posduif Chris Chameleon & Daniella Deysel

Nog een koppie koffie

Wie is bang vir Virginia Woolf?

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater


My travelling bag
OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium

Kathleen Tagg & Andre Petersen
Lets eat hair
Die klaagliedere van ds. Tienie Benade

Sand du Plessis-teater

The songs of Neil Young

Donderdag 16 Julie/Thursday 16 July

08:00-17:00 Sojourn

Oliewenhuis Art Museum
08:00-17:00 Across my fathers fault

Oliewenhuis Art Museum
08:00-16:00 Faces that are us

Gallery on Leviseur
09:00-18:00 Structures of Dominium and Democracy

Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery
09:00-18:00 Blowing in the wind

Centenary Art Gallery
09:00-19:00 [my] PLACE

Foyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-19:00 Anthropos

Restaurant foyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-18:00 Ligvanger the exhibition

Examination Room 7
09:00-18:00 Filmverse

ATKV-Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, classroom no. 33
09:00-13:00 Forum: Art, innovation and audience diversity

Naval Hill Planetarium

Lore (movie)
CR Swart-annex no. 10


Books: Dibi & Henk Breytenbach

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


Wie is bang vir Virginia Woolf?

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre

Tjiff en Tjaff
Reinier de Winnaar
Lollos 7

Forum: Art, innovation and audience diversity

Naval Hill Planetarium


Books: Gilbert Gibson

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


Die wagkamer
OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium


Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Dagrpogram | Day Programme


Dagprogram/Day Programme
Like father, like son (movie)
CR Swart-annex no. 10


Die woema van n windgatwyfie

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre

Taal van my hart

OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium


Shanghai dreams (movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10

Edith Piaf en Jacques Brel

Books: Francois Smit

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


Liewe Heksie: Flower Power

Sand du Plessis Theatre

Innie rof

Books: Johann Rossouw & Pieter Duvenhage

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


Curl up and dye

OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium

Hans Haas se hospitaal
Anmari & Ilse

Die klaagliedere van ds. Tienie Benade

Kovsie Church


Offside (movie)
CR Swart-annex no. 10

Oom Schalk Lourens se mampoerstories

My boetie se boetie se boetie se baba

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre


Liewe Heksie: Flower power

Sand du Plessis Theatre


The mother of all eating

Andr Huguenet Theatre


Books: Nil Stemmet

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


Books: Fees van digters

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


Hiroshima mon amour (movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10

Mokete Poetry Explosion

Jak de Priester
Kovsie Church


Die wagkamer
OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium

Amanda Strydom State of the heart

The mother of all eating

Andr Huguenet Theatre

The Lyzyrd Kyngs

Die woema van n windgatwyfie

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre

Vrydag 17 Julie/Friday 17 July

08:00-17:00 Sojourn
08:00-17:00 Across my fathers fault
08:00-13:00 Faces that are us

Gallery on Leviseur
09:00-18:00 Strukture van dominium en demokrasie

Johannes Stegmann-kunsgalery
09:00-18:00 Blowing in the wind
09:00-19:00 [my] PLEK

Foyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-19:00 Anthropos

Restaurantfoyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-18:00 Ligvanger die uitstalling

Eksamenlokaal 7

Hiroshima mon amour (fliek)

CR Swart-anneks nr. 10


Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Tjiff en Tjaff

Curl up and dye

OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium

Lollos 7

Boeke: Lyn Hughes

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr 33

Boeing Boeing
Renier de Winnaar

Offside (fliek)
CR Swart-anneks nr. 10

Piet Byleveld baasspeurder

Boeke: eMajuba
ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr 33


My boetie se boetie se boetie se baba

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater


Boeke: Dan Sleigh

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr 33


Die wagkamer
OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium


Die windpomp (fliek)

CR Swart-anneks nr. 10

Hans Haas se hospitaal
Anmari & Ilse
Amper, Vrystaat

Boeke: Skryf van historiese fiksie

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr 33

15:00-18:00 Performance, untitled


Little one (fliek)

CR Swart-anneks nr. 10

Dagprogram/Day Programme: Donderdag 16 Julie/Thursday 16 July Vrydag 17 Julie/Friday 17 July



13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Dagprogram/Day Programme

Dagprogram/Day Programme: Vrydag 17 Julie/Friday 17 July Saterdag 18 Julie/Saturday 18 July


OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium


Curl up and dye

OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium



Liewe Heksie: Flower power

Sand du Plessis Theatre



Taal van my hart

Kunstetrust Odeion

Amanda Strydom: State of the heart


Leviathan (movie)
CR Swart-annex no. 10

Radio Kalahari Orkes


Books: Derick van der Walt

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


The way we were Cat Simoni

My boetie se boetie se boetie se baba

Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Boeke: Joan Hambidge & Gisela Ullyat

ATKV-Van der Merwe Scholtz-saal, klaskamer nr 33

Affairs vir domkoppe 2




A royal affair (fliek)

CR Swart-anneks nr. 10

Die klaagliedere van ds. Tienie Benade

Kovsie Church


Affairs vir domkoppe 2


OFM-Albert Wessels-ouditorium


Books: Pieter van Jaarsveld

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33


Sand du Plessis-teater


Wie is bang vir Virginia Woolf?

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre

Bobby van Jaarsveld


OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium

Tea with Puccini

Een Rocco, een klavier

Die Tussen Treine Show

Die Tussen Treine Show



Mango-Wynand Mouton-teater

Giselle (ballet movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10


Hans Haas se hospitaal


Boeing Boeing

Siener in die suburbs

Andr Huguenet-teater

Lets eat hair

Saterdag 18 Julie/Saturday 18 July

08:00-17:00 Sojourn

Oliewenhuis Art Museum
08:00-17:00 Across my fathers fault

Oliewenhuis Art Museum
08:00-16:00 Faces that are us

Gallery on Leviseur
09:00-18:00 Structures of Dominium and democracy

Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery
09:00-18:00 Blowing in the wind

Centenary Art Gallery
09:00-19:00 [my] PLACE

Foyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-19:00 Anthropos

Restaurant foyer, kykNET-Scaena
09:00-18:00 Ligvanger the exhibition

Examination Room 70
09:00-18:00 Filmverse

ATKV-Van der Merwe-Scholtz Hall, theological classroom no. 33

Fees van die sintuie breakfast

Dining room, House Abraham Fischer


Lord Oom Piet (movie)

CR Swart-annex no. 10


Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre

Hans Haas se hospitaal

Books: Nil Barnard

ATKV Van der Merwe Scholtz Hall, classroom no 33

Tea with Puccini

Fateless (movie)
CR Swart-annex no. 10

Radio Kalahari Orkes

Siener in die suburbs

Andr Huguenet Theatre


The Showcase Concert

Pluimbalsaal, UFS


Around the world with 007

Sand du Plessis Theatre

Mokete poetry explosion

My boetie se boetie se boetie se baba

Mango Wynand Mouton Theatre

Boeing Boeing
Innie Rof
Een Rocco, een klavier

Siener in die suburbs

Andr Huguenet Theatre


Radio Kalahari Orkes



OFM Albert Wessels Auditorium


Elvis Blue Horison

Kovsie Church

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015

Dagrpogram | Day Programme Diensverskaffers | Service Providers

Vrystaat Kunstefeespersoneel | Vrystaat Arts Festival Staff


Diensverskaffers/Service Providers
Kaartjies kan landwyd bespreek word by
enige Shoprite of Checkers se Moneymarkettoonbank. Bespreek ook op Computicket se
webwerf by www.computicket.com of skakel
011-340-8000. Jy kan ook die Computickettoepassing aflaai op jou slimfoon vanaf die
Google Playstore of iTunes en daarop kaartjies
bespreek al wat jy nodig het, is jou kredietkaart
om by enige Computicket-toonbank of by die
deur jou kaartjie te ontvang. n Kaartjieskantoor
sal ook tydens die fees in die KunstetrustOdeion se portaal bedryf word.
Tickets may be bought at any Shoprite or
Checkers Moneymarket counter countrywide.
Booking may also be done on the Computicket
web-site www.computicket.com or phone 011340-8000. You can also get the Computicket App
for your smart phone at the Google Playstore
or iTunes and book with that all you need is
your credit card to collect your tickets at any
Computicket counter or at the door. During
the festival a ticket office will be run at the

Computicket Print@Home
Veilig, maklik en gerieflik. Druk jou Computicketkaartjie tuis en neem dit saam na die feeslokaal
vir vinnige, maklike toegang by die deur. / Safe,
easy and convenient. Print your Computicket
ticket at home and take it to the festival venue
for quick, easy access at the door.

Kunstemark/Arts Market
Die Kunstemark se stalletjies sal van 10:00 tot
19:00 oop wees op Di 14 Julie; Wo 15 Julie en Do
16 Julie van 09:00 tot 19:00 en op Vry 17 Julie en

Sa 18 Julie van 09:00 21:00. / The stalls at the

Art Market will be open from 10:00 to 19:00 on
Tues 14 July, 09:00 19:00 on Wed 15 July and
Thurs 16 July, and on Fri 17 July and Sat 18 July
from 09:00 to 21:00.

Persone met gestremdhede/

Disabled persons
Vir enige inligting oor toeganklikheid vir
persone met gestremdhede, kontak gerus die
Eenheid vir Persone met Gestremdhede van die
Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Hetsie Veitch by
051-401-3713, 082-896-7563; e-pos: veitchhp@
ufs.ac.za. Martie Miranda by 051-401-9348, 084244-1778; e-pos: mirandamh@ufs.ac.za
For any information regarding accessibility for
people with disabilities, please contact the Unit
for People with Disabilities of the University of
the Free State. Hetsie Veitch at 051-401-3713,
Martie Miranda at 051-401-9348, 084-244-1778;
e-mail: mirandamh@ufs.ac.za

Vir mediese noodgevalle:
0800-051-051 (Medi-Clinic)
ER24 direkte noodnommer: 082-562-5095 of
ER24 landwye noodnommer: 084-124
Vir veiligheidsnoodgevalle, bel UVbeskermingsdienste: 051-401-2911
For medical emergencies:
0800-051-051 (Medi-Clinic)
ER24 directe emergency number: 082-562-5095
or 082-902-3906
ER24 countrywide emergency number: 084-124
For safety emergencies, phone UFS security
services: 051-401-2911


Aanwysings na Aasvolklub/
Directions to Aasvolklub
Plot 35, 9de Laan, Kellys View (op die ou
Haldonweg-pad, nou Walter Sisulu-weg). Gaan
na www.vulture-aasvoelclub.com vir die kaart
of vind ons op GPS: S 2909099 E 2605.594
Plot 35, 9th Avenue, KellysView (on the old
Haldon Road way, now Walter Sisulu Way). Go
to www.vulture-aasvoelclub.com for the map or
find us at GPS: S 2909099 E 2605.594
Aanwysings na Civic, Sand- & Andr-teaters/
Directions to Civic, Sand & Andr theatres
Van die UV-hoofhek: regs met Nelson
Mandela-rylaan wat Zastronstraat word tot
by Markgraaffstraat, draai regs, Civic l links
en die Sand du Plessis-teater regs. Die Andr
Huguenetteater is agter die Sand in Eerste Laan
oorkant die Waterfront Mall.
Van die suidhek draai links tot by Pres Paul
Kruger-laan, draai links (dit word Parkweg), by
die SUT-hek, draai links in Markgraaffstraat.
GPS Civic: S 290653, E 261252; Sand:
S 290659, E 261249; Andr: S 290655, E
From the UFS main gate: turn right into Nelson
Mandela Drive, becoming Zastron Street, at
Markgraaff Street turn right; Civic on the left,
Sand du Plessis Theatre on the right. Andr
Huguenet Theatre is behind the Sand in First
Avenue, opposite the Waterfront Mall.
From the southern gate: turn left until Pres Paul
Kruger Avenue, turn left (it becomes Park Road),
at the CUT gate, turn left into Markgraaff Street.
GPS Civic: S 290653, E 261252; Sand:
S 290659, E 261249; Andr: S 290655, E

Diensverskaffers/Service Providers


Bestuurskomitee/Management Committee

Ondersteuningspersoneel/Supporting Staff

Annalize Doubell (voorsitter), assistent-

Theo Kemp uitvoerende kunskurator/performing

redakteur, Volksblad/(chairperson), assistant editor,

Prof. Nicky Morgan vise-rektor: bedryf,
Universiteit van die Vrystaat/vice-rector:
operations, University of the Free State
Etienne van Niekerk direkteur:
De Villiers Brink argitek en entrepreneur/
architect and entrepreneur
Prof. Nico Luwes mede-professor, Drama- en
Teaterkuns, Universiteit van die Vrystaat/associate
professor, Drama and Theatre Arts, University of
the Free State
Angelo Mockie entrepeneur/entrepreneur

arts curator

Vrystaat Kunstefees Vaste Personeel/

Vrystaat Arts Festival Permanent Staff
Ricardo Peach direkteur en PIKO-programhoof/
director and PIAD programme head

Atie Kamper algemene adminstrasie en

kunstemarkorganiseerder/general administration
and art market organiser
Roxanne Konco bemarkingsbestuurder/
marketing manager

Prof. Hennie van Coller boekfeesorganiseerder/

book fest organiser
Michael Garbett administratiewe assistent/
administrative assistant
Kevin du Preez strategiese ontwikkeling/
strategic development

Philippa Tumubweinee
ontwikkelingsbestuurder/development manager
Mandy Bezuidenhout projekbestuurder/project
Lucas Swart terreinbestuurder/terrain manager
Braam Muller filmfeeskordineerder/film
festival coordinator
Angela de Jesus visuele kunste/visual arts &
Thys Heydenrych tegniese bestuurder/technical
Michelle Hetzel tegniese organiseerder/technical
Thabo Pitse oopverhoogorganiseerder/open
stage organiser
Kesa Molotsane Sotho-vertaler/Sotho translator

Selection Committee
Ricardo Peach voorsitter/chairman Prof. Nico
Luwes Jerry Mofokeng Elretha Britz Braam
Muller Godfrey Manenye Andile Qongqo
Hennie van Greunen Marius Coetzee

Taakspan van die Universiteit van die

Vrystaat/Task team of the University of the
Free State
Ria Deysel terreindienste/terrain services
Casper du Plooy terreindienste/terrain services
Ben Botma departement beeldende kunste/
department visual arts
Ettiene de Lange geboue en skoonmaakdienste/
buildings and cleaning services
Rudi Robinson geboue en skoonmaakdienste/
buildings and cleaning services
Greg Fourie hoof van skoonmaakdienste/head of
cleaning services
Gladstone Mathebe skoonmaakdienste/
cleaning services
Gerard Hoogendoorn tuine en reiniging/
gardens and cleaning
Ilze Nikolova verblyfdienste/residence services
M.E. Kobe beskermingsdienste/security services
Dan Alexander beskermingsdienste/security
Dawid Kriel finansies/finances
Louwrens Erasmus IKT-dienste/ICT services

Vrystaat Kunstefeespersoneel/Vrystaat Arts Festival Staff

Vrystaat Kunstefeespersoneel/Vrystaat Arts Festival Staff


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Sleutel vir Simbole / Key for icons

Sleutel vir simbole / Key for icons



Vervaardiger / Producer

Tye / Dates

Teks / Script

Toegang / Admission

Verwerking / Attangement or Adaptation

Fasiliteerder / Facilitator

Regie / Direction

Ouderdomsperk / Age restriction

Videograaf / Videographer

Tydsduur / Duration

Musiek / Music

Fotograaf / Photographer

Plek / Venue

Choreografie / Choreography

Dirigent of koorleier / Conductor

Met / With

Beskermheer / Patron

Genre / Genre

Taal / Language

Land van oorsprong / Country of origin

Vertaling / Translation

Kostuums / Costumes

Konsep / Concept

Onderskrifte / Subtitles

Dekor / Decor

Kuns / Art


Amptelike opening / Official opening

Ontwerp / Design

Afkortings: OB = Ouerbegeleiding, T = Taal, G = Geweld, N = Naaktheid, S = Seksualiteit, D = Diviniteit, V = Vooroordeel

Abbreviations: PG = Parental Guidance; L = Language; V = Violence; S = Sexuality; N = Nudity; D = Divinity; P = Prejudice

Borge / Sponsors
Vennote / Partners Volksblad UV / UFS

Stigterborg / Founding Sponsor Media 24

Seniorborge / Senior Sponsors Castle ATKV SOVEREIGN OFM Van Rensburg Patolo Mango Kunstetrust

Borge / Sponsors

Australia Council for the Arts DADAA Situate Art in festivals Arts NSW Salamanca Centre kykNET NAC
Free State Department of Sport, Arts, Culture & Recreation The Civic PACOFS UFS Student Affairs

Projekborge / Project Sponsors ITEC Coca Cola Drostdyhof ER24 PriceWaterhouseCoopers NALN

Liedjiesbos NB Uitgewers LAPA Uitgewers Creative Partnerships Australia NAVA Durbanville Hills Out@Kovsies
McCarthy Mentoring Itumeleng Community Trust University of Sydney

Sleutel vir simbole | Key for icons Borge | Sponsors

Feeskaart | Festival Map


Feeskaart/ Festival Map

Feeskaart / Festival Map

Vrystaat Kunstefees Arts Festival Tsa-Botjhaba 2015


13-18 Julie / July 2015 Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket. Tickets available from Computicket.

Theo Kemp

Vrystaat Kunstefeesspan / Vrystaat Arts Festival Team

Roxanne Konco

Thys Heydenrych

Atie Kamper

Thabo Pitse

Michelle Hetzel

Michael Garbett

Mandi Bezuidenhout

Prof Hennie van Coller

Braam Muller

Silverrocket Creative

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