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“fpr 26 2019 9:50RM _OFFice of General Counsel 662-325-8405 a AMERICAN Se BRIDGE ‘Thursday, Apeil23, 2015 Office ofthe General Counsel POBox 6171 Mississippi Stato University ‘Mississipi State, MS 39762 mall: Legaliomsstatecd To Whom It May Concer, The following request is being imide in accordance wih the Mississippi Public Records Act §25-61-1 et eq, 2nd all ther Mississippi open records laws Tam requesting copies ofthe following recor: mail Correspondence Hetween The President And Tho Charles Koch Foundation (And Representatives): lam requesting copies of incoming-and-outgog omall correspondence between, Missssipol State University resident and The Charles Kech Foundation (and is tmployecs/representativs) from Janusty 1, 2014, to April 22, 2015 ‘Umail Correspondence Between The Provost & Executive Vice President And The Charles Koch Foundation (And Representatives) | em roquesting copies of incoming-and-outgoing email Comrespondence between Mississippi Sate University Provost & Executive Vie President and The (Charles Koch Foundation and its enployeoslepresetaives) from January 1,201, to April 22,2015. ‘Email Correspondence Between The MSU General Counsel And The Charles Koch Foundation {And Representative: Lam requesting copies of incoming-and-oatgoing email correspondence between Mississippi State Univesity General Counsel und The Charles Koch Founeation (and ics ‘employecs/epresentatives) rom Sanuary 1, 2014, to Apel 22, 2015, Email Correspondence Between The Vice Presidont for Budget & Planning And The Charles Koch Foundation (And Representatives) Lam roquesting copies of neoring-and-outgoing eal conrespondeuee between Misisippi Stata University Viee President for Budget & Planning and The (Charles Koch Foundation (end its employoosteepresentaives) rom January 1, 2014, to Apel 22,2015. snce Between The Vice President for Research & Beonomie Development And ‘The Charles Koch Foundation (And Representatives) azz requesting copies of incoming-an ‘outgoing enmil correspondence between Mississippi State University Viee President for Research & Economie Development and The Chatles Kozh Foundation (and its employess/represenatives) from Sanaty 1, 2014, 0 April 22, 2015. Email Correspondence Between The Vie President for Development & Alumni And The Charles Koch Foundation (And Representatives: am reauesting copies of icoming-and-outgoing exit tomresponence between Misisipp State University Vice President for Development & Alum and The Curios Koch Foundation and ts employeesrepresentatives from January 1, 2014, to Apel 22,2015 455 assachusets Ave NW, Sath Flor | Washington, 120001 | 202-747-2080 | wan (eco "aid ar by herican Blige DP Cont. Not uthoveed By any cance or can Apr 28 2015 9:58AH _OFFice of General Counsel G62-925-8405 ya AMERICAN BRIDGE ‘Email Correspondence Between The Vice Presideat for Student Affairs And The Charles Koch ‘Foundation (Aid Representatives) [ont requesting copies of incoming-and-outsving eal Comespondence bewenn Misisipp State University Vio President fr Stndent Affairs and The Charles och Foundation (and its employees/rpresentatves) fom Samwary 1, 2014 to April 2, 2015, ‘Email Correspondence Between Claudia R. Willamson, Pk. D. And The Charles Koch Foundation (dud Keprtsetatives): Lam requesting cles of ineoming-and-outgoing email correspondence between Mississippi State University Assistant Professor of Economics, Claudia R, Williamson, Ph, D, and The (Charles Koch Foundation and its erployeasepresentatives) from Janasry 1, 2014, to April 22,2015 ‘Email Correspondence Between Kevin E. Rogers, Ph. D- And The Charles Koch Foundation (And Representatives): Tam requesting egies of incoming-ané-outgoing email commespondence between Miasanppi Ste University Associate Dem of Economics, Kevin E. Rogers, PhD. snd The Charles Koch Foundation (adits employees/rpresenatves) (rom January 1, 2014 Apri 22, 2015; Email Correspondence Retween Michael J-Wighfield, Ph. D., CFA And The Charles Koch Foundation (And Representatives) am requesting copies of incoming-and-outzoing email Conrespondence between Mississipp State University Department of Finance & Eeonomic Chairperson, [Autoclte Professor of Finance, Michsol J. Highfield, Ph, D, CEA and The Charles Koch Foundation (and is employees/reprecenttives) from January 1, 2014, to April 22, 2015, Documneots Involving The Institute For Market Studies: [am requesting copies of any working scuments, proposed (andor finalized) plhns, and any budgetary documents (projected or otherwise) related othe Insitute for Markot Stacies at Mississippi State University ‘Due to the potential volume of responsive docaments, I respctflly request that the docuanents be ryanizad by public ofiial or organization (ated above). Irtere is overlapping material, T authorize Jour department io reproduce the overlapping document fr each publ official search a nese. ‘Please note thatthe ten “correspondence” includes mal, faxes, memorandur, and emails of offical correspondence. Additionally, please know that any corespondence logs prodice will mot be considered {realize that certain costs may be applicable to this request, Please contact me when you can provi payment amount for my requests, Inthe meantime, 1 authorze an inital expense cap of $300 tobe Ecemmed. To help assess my stu or copying and mailing ees, please note that Iam gathering Information for research purposes and nat for commercial wtvities ‘alo request thet you safe the specific legal and factual grounds for withholding any documents oF portions of documents, should you withhold any. Please ideatify each document tha lls within the cope ofthis request but is witeld from reeass 1455 Massachusetts Ave NW ith Foor | Washington, 2¢20008 | 202-747-2060 | wer amercanbdgepNe ore [pai forty Ameren lye 21 Cantar, Nt outhaied by any ends ocd’ commites |] 28 2015 9:59AM Office of General Counsel 662-325-8485 é& AMERICAN, ~. BRIDGE {requested documents ar located i, or origianled in, another instalation or bread, I would request that sou please refer this eaues, or any relevant potion ofthis request, to the appropriated installation oF ares. To the extent thatthe information i available in electronic Format, I would prefer to receive that Information va email or CD, partculeriy if providing the information reduces the time er expense involved. Otherwise, request to receive the information in paper fom. ‘You may fax your response to 202-315-0388 oremallitto EC call, please do so between 9AM und 6PM (EST), LA@Americanbridg org. I you wish to ‘Thankyou for your time and attention to this mater. Respectfully submited, _Abratum Payton ~ Due Diligence Director Joha Coster - De Diligence Deputy Director American Bridge 21st Century 455 Masanohusets Avenue Suite 280 jon, DC 20001 202-685-7158 Fae: 202-315-0384 Emaik FOLA@Americanbridgs.oss 455 Massachetetts Ave HW, Sith Floor | Washington,DC 20001 | 202747-2060 | www amerianbrgapac on pa fay Rein ig 2 Cay, Not laze b7 ay conde or candidates covimitee

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