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Personality Type Reflection

1. Why is personality type important to consider when choosing a career?

A. Because certain careers/jobs require you to do certain tasks, these tasks could make your
job boring for you or something that you dont like to do. Having the right personality
for your career is the key to success and happiness.
2. List two strengths indicated on your report. Give an example or examples from your life that
demonstrate that these qualities are strengths.

Being responsive to people's questions.

A. An example of this is when I am doing my job someone asks me a question I answer as

quickly as I can, with accurate information.

Demonstrating your skill at being able to quickly solve problems.

A. When I am on the job I am quick in making decisions and efficient with my answers and
3. List two blind spots indicated on your report. Give an example or examples from your life
that demonstrate that these qualities are blind spots.

Procrastinating and not making important decisions in a timely manner.

A. An example of me being a procrastinator is when I am supposed to be doing my

homework and I fail to complete that task because I think someone else is more

Appearing not to be excited and enthusiastic during conversations.

A. I am a very relaxed person; I rarely am very excited or enthusiastic when talking to

4. What qualities should a career have in order to satisfy your particular personality?
A. My career has to have hands on work. It has to be fun but serious.
5. What qualities should a learning environment have in order to maximize your learning?
A. Hands on work, I learn very quickly when I have hands on work to do.
6. Review your responses from questions 1-5. Then review the list of careers provided from
your survey. Select two careers from the list that interest you. List the two careers and
explain why each career may be satisfying to you based on your personality type.
A. Computer Sciences & Technology

I would do really great in Computer Science and Technology because it has a lot of
hands on work and allows me to learn quickly it also is my favorite thing to do is work
on computers.
B. Military and Protective Services
I would enjoy this job because it is hands on as well and I enjoy helping people and
explaining things.

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