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Merced County Office of Education

Steven E. Gomes, Superintendent

Equal Opportunity Employer March 10, 2015
For Whom it May Concern: RE: Letter of Recommendation for

Adrian Saenz whom I have had the pleasure of getting to know through my ROP
Virtual Enterprise class 2014-2015 school year.

I have enjoyed getting to know Adrian in my Virtual Enterprise class. Adrian

is hard working, honest, and caring young man who is concerned about his
schoolwork and future,
Adrian is not afraid to speak for himself and is willing to contribute
productive ideas in class discussions. Adrian is a terrific young inan who
enjoys helping others and always thinking of others before hitnself.
It is without reservation that I recommend Adrian Senz. If I can provide
any additional information, please contact me at 209-617-4628. My email
address is: ::::::::::::::::
Marketing InstructorTFCA Advisor MCOEMerced High School

632 West 13" Street Merced. California 95341 (269) 331-6600

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