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Toki Elementary School

Address: 5606 Russett Road, Madison, WI 53711

Total Students Enrolled: 544
ABSTRACT: The school was built in 1958, but the schools garden was not added until 2013. In
1970, some additions were made on the property. The garden was built adjacent to South
Whitney Way, a relatively high traffic road. However, the school already has mitigation
techniques in place as it has imported topsoil. This would decrease any likelihood of lead
exposure in any kind of gardening activity and makes it a low priority for testing.
Garden Type: The garden consists of 9 fruit trees including plum, pear, apple, and
cherry; 5 aronia bushes and raised beds of varying crops
When established: 2013
Size: Unknown
Location on school grounds: Along west side of building near Whitney Way
Soil type/soil origin: Soil was imported
Mitigation used: Raised beds with imported soil
Has soil been tested: Unknown


Major Roads: Whitney Way, Russett Road, Gilbert Road, Barton Road
Before the school was built in 1958, this area was used for various agricultural, rural and
residential practicesall of which do not pose serious threat of lead contamination in the soil. If
lead was found the soil it could be, because lead paint was not phased out until the 1970s.
Additionally, any kind of demolition or construction project poses a chance to expose lead used
on the property in paint. Lastly, the gardens proximity to high traffic roadways such as Whitney
Road may have residual remnants from leaded gasoline present on the property. Other
surrounding roads are not located close enough to the garden to have substantial effects on lead
contamination in soil.
Initial Construction: 1958

Renovation: Some additions were made in the 1970s.

Paint: Since the school was built in 1958, before lead paint was phased out, we can assume that
lead paint was used inside the building but there is no information to confirm that.
Other Materials: Brick

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