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Othello Rap Themes

Teacher: Katie Freeman


Class and Level English 10

Time: 90 min

Standard(s):RL 9/10.3, 9. L 9/10.3

Objective(s): High cognitive demand for diverse learners
Cognitive Level
SWBAT: Create a rap about one of the themes in Othello and perform it DOK 4
for the class.
Assessing the learning: Students will be assessed on the content of their rap and the way they
present it

Key Vocabulary: terms, definitions, how they will be presented and practiced
*as a theme in the play- who gets revenge? who wants it?
*as a theme in the play-who is jealous? why?
*as a theme in the play, what role does love play in the story?

Strategy(ies) for teaching new vocabulary: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of these
themes through the content of the rap they create

Building Background: Connections to past learning and experience, anticipatory set
Connected to Othello, as well as a hip-hop Shakespeare lesson we did a while ago

Input of new content: include Checking for understanding (formative assessment)
Processing the information (meaning-making): student discourse and other strategies,
opportunities for metacognition, 5Es (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, extend),
guided &/or independent practice; differentiation for diverse student populations
Content (summary)
Instructional strategy
Meaning Making
* Begin class with an over arching
*I will write the question on the
5 min
question/discussion- How are Shakespeare
board and have students answer

and hip hop related
in a group discussion format

*Themes will be written on the board as well as *I will introduce the assignment
rap guidelines
and go over what is expected and min

will give them an example of what

I am looking for (An example Rap

I created)

*students will get in partners and sign up for
*Partners will be chosen and they 45
one of the themes to write about
will write their names next to

which theme they choose on the

*Students will perform their raps and turn a
written one in to me

*Leftover time will be allotted to working on their
theme essays

Closure: Exit ticket will be handing in the rap

board and will be given time to

create the rap

*Perform raps and turn in what
they wrote


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