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HDF 190:



Mikal Banjoko

Opening Statement
Section 1: Self Leadership
Section 2: Leadership Theories
Section 3: Self Leadersip
Section 4: Critical Thinking
Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership


*If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed,
you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections.

Signature Strengths

Values in Action Strengths

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence

Being a leader is something I always thought came natural.
That some were innately supposed to lead and others were
simply supposed to follow. However, through FLITE not
only did I discover that everyone has the potential to be a
leader but became self aware to the abilities that I have to
lead and how to apply my newfound knowledge to every
facet of my life. Ultimately, maximizing my potential in
current and future endeavors.

(Student will describe personal leadership style and/or personality style including
strengths and weaknesses and examples of application (Sources = Leadership style
inventories, the L.P.I., Strengthquest, Type Focus (MBTI), LAMP, and other career
inventories, etc.)
I was not sure what to expect when i signed up for HDF 190. Right off the bat we took a StrengthQuest self examination quiz
and I learned about my top five abilities in regards to leadership. Coming back with the results of Restorative,
Individualization, Adaptability, Relator, and Developer it took me by surprise how much accurate the results were as I began
to read each description. Out of my top five the ones that stood out the most were adaptability and developer. I have always
been a go with the flow type of guy, but never took to see how that could be applied in a leadership situation. Upon reflecting
with the class I came to the conclusion that when working on a team unforeseen events happen all the time. The group must
adapt and change course to overcome said events and I think my ability of adaptability would help in a situation like that. On
the other hand I feel like out of my top 5 developer was my weakest. Working on a team can be stressful, especially with a
deadline approaching. If someone on my team was not pulling their weight in comparison I dont know if I would be able to
see their potential and what they are best at, or put them to the side and work more with those I feel are doing a better job.
Both of these hold equal importance to me in being a successful leader and I plan on developing both of them to be the best
leader possible.

Leadership Theory and Models
Student will show knowledge of the Servant Leadership theory of leadership by Greenleaf
In FLITE one of the theories we learned was the Servant Leadership theory by Robert Greenleaf.
In this theory there is a focus on serving others before yourself, and then making a choice to lead
afterwards. The theory is comprised of ten main components that go into being a servant leader.
The characteristics of listening,empathy, and healing are all traits that go into being a servant.
Meanwhile, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, and foresight go into being a leader. There
is a union between the servant and the leader with the last traits of stewardship, commitment to
people, and building a community. One once can encompass all of these traits then they are truly
a servant leader.

Self Leadership

Student will demonstrate practice of the personal code of ethics

Actions speak louder than words. Saying that I have a code of ethics is one thing, but
it is important that through my daily life I work hard to maintain said code. One
example of my code of ethics would be when I joined the He for She campaign. I
believe that there should be the utmost level of equality between all people.
Regardless of race, gender, social status, or sexual orientation we are all human and
all the same. When I saw that Emma Watson went to speak in front of the United
Nations I had to watch the video that day. Being a huge Harry Potter fan it felt great to
hear Miss Watson speak in front of the UN about the dire need for equality between
the sexes. As she stated, gender equality is not a womens issue, its a human rights
issue. A simple solidarity movement, He for She takes the approach of attempting to
bridge the gap between men and women. Asking all men to take the pledge and to
join the movement I gladly signed up for what I know is right. By joining this
campaign I still continue my same code of ethics, however, now I can help to change
the perspective of my fellow male peers and get them to signup for the movement to
help bring forth a better tomorrow.

Critical Thinking

Student will describe examples of leadership in crisis situations

Over winter break I had the traumatic experience of being in a car crash. I was the driver of one of the two cars in
the accident, the other being a girl a few years older than me. I had a full car with a bunch of my friends riding with
me and as we were going to make a left turn was hit by the woman while she was roughly going 50-60 mph. Right
after the crash I went completely instinctual and took control of the whole situation. First making sure everyone in
my car was okay I got out of the car and ran over to the girls car to make sure she was okay. She was fine, but was
in shock and hysterically crying. Once I knew she was fine I asked if anyone else was in the car as I could not see
through the windows. It was a relief to hear that she was alone and I told my best friend, Connor, to attempt to
calm her down as I called the police. After the police were dispatched I told everyone in my car to call their
parents and tell them what had happened and that they were okay. Finally, the police came and they took over the
situation from there. It was after this that the shock of what had happened finally sunk in and my legs started
shaking and it was hard for me to stay calm. However, I looked at the faces of the three girls that were in the car
with me and I could tell they were more shaken up than me so I put on a strong face and stayed calm until
everything was sorted out. I can see that I was using some of my top strengths before I even knew what they were
as I showed how adaptable I could be in sudden situation and how restorative I was as I attempted to get through
the issue and efficiently as possible.

(Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills
Having just written a paper for my communication class I feel like I have a better
understanding on the process, difficulties, and a how to better communicate with people
from different cultures. Coming to a large school like the University of Rhode Island there
are students from all over the world attending. Each with different backgrounds and
experiences. In anything you do with other people it is important to take into consideration
where they are from, what their life may have been like, and what is the best way to convey
your message to them. These are things that are essential to being a good leader as it is
very unlikely those you are working with are all from the same place and same ethnicity.
Through FLITE I heard about the overnight program in which you show an international
student around spend a night with them. This would be an excellent opportunity to test out
my own intercultural communication skills and to give them the best depiction of our

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