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Amanda Cintron

Dawn Gurus
1. Some claim labeling will take away consumer choice. One of those
reasons is because it would unfairly stigmatize GMO labeled foods
(Appleton 2015) (Carter et al 2003) (Huffman 2014). They would stop
being sold altogether. For example, GMO labeled foods are not
available in Europe because retailers stopped selling them in order to
not drive customers away (scientific American 2013)
2. Labeling or not labeling conflicts with WTO (Appleton 2000)(Fredland
2000)( Buckingham 2000) (Stewart 2000) (Crespi at al 2003) (Strauss
2006 ). Countries like the US, who are more likely to use GMOs, have
accused importing countries of requiring mandatory labels that say
Does Contain GMOs in order to place burdens on US competitors
(Carter et al 20030 (Fredland 2000) Countries would benefit by
adopting a common policy or tolerance level (Huffman 2014).
3. The FDA deems the modification process of GMO not material
necessary to be disclosed because they dont present any differences
than food developed by traditional breeding does not pose safety
concern or difference (Bailey et al 2001)
4. All the claims that GMO labeling is useless because it has been
proven that GMO labeling is safe are all shut down by the joint
statement that 300 scientists have come together to agree that there
is no consensus on the GMO safety (Hilbeck et al. 2015)
5. The main reason for GMO labeling is consumers right to know
(Appleton 2000)(Beales 2000).
GMO- Genetically Modified Organisms
GE Genetically Engineered
GM- Genetically Modified
WTO- World Trade Organization
Proposition 37: a bill that was voted on in California. It did not pass but
if it did, would require that all raw food products containing GMOs be
labeled as genetically engineered and that any processed foods
containing GMOs be labeled as partially produced with genetic
engineering or may be partially produced with genetic engineering,
The law would exempt meat, dairy, and other products from animals
that consumed feed containing GMOs but would cover such products

from animals that were themselves genetically engineered. It would

also exempt food sold in restaurants and alcohol.
More examples of places that have GMO labeling but not just a
simple GMO or non GMO (if any)
More research putting price as a factor
More research on what information should be on the label

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