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HDF 190:



LUIS Aldrete


Opening Statement
Section 1: Self Leadership
Section 2: Leadership Theories
Section 3: Inclusive Leadership
Section 4: Critical Thinking
Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership


*If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed,
you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections.

Signature Strengths

Values in Action Strengths

Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

I have chosen to be engaged with leadership because of the opportunities that it has provided me as
well as the positive impact that it has made on the community around me (URI). I was able to develop
my strengths and discover my leadership identity. With leadership I am able to achieve success with
unless possibilities
I recently found my passion for mentoring others, which correlates to the commitment to the growth
of others. Giving others the opportunities to grow and succeed past what they thought they were
capable is really powerful. I believe social change starts from individuals, so if you inspired someone
to lead then you have created an opportunity for someone to do the same.

I strongly believe that knowing your strengths and values greatly set apart a leader and provide him
with the proper tools to succeed. My strengths and values, my comprehension of the different
models/ theories, and collaboration with others has allowed be to become more situtationally aware.
My involvement with the Leadership Minor has greatly shaped my view of leadership.

(Student will demonstrate the ability to lead a project from start to finish (followthrough))
In my URI 101 class we were assigned a project called the Matty Fund, which was a local organization that raised
money to help families and children affected with epilepsy to create a scholarship for high school seniors with
epilepsy. To raise money the students in URI 101 business sections were to sell t- shirts advocating to the Matty
Fund. The incentives to sell the most t- shirts for each URI 101 class was early enrollment. As for the other 2
following classes to sell the most t- shirts they were awarded with a pizza party. As for incentives to the student
in each URI 101 call who sold the most shirts would be recognized as the most valuable player (MVP). From the
start I wanted to be the class and student to sell the most shirts. I can say it has to do apart with my 2 strengths
arranger and strategic. My arranger strength leads me to be the best that I can be and even give me the ability to
organize my thoughts and materials used. As for strategic which helps when I am in the planning process and
brainstorming ideas of how to sell the shirts. Of course I used communication, woo, and positivity strengths to
improve my sales. Being able to utilize my strength greatly influenced my ability to reach my goal. I was able to
persevere and win the MPV of my URI 101 class. I sold roughly 75 shirts out of the 85 that my class sold. I led
booths to help increase sales and went door to door to different departments making sales. Unfortunately my
class one 4th or 3rd out of 12 other URI 101 classes, so I did not achieve the goal of having the class to sell the
most, but we were close.

Leadership Theory and Models
(Student will show knowledge of the Servant Leadership theory of leadership by
Robert K. Greenleaf believed that servant leadership stems from self-less action to commit time to develop the growth of
leaders, this service will inspire others to lead. Greenleaf (1970) stated in his book, The Servant as Leader, that a servantleader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. The servantleader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. They do
leadership because they believe in the process and enjoy the work that they do. A servant leadership is defined in 10
characteristics. First listening is valued by communication which is reinforced by a deep commitment to listening intently
to others. Listening is essential to the growth and well- being of a servant- leader. Next empathy is crucial when a servant
leader seeks to understand and empathize with others. It is important to understand that everyone is different. Then healing
is a powerful step that requires great strength to attend to emotional scars. Awareness is the self- awareness as a leader to
understand issues involving ethics, power, and values. Then persuasion is when the servant leader seeks to convince
others, rather than coerce compliance. A servant leader also needs to conceptualization seeks to nurture their ability to
dream big. Foresight is related to the ability to foresee the likely outcome of a situation and is able to understand the
lessons from the past, present, and likely consequences of the future. Next stewardship being able to commit to serve
others by using persuasion not controlling them. A servant leader need to commitment to the growth of people,
recognizing the potential and taking the responsibility to nurture and develop them. Lastly, building community is when a
servant leader seeks to work within a given institution.
This ties to HDF 190 because if one is a servant leader they will be able to provide service to a group. After learning this
model in class I felt a strong connection with it because I truly love the work I do and feel passionate doing it. I have no
problem sharing power and putting others first to develop their growth. I am doing more mentoring positions to exercise
this model.

Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership
(Student will create a personal code of inclusive leadership)
In HDF 190 the Tedx talk about lollipop moments I try to actively reflect on who has made a positive impact on
me as a leader and pay respect to those who I look up to and inspire me to lead. We sometimes get so caught up
in our lives that we forget to thank those that have helped us get to our current location in life. To be a more
inclusive leader I started to have lollipop moments with the leaders that have greatly impacted me on my life.
One example of these lollipop moments was with Jessie Feiner my Leadership Institute peer leader. I gave her a
literal lollipop and a figurative thank you gesture of giving her a lollipop to thank her for inspiring me. I told her
how much I appreciated her, as a peer mentor, and how much she has positively impacted my college career. I
still use her as a resource and is someone that I highly respect. Leaders need to be felt so they can be able to
gauge their success. I wanted her to know that she had made an impact on my life. This relates to HDF 190
because if we are able to be inclusive leaders this will greatly enhance our relationship with others. Being able to
have a greater relationship with others will encourage and inspire other leaders. As Robert Vincent once said
leaders need to be felt, so having the ability inspire and empower others is a powerful form of leadership.

Critical Thinking
(Student will describe examples of leadership in crisis situations)
In the DIVE RI conference we had any problems arise. We were students planning a first year conference, things
were bound to change and go out of plan. Our keynote speaker had to be a closing speaker. As a group we had
to reorganize the schedule and remind ourselves the event has not happened yet so it can be whatever we want
it to be. Also additional speaker could not make it so they had to be replaced suddenly. This lead to unexpected
transitions because we had more time due till less speakers. We were worried to loss conference members,
luckily this gave the attendants more time to rest and reflect on the day. Since we had more time we had to
improvise on how to maintain the attendants and keep them entertained. Especially when the sound before the
performances went out. We had to resolve the problem, we were quick to have people tell jokes and talk about
the conference. We resolved the sound issue quickly. Another large issues was people were getting confused
about how to go about the World Cafe. Since we had open tables we had to reorganize how to set up the tables
before the conference members returned from break. I suggested that we stick to what we had planned and
helped get panicking volunteers under control. Since we were all able to adapt and go with the flow of the
conference, it was able to have a great turn out. I learned in events like these not everything goes to plan. This
ties to HDF 190 because the class is never the same and the rules are not too many concrete rules. Meaning that
as a leader you have to be ready for change and quick to adapt. In leadership thing can change or arise in an
instant so a leader you have to be ready to combat that. Being able to utilize your strengths will help you
tremendously because that how you do best as a leader.

(Student will describe personal examples of using techniques to work effectively
with difficult people)
Live with roommates was learning experience, but suitemate was a challenge
In my freshman year of college I lived in Fayeweather Hall, and this was a learning experience for me to work
effectively with difficult people. In my dorm I had a connecting bathroom with the suite next to ours, thus sharing
a living space with 6 people; my two roommates and 3 suitemates. This was a learning experience for me
because I was used to living closely with my family who knew how I acted as well as I knew and respected how
they acted. Sharing a living space with strangers was difficult because I had to identify what my roommates
habits and preferences were like so that I could better respect them. Being able to better respect my roommates
boundaries would lead to a healthy living environment. What I had learned from my roommates is that everyone
is different and comes from different backgrounds. Overtime I learned their behavior patterns and how people
have certain needs. At first I thought one of my roommates didnt like me then I learned he was very introverted
and needed space. It was my suitemates that were difficult people to deal with. They both poorly communicated
and one was very rude and messy. They of my suitemates did not take responsibility of their own messes or ever
to clean. To handle this situation I had to use my positivity and communication strength in order to maintain a
healthy relationship. I remained calm and positive and was able to confront them with civility in order to get
tasks in the dorm completed. For example they never take out the trash or clean the bathroom on time, I was
able to confront them with civility in order to remind them and communicate my needs. This ties to HDF 190
because working in groups might lead to working with difficult people down the road. Having the ability to work
with difficult people will make group work more efficient and relations with others more positive relationships.
This skill helped tremendously during our group projects, I was able to use my positivity strength to help work
efficiently when people were being difficult. I didnt have problems with my group members it was more of them
being busy and in the first stages avoiding the project. I kept encouraging them to meet up, because every time
we did something came up so we had to reschedule.

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