Abby Hacker Trail Biddy Mason January 2015

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Abby Hallen

Mrs. Farkas

January 2015
Hacker Trail

Bridget Biddy Mason

Westward expansion was a period of time when the
area of the United States nearly doubled. During this time
the African American race did not have equal rights
compared to the American race. The African American
race were bought and sold as slaves. Many African
Americans longed to be set free from slavery. At the time,
many people were traveling west to the new land for
more opportunities. In the new land slavery was against
the law. Many African Americans knew that the new land
was free from slavery and wanted to move there. The
only problem was how to get there. Bridget Biddy
Mason was one of these African Americans who wanted a
better life for her family and herself free from slavery in
the new land.

How did Bridget Biddy Mason go from a

slave to a businesswoman?
Bridget was born in August of 1818. She was sold as
a slave at a very young age to John Smithson. Bridget
was a very skilled worker. Once Bridget was fully grown
up John gave her to his cousin as a wedding gift. After
many years Robert became a Mormon and moved to
Utah. Due to Robert being such a great member of the
Mormon community they decided to send Robert and his
family to California (the new land) to earn a settlement
for the Mormon community. At the time, California was
against slavery. Biddy Mason knew that she would be free
from slavery the minute she stepped foot in California
unlike Robert who had no clue that California was a free

state. After being freed from slavery Bridget was given

the opportunity to work as a nurse for richer people.
Eventually Bridget saved enough money to buy a home
for her family. Bridget was one of the first African
American women to purchase land. After purchasing a
plot of land she decided she wanted to give back to the
African American community.
What were Biddy Masons goals in life and how
did she achieve them?
Biddy was a hard working person because she always
strived to be the best at any task she was given. By
working as a midwife and healer she earned a good living
and did her best to give back to the community by
improving the black community in Los Angeles. By doing
so Biddy became very wealthy over time. One of the
great things she did to improve the community was
providing affordable living for African American families
with low income. Biddy Mason was a very hard working
and generous person and always strived to give back to
the community.
How did Bridget Biddy Masons work impact the
nation and its people?
Bridgets work as a philanthropist helped many
African Americans but not just African Americans.
Bridgets work also helped many other people who were
poor no matter what race wither they were African
American, Chinese, or American. One of these acts that
helped all the poor no matter what race was simply
donating money to charities. Biddy also founded the
first African Methodist Episcopal Church. Biddy also

donated plots of land to help build schools and stores in

Los Angeles.
During this great period of time were the area of the
United States nearly doubled the African American race
faced many challenges. The main challenge that the
African American race faced was not being treated
equally compared to other races such as the American
race. Many of the African Americans were in slavery
during this time. But the African American race did not
lose hope since the new land recently purchased had a
law against slavery .The African Americans new the
minute the stepped foot on to the new land they would
be free forever. Bridget Biddy Mason was once a slave.
She was able to reach the new land and was set free from
slavery. After arriving in the new land she tried to improve
the community for African Americans who lived in Los
Angeles .She was successful in many ways. She
accomplished many of here life goals. Bridget Biddy
Mason was a wonderful, big hearted, generous person.
Biddys life began on August 15 1818 as a slave; by the
time she reached age 72 she had done everything she
wished. She had become a successful woman who was
well known as the woman went the extra mile to change
her community.

and a
are needed to see this picture.

1.Pinkey, Andrea. Let It Shine. Hong Kong. 2000
2.Salem,Dorothy.African American Women.1993



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