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1. Look at the straw. What are some things you can do with a straw?

2. Predict what will happen when you blow into the straw:
3. Predict what will happen when you flatten the end of the straw near your mouth really
good and blow through the straw hard(dont pinch the straw closed).
4. Now with a pair of scissors, cut 2 angles into the end of the straw like this:

What do you think will happen when you blow into the straw with the end flattened?
Why do you think that occurred?
This is science? It sure is. You see, all sounds come from vibrations. That little triangle
that you cut in the straw forced the two pieces of the point to VIBRATE very fast against
each other when you blew through the straw. Those vibrations from your breath going
through the straw created that strange duck-like sound that you heard. Now you will never
be bored again when you go to a fast food restaurant! Have fun!
5. Try cutting the length of your straw shorter to see how the sound changes. What do
you notice?

Try to answer these questions with a partner!

1. Which size straw call sound the most like a duck?

2. Which length of straw is the easiest to get a sound? Which is the hardest?

3. Does the diameter of the straw affect the sound it produces?


Created by Gretchen Kassel with

Thanks to Science Bob for the experiment ideas and quick videos.
Graphics by Thistle Girl Designs

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