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Recycling with Visual Arts inspired by an ArtsEdge lesson plan

I can Objectives:

I can understand why it is important to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

I can explain what can be recycled and how to recycle.
I can write and perform a commercial on the benefits of recycling by
using knowledge about drama and performance.

Grade: 3rd

Time: 90 minutes

ART.T.II.3.3: Manipulate simple scenery, costumes, sound, and props in the
dramatic process.
ART.T.III.3.3: Respond to and build upon ideas of others personal
preferences for stage design.
E.ES.03.43: Describe ways humans are protecting, extending, and restoring
resources (recycle, reuse, reduce, renewal).
E.ES.03.44: Recognize that paper, metal, glass, and some plastics can be
Source Materials:
Video in Engagement:
What Can Be Recycled handout:
Recycling Symbols printout:
Online Resource to explore what recycling symbols mean:
Plan Your Commercial Worksheet:
Commercial Rubric (another form of assessment for studentsthey are
making sure they have each part):
Teaching Materials:
Video about

What Can Be

Recycled materials

Handout with
recycling symbols
Online resource
for recycling

Plan Your
Commercial Rubric
Art supplies

Paper for writing

Writing utensils

Engagement 15
Part One:
Watch a video about recycling. Tell students that they are going to learn
about recycling. As they view the video they should record items that can be
recycled in their journals. Have students use visual arts to draw how they
feel about recycling after watching the video. This can include pictures of
them recycling, the things they can recycle, etc.
Internal Assessment: Discuss the video. Use the following questions as
a. What happens to trash?
b. What is a landfill?
c. What is pollution? What does contaminate mean?
d. How does using a lunchbox or reusable container help the
e. What can be made from recycled plastic?
f. What can be made from recycled aluminum?
g. What can kids do to help reduce garbage?
h. What does Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mean?
i. What is the message of the video?
Discuss students' answers and clarify and explain any concepts that the
students do not understand.
Grouping: whole group

Time: 8 minutes

Type: audio/visual and

Part Two:
Compile a list of recyclable materials. Distribute the What Can Be
Recycled? handout. Ask the students to share examples from the video of
items that can be recycled. Have students share other items that can be
recycled. Post the list of recyclable materials and encourage the class to add
items to it throughout the remainder of the lesson.
Informal Assessment:
a. What are some examples of things that can be recycled?
b. Do you know other items that can be recycled? What are they?

Grouping: Individual and whole group

writing and discussion

Time: 7 minutes


Building Knowledge 30
Part One:

Investigate recycling symbols: Divide the class into small groups. Provide
each group with an assortment of recyclable materials. Instruct students to
sort materials. Allow groups time to discuss how they will sort their
Discuss recycling symbols: Have groups explain how they sorted their
materials. Provide groups with a printout of recycling symbols. Then review
each numbered recycling symbol and point out which materials fall into that
category on the online resource on the projector.
Grouping: small groups

Time: 10 minutes

Type: discussion and

Part Two:

Ask students to think of ways they can reduce, reuse and recycle in
their lives: Students should write one paragraph in their writing or science
journals describing objects in their home they can use less of (reduce), use in
a different way (reuse) or recycle.
Internal Assessment:
a. How can you reduce, reuse, and recycle?
b. What can you use less of at home and at school?
c. Describe something you use a lot and can recycle?
Grouping: whole/small group
recitation/discussion and writing

Part Three:

Time: 10 minutes


Discuss with students ideas about creating a

performance/commercial about recycling: Scripts, dialogue, and
backdrop should be discussed. Have students share with each other what
things should be included in writing a script (just the basics at this point
because it is an introduction to recycling AND drama): title, authors, setting,
characters, details, dialogue, theme/main idea and transitions. Students will
then have a basic understanding about how to create a script. They will then
be able to write and perform their own scripts to show in front of the class.
Internal Assessments:


How does someone go about writing a script?

What should be included in a script?
Is dialogue included in a script?
Why do we include setting in a script?
What is a theme/main idea?
What is a backdrop?

Grouping: whole
Time: 10 minutes
recitation/discussion and writing


Explore 30
Part One:

Reconvene the students in their small groups: Tell the class that their
task is to write and perform a one-minute television commercial about the
benefits of recycling and to design a backdrop for their commercial that
incorporates recyclable materials. Review the steps of the Plan Your
Commercial Worksheet and share the Commercial Rubric criteria with the
Brainstorm ideas for the script: Using the Plan Your Commercial
Worksheet, each group should write down ideas for their commercial, and
then agree on a theme/main idea, characters and setting/action. Teacher
should check in with each group as they are working on the first four steps of
the worksheet.
Write dialogue for the commercial: Once groups have approval from the
teacher, they may begin to write dialogue for their characters. Tell the
students to write down the exact words that they want their characters to
say in the commercial. You may wish to model dialogue for them by roleplaying. Remind students that their commercial should only be one minute
Internal Assessment:
a. How did you decide to make a backdrop?
b. Why did you choose to do it this way?
c. How did you choose to write your dialogue and what did you include?
d. Who were your characters and why?
e. What is your favorite part of you commercial?
Grouping: small groups

Part Two:

Time: 15 minutes

Type: Visual and

Brainstorm and create: Once groups have approval from the teacher on
the script and everything from Part One, they may start to construct their
backdrop. Students should sketch or outline their design on the project
display board before they begin painting or attaching objects.
Rehearse commercial: Allow students time to practice and time their
commercials. Students may or may not choose to memorize their lines.
Internal Assessment:
a. Did everyone participate in the backdrop making?
b. How did you decide on the recyclable materials you used?
c. Did you make any changes from your original design?
d. How did your rehearsals go?
Grouping: small group

Time: 15 minutes

Type: writing/drawing

Sharing 10
Present commercials: Have each group present their commercial.
After each group is finished, discuss the following questions with
the class:
a. Was the backdrop effective in communicating the setting?
b. What was the main message?
c. What parts of the dialogue helped you to understand the main
Have students individually respond in their journals to the questions
a. Why is it important to recycle?
b. What can I do to recycle?
c. What does my community do to recycle?
d. What impact does recycling have on plants and animals?
e. How did my groups commercial/backdrop express the importance of
f. How important are one persons actions in helping to take care of the
Grouping: whole group

Time: 10 minutes


Evaluation and Closure 5

After students have finished with their journals: After the students
have finished, divide the class into pairs and ask them to share their
responses to the writing prompts.

Have students find out what they recycle at home or what their local
community recycles. Have them ask their parents or caregivers about
recycling or, if possible, look up this information on a community website.

After the Lesson Students Could:

Explain important information about reduce, reuse, and recycle

o How to recycle and what can be recycled
o What personally can be done
Write and perform a commercial on the benefits of recycling
o Make a stage drop for a commercial
o Respond to writing prompts
o Create a stage set backdrop for a commercial.
o Respond to writing prompts.
Participate in small-group and whole-class discussions.

Facts about recycling
Recycling video and the teachers guide for the video
Be comfortable with teaching drama in the classroom




W o rk s h e e t

W h a t C a n B e R e c y c le d ?
I n t h e s p a c e b e lo w , m a k e a lis t o f it e m s t h a t c a n b e r e c y c le d .

L e s s o n C o n n e c tio n : M ix e d M e d ia M e s s a g e s : R e d u c e , R e u s e , R e c y c le
C o p y r ig h t T h e K e n n e d y C e n te r . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
A R T S E D G E m a t e r ia ls m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d fo r e d u c a t io n a l p u r p o s e s .

W o rk s h e e t

P la n Y o u r C o m m e r c ia l
1 . Y o u r t a s k is t o c r e a t e a o n e - m in u t e c o m m e r c ia l a b o u t r e c y c lin g . B r a in s t o r m id e a s in t h e b o x b e lo w .
B r a in s t o r m in g

2 . C h o o s e o n e id e a . I n t h e M a in M e s s a g e b o x b e lo w , w r it e th e m e s s a g e y o u w a n t t o s h a r e a b o u t
r e c y c lin g .
M a in M e s s a g e

3 . C h o o s e b e tw e e n o n e a n d th r e e c h a r a c te r s to c o n v e y y o u r m e s s a g e . N a m e a n d d e s c r ib e y o u r
c h a r a c te r s in th e b o x b e lo w .
C h a ra c te rs

L e s s o n C o n n e c t io n : M ix e d M e d ia M e s s a g e s : R e d u c e , R e u s e , R e c y c le
C o p y r ig h t T h e K e n n e d y C e n te r . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
A R T S E D G E m a t e r ia ls m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d f o r e d u c a t io n a l p u r p o s e s .

W o rk s h e e t

P la n Y o u r C o m m e r c ia l
1 . Y o u r t a s k is t o c r e a t e a o n e - m in u t e c o m m e r c ia l a b o u t r e c y c lin g . B r a in s t o r m id e a s in t h e b o x b e lo w .
B r a in s t o r m in g

2 . C h o o s e o n e id e a . I n t h e M a in M e s s a g e b o x b e lo w , w r it e th e m e s s a g e y o u w a n t t o s h a r e a b o u t
r e c y c lin g .
M a in M e s s a g e

3 . C h o o s e b e tw e e n o n e a n d th r e e c h a r a c te r s to c o n v e y y o u r m e s s a g e . N a m e a n d d e s c r ib e y o u r
c h a r a c te r s in th e b o x b e lo w .
C h a ra c te rs

L e s s o n C o n n e c t io n : M ix e d M e d ia M e s s a g e s : R e d u c e , R e u s e , R e c y c le
C o p y r ig h t T h e K e n n e d y C e n te r . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
A R T S E D G E m a t e r ia ls m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d f o r e d u c a t io n a l p u r p o s e s .

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