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Lesson Plan

Name: __Amanda Pfleegor____ Name of Activity: __Puppet Sticks_

Domain Area: __Social_________

Date: __4/28/15

Childrens Age: _________2-3________

(Please Circle One)


Number of Children Participating:____

Small Group

Large Group

Observation/Assessment: Why did you choose this activity/experience?

(Identify needs, interests, abilities of children)

Vocabulary Words:

MSDE Standards Developmental Goals:

1. Play alongside other children.
2. Demonstrate active listening strategies
3. Share his feelings through talking and pretend play.

Learning Objectives (2 or more):

1. The children will be able to use the stick puppets to pretend play.
2. The children will be able to listen to the story and answer questions on how the
tiget feels.
3. The children will be able to share how he feels when other people are not being
very nice or wont share with him.

Popsicle sticks
Cut-outs of different animal babies

I will give each child the animal of his or her choice to color. We will then tape it to the
popsicle stick and pretend play with the puppet together, talking about our feelings.

Extension Activity:
I will extend this activity by letting the children draw what they heard in the story with
another child.


Introduction/Motivation/Set Induction: How will you get the childrens


I will get the children motivated by showing them our stick puppets. I will then ask them
to sit down with me to read the story. After reading the story the children should be eager
to color their puppets.


Nurturing/Teaching Strategies Procedures: What are the steps you will take to
conduct this activity/experience?

I will encourage the children to label how the tiger felt and how they feel when somebody
does something they do not like. I will ask them to pretend play with me, with myself
having a role that they give me.


Closure: How will you know its time to end your activity?

I will end the activity by putting the puppets in the manipulative area so everyone can
play with them.


Transition: How will you prepare the children psychologically or physically for
what will occur next?

I will prepare the children by singing the clean-up song as this is what they respond to the


Developmental Variations: What modifications will you make for an

individual(s) or group(s)?

I will make some of the puppets just have one sticks and for others I will glue a few
sticks together so it will be easier to pick up. I will also make the group size small enough
as to make sure I engage with all the children equally.


Observers Comment/Suggestions ( Please sign and date):

Self Evaluation:
Do you feel you were sufficiently prepared for the activity?
I do feel I was prepared for this activity. I made the puppets and was hoping the children
would make their own story line to go along with them.
How did the children engage/respond to the activity?
They responded very well. They all wanted to pretend play with them, but I had to
remind the children to be easy because they are only paper puppets.

Do you feel this activity was developmentally-appropriate for the children?

I do feel this activity was developmentall-appropriate. Every child has an imaginiation of
their own and they just need opportunities to explore it. I believe this was one of them.
Were the goals/objectives met?
Yes, the children pretend played and was able to share his/her feelings as well as playing
along side the other children.

Is there anything you might change if you plan this activity again?
I may try to have the children help me act the story out as we are reading it using cloth
How might you use other domain areas to expand on this activity and meet additional

I could expand this activity by including more feeling words and expanding into the
social emotional domain.

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