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Student Name:
Printed Name of Person
Role of Individual:

Sabrina Orta


Taylor Rene Provost

Place of Business:

___Mentor ___Other Professional #1 __X_Other Professional #2

The University of Texas at Austin (as a student and cheerleader)

Business Address:

Austin, TX 78712

Phone Number:


Date of Interview:


Type of Interview: ___ In Person __X_ Telephone* ___Email*

*Documentation Required (Attach E-mail to Interview Verification Page)

1. Please describe the fantasies versus realities of being a collegiate cheerleader.

The fantasies, or common stereotypes of being a college cheerleader are that we are dumb football
groupies and that we arent very smart girls. A lot of people think we just stand around and look pretty. In reality,
all of the girls on my team are really hard workers and we are very smart girls who are required to maintain a
certain GPA to remain on the squad. Plus, most of the girls boyfriends arent in football but mine is ;).
2. How long have you been a cheerleader? History of teams?
I have been a cheerleader for 14 years. I was on All-Star teams since I was 6. I was on ASRs Freedom
team that won worlds and I also did school cheer all throughout junior high and high school. And now I am a
cheerleader for Texas.
3. Describe a usual practice.
A usual practice is pretty noisy. We yell for each other and support each other. On top of regular practices
and performances, we also have to log workout hours in. Our coaches make us do this so that they can make sure
that we stay in shape. There are no spring floors ever, and the coaches are always watching so we have to be on
our a-game always.
4. How are you evaluated by your coaches?
Every week we have a tryout for games. If you dont pass the tryout, then you dont get to cheer. We are
asked to one by one and essentially do all of the routine or dance or chant by ourselves in front of the coaches. (So
I hope you dont get embarrassed easily. Other than weekly tryouts during season, our coaches watch us in
practices, so if there is an attitude problem or loss of skills, theyll see it right away.
5. Please compare College Cheer versus High School Cheer.

Revised Fall 2013

High School Cheer and College Cheer are very different. College Cheer involves a bigger audience, and
while crowd involvement is still the main objective, we are a lot more involved as fans than as cheerleaders.
College Cheer has a much more natural look and should feel like you are cheering to a bunch of your friends.
Chants and Cheers are driven by traditions and are very simple so that EVERYONE can catch on. There are also a
lot more media appearances and everything is just massive in comparison to high school cheer.
6. What are your future career aspirations?
I am currently studying to be a pharmacist at UT Austin. I only have one more year to go .
7. What is your favorite thing about being a collegiate cheerleader?
My favorite thing about being a college cheerleader is feeling involved with not just a single group of
people, but with everyone. With thousands of people at a single game, I get to lead and have fun with almost all of
the people that go to UT.
8. Describe a typical game-day.
Like I said earlier, there are thousands and thousands of people at a single game. That being said,
someone is always watching us, so we have to be performing constantly even when the routine isnt happening.
Also, we have to run to all sides of the field what with all of the people there. I LOVE GAME-DAYS SO
MUCH!! But even in the moments when I dont like the way a game is going, I have to pretend like I do.
9. What are tryouts like?
Try-outs are run much like a practice, but just refined. They are essentially like the tryouts we have for
game-days every week. There is a day 1 and a day 2 and on each day they make a cut on the amount of people
they take. On both days you do standing tumbling, running tumbling, stunting and fight song. Day 2 is usually
harder to compete with because they weeded out the bad people in Day 1.
10. What are coaches looking for in their evaluations of you?

Our Coaches want someone who is naturally spirited, a natural performer, a good stunter, and allaround good team mate.

Interview Summary
What information from this interview will you select for your page typed,
bulleted list of research informationto be used in your presentation?

Revised Fall 2013

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