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The Biologist - Book review template

Title: Rocks and Minerals A Photographic Field Guide

Authors: Chris and Helen Pallant
Publishers: Bloomsbury
Year of publication: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4729-0993-0
Price: 12.99
Number of pages: 192
The authors have produced a compact text of a size and weight that fits easily into a
pocket. After an introduction the three rock types are described although they do not
have a set of common criteria due to the complexities of formation. For example, igneous
rocks are partly classified (and identified), through the characteristics of their grain size,
texture and, composition. Metamorphic rocks on the other hand are identified according
to three groups that reflect how they were formed whilst sedimentary rocks are the
easiest to identify as a type because of their classic stratified appearance. Each rock type
has colour images however, these are not linked to specific text. For example on page
36, five images seem to have been placed randomly and without a clear link to the
written information.
The minerals section follows that of the rocks with an introduction outlining their nature
including the crystalline characteristic of many and, a list of identification criteria with
explanations. From page 76 up to the glossary and index, minerals are described
according to their main chemical composition (e.g. emerald within the silicates), together
with a colour plate and descriptive table and, common uses.
To say this is a field guide belies the fact that the majority of the contents read more like
a reference textbook. Additionally, the examples for minerals are drawn from across the
globe and so the field as such would need to be extensive! In other words, it would not
be that useful when investigating the minerals of any one country yet it is a useful field
guide to rocks, particularly those of the UK with the information being transferable to
other countries.
Reviewer Name: Pat Sang CBiol., MSB

Word Count: 278

*To be between 200 and 250 words

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