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INTASC Standard 4 Content Knowledge Caroline Reel

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools or inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s)
he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline
accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Helpful Resources:
This website demonstrates and further explains the importance for teachers to have in-depth
content knowledge. Intime also focuses on cooperative learning and measures teachers have to
take to ensure growth in a student. This website really states that teachers must be dedicated to
lifelong learning. This resource also includes information on multicultural education and the
skills to see student characteristics.
The above link will take you to data created by a previous (2011) Praxis Client Conference! I
found this extremely beneficial as it asks many questions and provides research to evaluate what
methods are important for learners. It also touches on what has worked and hasnt in the past for
teachers. Classrooms can always be changed, improved and modified to lead to higher learning
and a sounder grasp of information.
This professional teaching portfolio was chosen as it is a response and interpretation of the
standard from a teachers point of view! It is important for future educators to learn from history
and those around us with experience and drive in the classroom. You can also find an artifact
about lesson plans and see Sarahs online E-portfolio which is much like the one all Franciscan
Education Graduates will have completed!

Here is another great example of an E-portfolio. In this portfolio on the left hand side under
the category of the 4th INTASC Standard you will find examples of the standard in practice. You
will find graphic organizers and lesson plans for student teaching (kindergarten and special
education). This is a very helpful resources as we continue to learn about ways to serve our
Lastly, I chose the PDF that simply defines all the standards. I think it is crucial to relate
Standard 4 to all other standards to see where you, as a teacher, can focus on cross curriculum
and further inquiry for your students! Creativity can be sparked and reading over all standards
helped me better understand each standards significance! We are so lucky as future educators to
have these standards at our fingertips.

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