Lesson Plan Outline

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Lesson Title: Volcano Parts, Making Art!

Date: Lesson two

Estimated Time: 45-60 minutes
Daily Topic: Language Arts
Standard 1 : Key Ideas and Details
GLE - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says
explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Standard 7 : Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
GLE - Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in
charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web
pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the
text in which it appears.
Objectives: After completing the lesson, the students will be able to use vocabulary
terms to label and describe the various parts of a volcano. The students will also be able
to represent textual information through a visual aid.
Materials: Overhead/Smart Board, Computer, Printer
Predisposed Skills: Students should be able to know how to manage and be familiar with
the functions of Paint in order to complete this assignment.
Introduce the topic to the students. Ask the students if any of them have visited a
volcano before.
Explain to the students that they will be using Paint to create a visual aid for this
activity. Ask the students if they have ever used Paint before; if there are students
who are not familiar with Paint, then briefly go over the main functions of the
program for the whole class.
Present the Volcano Parts, Making Art! Prezi presentation on the
projector/Smart Board. Students will watch and listen to the teacher. During the
presentation, make sure that the students take notes on the vocabulary terms.
After finishing the presentation, students will be able to start on the cross section
of a volcano on Paint.
Remind students that they will be graded on the accuracy of the vocabulary terms
and on creativity. Assist students who need some help.
Before students save and print their project, make sure that they included their
name on the bottom right of their art work.

Differentiated Instruction:
Special Needs - Students with special needs will receive extra help from a
specialized teacher. The students will have extra time to work if they are not able
to complete the assignment in time.
Non-Native - Non-native students will receive extra help from a translator during
the presentation. The students will also be able to create their cross section and
label the parts in their native language.
Gifted - Gifted students will be asked to also include the definitions in their own
words on their Paint project.
Assessment: Students will be graded on using all of the vocabulary given and labeling
the terms in the right places of the volcano. Students will also be graded on creativity.

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