Peer Edit Expository Lesson

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ITW- Peer Edit/MLA format

Teacher:Katie Freeman
Unit: ITW/Expository

Class and Level: Honors English 9

Time: 60 min

Standard(s): W 9/10- 1.a, d, 2.b,d, 4, 5

Objective(s): High cognitive demand for diverse learners
Cognitive Level
SWBAT: develop and strengthen writing through revising and editing

SWBAT: provide constructive criticism for their peers
Assessing the learning: Students will be assessed through their final essays, their peer edit
sheets and an exit ticket stating what they know about MLA format

Key Vocabulary: terms, definitions, how they will be presented and practiced
MLA Format
Proper formatting for expository writing
Constructive Criticism

Strategy(ies) for teaching new vocabulary:

Building Background: Connections to past learning and experience, anticipatory set
This essay has been built off of outlines and feedback

Input of new content: include Checking for understanding (formative assessment)
Processing the information (meaning-making): student discourse and other strategies,
opportunities for metacognition, 5Es (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, extend),
guided &/or independent practice; differentiation for diverse student populations
Content (summary)
Instructional strategy
Meaning Making
*we will brainstorm as a class what we
* Students will raise their hands
collectively know about MLA format
and tell me what they know about min

MLA format and I will write it on

the board

* After the brainstorm I will go over some things *Students will look at these
5 min
we may not have hit on and show them some
resources with me and I will

valuable resources to use on the internet
answer any questions they may


*Peer edit
*I will go over the peer editing

checklist and what the purpose is.

Students will choose a partner and

begin the edit

*If time: students can begin to edit their papers *Students will begin the final draft
for the final draft

Closure: exit ticket: Write a proper MLA heading and write down 2 other essential MLA
formatting rules.



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