Teacher: Sarah Field Date: 4/23/15 School: PHS Grade Level: 10-12 Content Area: Catering Title: Knife Skills 101 Lesson #: - 1 - of - 3

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Sarah Field

Area: Catering

Grade Level: 10-12

Title: Knife Skills 101

#:_1_ of _3_


Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

RFBS.01.05 (CUL) Demonstrate professional food preparation methods and
techniques for all menu categories to produce a variety of food products that meet
customer needs

Different knives, their purpose, and what they can produce.

Inquiry Questions:

Why is it important to make proper cuts?

What benefit does it provide to the food? To the customer?

Evidence Outcomes:
The student will be able to accurately define and demonstrate proper
knife cuts and cutting techniques.

Assessment of Evidence Outcomes:

The students will be assessed by their ability to create the cuts and maintain proper

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Planned Lesson Activities

Activity Name

Knife Skills 101

Approx. Time

80 min.


Show students a chefs knife. Ask if they have ever seen one before what is it called? How is it
used? Held? What is it used for? Then show a pairing knife. Ask the same questions. there are
many differences in knives and they are used for different tasks. It is important to understand
how to use them properly, what to use them for, and how to maintain them (knives are
expensive!). (5 min)


1. Begin with a transition from the anticipatory set - a brief discussion/PowerPoint/handout

about knives, their purpose, and their corresponding terminology:
- Why it is important to have specific cuts what is their significance in cooking? What are
different knives used for? How does one maintain knives? Differences between cheap and
expensive knives. (10 min)
- Begin the demonstration of how to properly hold a knife, how to hold the guiding hand,
how to perform the various cuts, and how to maintain knives. (15 min)
2. After watching the teacher demo the skills, the students will go back to their work stations
and each have a series of cuts to perform. They will have a handout to assist in their
cutting. (45 min)
- Carrots, bell pepper, celery = mince, dice (brunoise, small, medium, large),
julienne/batonnet, chop, rondelles
- zucchini/cucumber = diagonal/biased
- basil/baby spinach = chiffonade
- bread = sliced, both straight and on a bias
- onion = proper onion cutting
3. When students finish with their cuts, they will have the teacher check it off. The students
must master the cuts/get them checked off before they are allowed to receive dip and eat
their food.
4. When all students are finished with their cuts, the teacher will pick the best examples of
each cut to show to the class measure/compare to the handout. The students will be
asked to practice at home if possible and to be prepared to work through the cuts again
the following class. For closure: All stations should be cleaned and checked off, turning in

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the ticket out the door slip (write down your two favorite cuts and why) when being
checked off. (15 min)
5. Let students know that there will be a quick skills quiz at the beginning of the next class
period where they will be asked to perform two random cuts.
(Guided Practice)




The teacher has the opportunity for guided practice when the students are practicing on their
own knife skills. The teacher should go around and check for proper technique and safety,
checking for student understanding by observing their performance, and answering any
questions and fixing any critical issues seen.
The students have the chance for independent practice on their own at home, but it is not
required, just encouraged for them to get that independent practice. They are welcome to come
in during makeup lab hours to practice their knife skills as well.
Once all the students have finished the skill and eaten their food if desired, they must clean up
their area. Before they go, students should write down what two cuts they enjoy the most and
why giving the ticket out the door to the teacher when their station is being checked off for
- Carrots, celery, onions, zucchini/cucumber, baguette, basil/baby spinach
- Ranch, hummus
- Knives
- cutting boards
- handout
- PowerPoint or visual aid for lecture
To modify: the students will work on just the basic few cuts: dice (of any size), chop, julienne,
and bias.
To extend: the students can start working on tournee cut (the most challenging of knife skills)
The students will be assessed by their performance of the skill how well they were able to
carry out specific knife cuts and by their ticket out the door. Another assessment will come the
following class period during the skills quiz.

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