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Reflection Cycle PBMAS Manual

Dr. Reed
Submitted by Kelly Thurber

PBMAS Manual

Used as one part of annual evaluation of school districts performance and program
effectiveness. PBMAS is a district-level, data-driven analysis system developed and implemented
annually since 2004. It is designed to assist school districts in their efforts to improve local performance.
There are English and Spanish assessment results and they will no longer be evaluated/reported
separately. The components include data coming from a variety of sources. There are NCLB indicators
and they include:
-Measures the percentage of Title I students passing the STAAR subject test
-Measures the percentage of Title I students dropping out
-Measures the percentage of Title I students graduating with a Recommended High
School Program or Distinguished Achievement Program diploma
-Measures the percentage of Title I students who graduate with a high school diploma in
4 years
-Measures the percentage of migrant students who pass the STAAR subject test
-Measures the percentage of Special Education students who pass the Modified STAAR

It is important to understand this document/manual. There is quite a bit of statistical
information that every school district needs to comb through. It is important for educators to see what
the state and nation expect of the school districts and how it filters down to the classroom. This is
important to my 5 year goal to work as a Diagnostician, because I will need to understand the students
abilities. In my years in the classroom, having this information would have been helpful, but I honestly
do not think I would have had time to read through the manuals.

This manual was beneficial because I now understand what the school districts expect

I plan to review this manual yearly, so that I am abreast of the current
recommendations and information pertaining to my school district.

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