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Brittany Braun
Differences in Health

While Carroll University located in the heart of Waukesha, Wis. had 3,481 undergraduate
students enrolled during the 2012-2013 academic school year in comparison to the University of
Wisconsin-Whitewater where 10,757 students were enrolled the same year. You might be thinking there
must be major differences between the two universities, such as many varying aspects when it comes to
both schools student health centers located on campus due to the gap in students. However, youd be
surprised to know that both Carroll and Whitewaters health centers have more in common than students
and yourself may know or believe.
Although there is a large-scale difference in numbers, the thought of one health center being
better or more equipped over the other is untrue despite several slight distinctions between the two.


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Currently on both Wisconsin campuses, the issue of the two university

centers not having flexible hours has raised questions on multiple occasions.
Therefore, in suggestion both students and staff have agreed upon the idea of
extending student center hours, but for many health center professionals located on
each campus, this does not seem ideal at the moment.
I have asked for more hours several years in a row, just to have more staff
between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and this request has been denied. I dont know if the
current budget could support extended hours, Pam Dolata, Family Nurse
Practitioner and Health Center Coordinator at Carroll University said.
Despite the fact that Carroll and Whitewater's Ambrose Health Center,
have similar hours in the times their clinics are open, both Dolata at Carroll

Outside the Carroll University

Student Health Center

University and Ruth Swisher, Director of the Ambrose Health Center at the University of WisconsinWhitewater stated that it is not possible to rearrange clinic hours on campus to fit students schedules due
to there not being enough money or willing staff in either of the universities budget to do so.
At Carroll, the health center is currently open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2-5 p.m..
Then on Friday it is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. On the other hand, Whitewaters hours are similar being open
from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. In comparison, both Health Centers are open eight hours a day
throughout the week, not having accessible weekend hours. Though Carroll Universitys center offers two
different times of serviceable hours Monday-Thursday, Whitewaters nurse practitioners only have, in
comparison, availability during one time on the same days.
If hours at the Ambrose Center here on Whitewaters campus were more convenient with my
schedule, I would probably go more often when sick, but since they are not, I end up never going. That
would probably be my only complaint about the center though, otherwise the few times I have gone its
been outstanding and the size of the facility is perfect, Martyna Malinowska, Sophomore at the
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater stated.
The problem with both student health centers not being able to extend their hours from being
open part-time to 24/7 or at least having weekend hours is one of the biggest similarities Carroll and
Whitewater have, but as both Swisher and Dolata said, the issue is not ideal to fix right now. Although

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this current issue is prevalent on both campuses, there are many other positive resemblances Carroll and
the Ambrose Center have in common.
For example, both centers treat a variety of illnesses and minor injuries. As well as conducting
laboratory tests to diagnose strep throat, mono, urinary tract infections, etc., along with a handful of other
tests. The two centers additionally perform annual physicals and sports exams to students who need. And
the nurse practitioners at Carroll and Whitewater are able to write prescriptions for medication to
students, administer vaccinations, immunizations, and blood tests.
Most importantly though, if a student does not have an outside health care provider, both Carroll
and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater offer their own insurance program for students at a reduced
rate, fixed into tuition if needed. In opposition, those who have their own health insurance are able to bill
their company directly, instead of the visit being credited to their account. By offering these options both
universities are trying to encourage students to use the health centers available on campus.
At the Ambrose Health Center, we not only offer excellent care to students when needed, but we
also provide many learning opportunities for them as well, Kristine Bohrmueller, Nurse Practitioner at
Whitewater told us.
The first difference between Carroll Universitys health center and Whitewaters is that the
Ambrose Center offers marketing wellness internships to students. At Whitewater, students are able to
choose from a handful of internships if needed, such as developing a brochure for the center to use,
facilitating health education programs on campus to other students, or writing articles for the centers
website throughout the semester. Whereas at Carroll, the presented opportunities through the health center
are that students with their Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) certificate can be hired to work on staff. It
is then students assist the nurse practitioners by either working the front desk scheduling appointments or
taking temperatures and blood pressures of individuals waiting to see professional staff.

Further differences between the health centers are that Carroll allows students to be seen through
walk-ins or appointments made ahead of time, while Whitewater only takes students who have scheduled

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an appointment 24 hours in advance. Carroll Universitys health center gives contraceptives to students,
such as condoms, as does the Ambrose Center. However, on top of handing out condoms, the Ambrose
Center also gives the morning after pill to students who need, while Carroll does not.
Another minuet difference between the two are the number of staff, along with the size of the
facility. Currently Carroll only has two part time nurse practitioners, one part time medical assistant, and
one voluntary on call M.D. running the student health center, as Dolata told us. Whereas, Whitewater has
a full time physician, four nurse practitioners, a physical therapist, and seven medical assistants working
the Ambrose Center.
In my opinion, the Carroll Health Center is too small. There
are not enough resources here and the hours are just not flexible
enough for me. In all honesty, I feel Whitewater would probably
have a bigger and better facility than Carroll, Katherine Romza,
Sophomore at Carroll University stated.
Katherine Romza, Carroll University, Class
of 2017

Compared to Whitewater, the

Carroll University student health center is smaller in size, which is mainly due to the gap in student
population on each campus.
As a whole-fellow Pioneers, Warhawks, and others, although size may be a belief in affecting the
efficiency of a universities student health center, when it comes to both Carroll University and the
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater that is not the case whatsoever. By having a wide variety in what is
offered, as seen here, it creates a lot of similarities to how each center is ran, with the exception of a few
minor differences.
Keywords: Carroll University, Student Health Center, Carroll, Whitewater, University, Wisconsin

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