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Lesson One- Day 1- 45 to 60 minutes

Daily Topic: History of Mount St. Helens

History Standards:
Environment and Society
Physical and Human Systems
Identify physical processes that change Earths surface and create physical features
suddenly or over time (e.g., what physical processes created the Grand Canyon, the
Great Lakes, the Hawaiian Islands) (G-1C-E1)
The learner will study the history of Mount St. Helens and another volcano of
their choosing.
The learner will gain knowledge by studying geological information about the
volcanoes and the history behind them.
The learner will synthesize the information and create their own inspiration map
of the volcano that they choose to study.
Procedures: The students will listen to a presentation given by the teacher about the
history of Mount St. Helens. The presentation will be presented on the SmartBoard and
will include information about the location, history and the series of events that led up to
the eruption that occurred on May 18, 1980. The students will then create their own
inspiration map after choosing a volcano to research. The teacher will then provide an
example of an Inspiration Map and show them how to use the program.

Inspiration Map Directions:

The map will be made with the Inspiration Program.
The Inspiration Map will include a title, general information about the volcano,
the history behind it, information about a specific eruption, and the aftermath of
the eruption.
The Inspiration Map must include pictures and graphics for each topic.
Students will then print the Maps out and also email them to the teacher.

Materials: SmartBoard, Computer, Internet, and Printer

The Students with special needs will be given extra support from a second teacher
and they will not have to be so thorough with all the information. They will also
receive extra time if they do not complete the assignment in the time given.

Students who are non-native will be given extra help from a translator. The
translator will translate the presentation for the student. The student will create
their presentation in their own language and the translator will assist the teacher in
grading the activity.
The gifted students will go into greater depth with the volcano that they choose to
study. They will be asked to find fun facts about the volcano and include more
information about the location of the volcano.

Evaluation: They students will receive a rubric that they will follow. The students will be
graded on the accuracy of their information, creative and attractiveness of their map, their
organization, and their use of pictures and graphics.

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