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049067332 eee CANADA Prownce of Manitoba Province du Manitoba INFORMATION This isthe information of S.MIDOLETON Winnipeg Police Service (orceicoms de police) hereinafter called the informant. ‘The informant says that he has reasonable and probable grounds 10 believe and does believe ‘THATIQUE: 18 0172-21115 09:57:05am. 2015-04-28 DENONCIA\ Les présentes constituent la dénonciation Winnipeg, Manitoba ‘Tocationfiouy cL-apris appalé(e) le dénonciatour. Le dénonciateur déciare quil s des moti raisonnables ot probabies de crore et croit (1) that JOHN PAUL OSTAMAS on or about the 24th day of Aptil in the year 2015 at the City of WINNIPEG in the Province of Manitoba did unlawfully kill DONALD JAY COLLINS and did thereby commit murder in the first degree contrary to Section 235(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada (2) that JOHN PAUL OSTAMAS on or about the 10th day of April in the year 2015 at the City of WINNIPEG in the Province of Manitoba did uniawfully kill MYLES MONIAS and did thereby commit murder in the second degree contrary to Section 235(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada (3) that JOHN PAUL OSTAMAS on or about the 24th day of April in the year 2015 at the City of WINNIPEG in the Province of Manitoba did unlawfully kill STONY STANLEY BUSHIE and did thereby commit murder in the first degree contrary to Section 235(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada (4) that JOHN PAUL OSTAMAS on or about the 24th day of April in the year 2015 at the City of WINNIPEG in the Province of Manitoba did intentior washroom situated at 214 Main Street knowing that nally or recklessly cause damage by fire to a or being reckless with respect whether the said property was inhabited or occupied contrary to Section 433(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada 1 SWORNIAFFIRMED before me thisIDECLARE SOUS SERI ava srivnoleyeariannge} (MENT OU AFFIRME SOLENNELLEMENT devant moi le Winn | Manitoba/au Manitoba. Pineal Cott Nags 6 Jas Jug de i Cour provincia a jae de aie TnferisanSnontaTeur (To be completed if sent by telecommunications) | solemnly declare that all matters contained in the information are ‘vue to the best of my knowledge and belief. | undarstand that this ‘statement is of the same force and effect as if made under oath, Dated hisFaitle 28" ___Apal 201 ‘(ayfour) (monthvimois) (yeariannee) : \Liebaseesies a duoe ela ou roca a DOBINEE)LE: T9760 WPS CRT Folder: 18004863 Police Agency/DetachmentService ou dotachement de police Vehicle Related Offence Vohicie Plate No.” Vehicle Type ‘Type do vahicule (0 Motor Vehicle Vehicule automobile Motoneige 1 Impiement of husbandryispeciel mobile machineltractor Maiérial agricole/engin mobile spécialtractour C1. hid passenger undar 16/passager de moins de 16 ans National Safety Code No. JNumaro du Code national de securite: [Damoste Violence Violence fariiate TH ves/ou ava Wingipeg 1 Snowmobile TH (Aremplir dans locas d'un onvoi par télécommunications) Ja déclare solenneliement que le falls énoncés dans la ‘dénonciation sont exacts autant que je sache, Je compronds que {a présente déclaration a la méme valeur et le mbme effet que si ‘ll dit faite sous serment. « Maritoba/au Manitoba. gender! malo! Soe: Fromme CADIRMS #: 150081872 / 6180082397 / 6150043561 / 1D temater onseic a: Winnipeg Police Service Prov. Oav I No/ Non Polce agenay/Detacrent Responsie for CPIC enty/Servce ou détacement de pofce responsible de Fenrbe des donnés au CIPC: winnipeg Palio 0012-18418 ‘CANADA Provinge of Manitoba Province u Manitoba . INFORMATION DENONCIATION “This Ie the information of, Les présentes constituent fa dénonctation de Ss. Wolf Winnipeg Police Service Winnipeg. Manitoba Corcelcorps & patio) (ocatontien) hereinafter called the Informant, chaprés appelé(e) le dénonciateur. “The informant says thal he has reasonable and probable rounds Le dénonciteur dare qui des mots rlsornabies probables to believe and does believe de crore et croit THATIOUE: (1) that JOHN OSTAMAS on or about the 2nd day of March in the yee 2015 at the City of WINNIPES An province of Manitoba did commit an assault on LYLA JEAN MARUK contrary to ‘Section 266 of the Criminal Code of Canada [J SWORN/AFFIRMED before me this/DECLARE SOUS SERMENT OU AFFIRME SOLENNELLEMENT devant ele av Wionipes . Maritobalou Manitoba. earipan ronnie] aaah vind OA Tae Te ‘aa ETeNeOT Jug de Gaur proving au ome de pak Tobe completed if eon by tlecommunialion romp Gano cas dun evel pr tiecommuniaton) (Tobe completed sen tee cartnrodin ine nixmaton are" Je dle solemeloment que te fais éeoncts, dane a ‘solemnly ecare tal a tse angele. understand nalts dénandalon sont exacts eutant que je each, Je comprends ve statements ofthe same force and eect ae tmade under oath. _ présente décaration a le méme valeur te mbme eft ves fle ttl fae sous sermont Dated histrotie 3 __March_2015_aé Winnipeg . Mantobaleu Meritobe A caste ronraR)— Geany Fann CO ge a Tae aD Juge de a Sour provincia ou juge de pte PY poomere ie: 1878019 gender) x male/female On#PICE Soe! * femme ferme wes crrFolderk: F15902400 Cabens ®, 6150049564 Police Agency/Detachment/Service ou detachement de police: Winnipeg Police Service (Vehicle Related Offence Vehicle Piste NoJN* Prov. Vehicle Type Motor Vehicio 1 snowmobile 0 ATV — Motorcycle, “Type de wéhicule \Véhicule automobie Motoneige vit Motocyctette C1 Implement of husbandrylspecial mobile mechinefrector [1] Other, specty Matériel agrcole/engin mobile spécialracteur Autre, préciser 1 Child passenger under 16/passeger de moins de 16 ons. ‘National Safely Code No, Numero du Code national de securite: Dometic Violence / Violence fais x Yes/Oul (J _No/Non Domest Vl acrnont Response for CPIGentybarie ov déacherent ce polos reaponabe de Fentte des donnés av CIPC: | Winnipeg Potee Service 1MG-10615 Rev. 11/10) Pave t of 2

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