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Lesson One Day Three

Time Needed: 60 minutes

Daily topic: Different Dolphin Species: Math
Grade Level(s): 3-5
Prerequisites: Students will need the basic knowledge of using a computer and Internet
Explorer, addition, and subtraction
Objectives: The student will be able to identify the particular number of dolphin species
in the world and answer other given questions about the different dolphin species.
Introduce the topic: Ask students what they already know about dolphins and if
they know anything about the different species of dolphins. Ask the students if
anyone can list one of the different species.
I will then present the students with a power point on different dolphin species
and characteristics that are associated with a few of the most dominant species.
The power point will have pictures and other interesting and important facts.
I will then discuss the directed browsing activity with the students and go through
an example directed browsing activity worksheet on giraffes before I hand out the
assigned worksheet on dolphins.
Student Technology: The students will complete a directed browsing activity.
They will be assessed based on their correct or incorrect answers on the given
worksheet. The worksheet has three websites listed on it and the students will
click on the hyperlink (or type in the web address) and use the websites to answer
the questions correctly.
Specify the materials needed for that day.


Given worksheet

How do you accommodate students with:

Special Needs: A child with special needs could be paired with another student or
associate teacher to assist them with completing the directed browsing activity

Non-Native: The teacher could translate the directed browsing activity worksheet into
their native language
Gifted: The teacher could modify the worksheet by adding more questions and websites
for the students to find the answers

Daily Evaluation: Rubric

Name: ______________________

2.5 points

1.5 points

1 point

0 points


Worksheet was
handed in On
Time and was
completed. Also,
name was legibly
written at the top
(preferably to the
top right)

Worksheet was either:

(1) not handed in on
time, (2) not fully
completed, (3) parts
are illegible, or (4)
student's name is

Worksheet was
Worksheet not handed in.
deficient in
several areas, yet
still was handed


Worksheet is
competed with at
least 90%
correct (help by
instructor was

Worksheet is
completed with only
half correct (help by
instructor was
minimal) OR student
received considerable
aid in completing

Student had less

than half correct,
and did not seek
help from

Student made, what

seems, "no attempt" at
either practicing the
skills/concepts or
choosing to do the
activity correct. (RARE)

Total: ______________

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