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The Future of Satellites

Intro to Astronomy
McCade Gordon
Salt Lake Community College

The Future of satellites

Satellites have been a big part of our history, but with new technology we are
about to go in to a whole new era of satellites. I will be going over some of the
possibilities of new satellite technology. But keep in mind that these are still theories and
ideas, nothing is set in stone and has the capability of changing.
Possibility number one: Solar panels powering future
About 40 years ago, the idea about having solar panels in space was thrown out due to
wildly expensive material. But recently the price for solar panel material has dropped
allowing scientist and astronomers to conduct the idea of having Solar panel satellites
orbiting earth beaming down energy from the sun. Air Force Academy has announced
that they will send a satellite to space and beam down .1 W of solar power. This seems
like a small amount but the point is, is to inspire and show others that we can get our
energy from the sun. Our sun puts off 10 trillion times the energy that the entire earth
uses, along with this the sun is 13 times stronger in space then it is on earth. So tapping
into that energy would sustain our uses right now, along with the well into the future. In
1968 the estimated amount to build a solar satellite was around $1 trillion, but now that
price is 100 times cheaper. Japan has stepped ahead with planning to launch a solar
panel satellite into earths orbit by 2030. This satellite could power 500,000 homes on
earth with 1 GW of power. The struggle that scientists are having is finding a sufficient

way to transport the energy from the satellites back to earth. Scientists are researching
to see if microwaves or laser beams will work on beaming the energy back to earth.
Scientists goal is to keep the project cheap and simple, for sending a small satellite in
earths low orbit to piggyback on another satellite to see if it would work.
Possibility number two: satellites that refuel other satellites sustainably
Scientists are working on robotic satellites that will be able to refuel and maintain
other satellites orbiting earth. Satellites orbiting earth now will eventually run out of fuel,
and sending fuel up to one of the satellites costs a lot of money and is not very time
efficient. The satellites can be controlled on earth through remote control systems,
giving trained professionals the ability to link up to satellites for refueling. Training is
taking place on earth right now to test the technologies ability to safely and successfully
transport fuel to another system. There are more than 400 satellites in low Earth orbit,
the satellites require reboosting, because earths atmosphere slowly but surely tugs at
them. The satellites could use this new technology to continue their studies, without
large expenses of sending ships up there to refuel them. Another thing that is so great
about robotic fueling, is that it extends the lifetime of the satellites allowing them to
make many more discoveries.
The future of satellites excites me due to the advances in technology is even
within the last 10 years. There is no telling what science and technology will come up
with for the future of satellites, the possibilities are endless. But only time will tell and we
will have to wait and see.

Works cited

Redd, Nola Taylor. "Refueling the Future: New Tech to Keep Satellites Gassed Up
in Space |" N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
Schirber, By Michael. "How Satellites Could Power the Future." LiveScience.
TechMedia Network, 18 June 2008. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

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