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The Titanic: Timeline of Events


From the time of its construction, the Titanic was built to be

gigantic and luxurious. Follow the history of the Titanic , from its
beginnings in a shipyard to its end at the bottom of the sea, in this
timeline of the Titanic .
March 31, 1909 Construction of the Titanic begins with the building of the keel, the
backbone of the ship, at Harland & Wolff's shipyard in Belfast, Ireland.
May 31, 1911 The unfinished Titanic is lathered up with soap and pushed into the
water for "fitting out." Fitting out is the installation of all the extras, some on the
exterior, like the smokestacks and the propellers, and a lot on the inside, like the
electrical systems, wall coverings, and furniture.
April 2, 1912 The Titanic leaves dock for sea trials, which includes tests of speed,
turns, and an emergency stop. At about 8 p.m., after the sea trials, the Titanic heads
to Southampton, England.
April 3-10, 1912 The Titanic is loaded with supplies and her crew is hired.
April 10, 1912 From 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., passengers board the ship. Then at
noon, the Titanic leaves the dock for its maiden voyage. First stop is in Cherbourg,
France, where the Titanic arrives at 6:30 p.m. and leaves at 8:10 p.m, heading to
Queenstown, Ireland (now known as Cobh).
April 11, 1912 At 1:30 p.m., the Titanic leaves Queenstown and heads across the
Atlantic for New York.
April 12-13, 1912 The Titanic continues on her journey as passengers enjoy life on

the luxurious ship.

April 14, 1912 (9:20 p.m.) Captain Smith retires to his room.
April 14, 1912 (9:40 p.m.) The last of several warnings about icebergs is received
in the wireless room. This warning never makes it to the bridge.
April 14, 1912 (11:40 p.m.) The lookouts spot an iceberg directly in the path of
the Titanic. First Officer Murdoch orders a hard starboard (left) turn, but the
Titanic's right side still scrapes the iceberg. Only 37 seconds passed between the
sighting of the iceberg and hitting it.
April 15, 1912 (12:05 a.m.) Captain Smith orders the crew to prepare the
lifeboats and get the passengers and crew up on deck.
April 15, 1912 (12:45 a.m.) The first lifeboat is lowered into the freezing water.
April 15, 1912 (2:18 a.m.) The Titanic snaps in half.
April 15, 1912 (2:20 a.m.) The Titanic sinks.
April 15, 1912 (4:10 a.m.) The Carpathia picks up the first of the survivors.
April 15, 1912 (8:30 a.m.) The Carpathia picks up survivors from the last lifeboat.
April 18, 1912 The Carpathia arrives in New York with 705 survivors.
April 19 - May 25, 1912 The United States Senate holds hearings about the
May 2 - July 3, 1912 The British hold an inquiry about the Titanic disaster.
September 1, 1985 Robert Ballard's expedition team discovers the wreck of the

Titanic Facts:

269.1 - the length of the Titanic in metres (882 feet 9 inches).

825 - the amount of coal used per day, in tonnes.

10,000 - the approximate number of lamp bulbs used on the ship.

$7,500,000 - the cost of building the RMS Titanic.

2 - the number of workers killed during the build.

20 - horses needed to transport the main anchor

3,547 - the maximum number of people the Titanic could carry.

2,223 - the number of people aboard (passengers and crew).

14,000 - the gallons of drinking water used every 24 hours.

40,000 - the number of fresh eggs in the ship's provisions.

1,000 - the number of bottles of wine taken aboard.

64 - the number of lifeboats the Titanic was equipped to carry.

20 - the number of lifeboats she actually carried.

28 - the number of people on board the first lifeboat out of a capacity of 65


6 - the number of warnings of icebergs the Titanic received before the


160 - the minutes it took the Titanic to sink after hitting the iceberg (2 hours
and 40 minutes).

-2 : the temperature of the sea water in centigrade.

31.6 - the total percentage of passengers and crew who survived.

53.4 - the percentage who could have survived, given the number of spaces
available on the Titanic lifeboats.

2 - the number of dogs who survived (lapdogs taken aboard lifeboats by their

12,600 - the depth at which the wreck of the Titanic lays, in feet.

18 - the distance that the bow penetrated into the sea bed, in metres.

74 - the number of years it took to find the wreck of the Titanic.

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