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Student: Peter Clark

Course: EDU 329

Grade: 10

Topic: World War II

Professor: Professor Sills

Date: April 7, 2015
Content Area: History


After students watch and discuss a film on World War II, students will work
cooperatively in groups to analyze five documents on WWII and then independently
write a 2.5 page document based essay on why the United States abandoned the policy of
neutrality and entered WWII with 100% accuracy.
CCSS. ELA- Literacy.RI.9-10.9
Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literacy significance, including how
they address related themes and concepts.
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as references drawn from the text.
CCSS.ELA -Literacy.W.9-10.1
Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using
valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
CCSS.Social Studies-10.5a
CCSS.Social Studies-10.6b
Indicator: This will be evident when the students refer to quotes and specific details
from the film in their document-based essay on United States involvement in WWII.
MOTIVATION (Engaging the learner (s)*)
Students will discuss major points and events during the film as a class.

WWII film
5 documents

STRATEGIES (Learning Strategies *)

Direct Instruction: The teacher will stop the film periodically to discuss major events and
points made during the film.
Group Discussion: The teacher will engage students during a group discussion about the
documents provided and how they relate to the major events discussed during the film.
Cooperative Learning: The students will work cooperatively in groups of four or five to
analyze the documents provided by the teacher.
ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality *)

The student who is visually impaired will have the documents read aloud to him
or her within the group.

Tier 1: Students will work cooperatively in groups to analyze five documents on WWII
and then independently write a document based essay on why the United States
abandoned the policy of neutrality and entered WWII after being provided with a timeline
of events that lead to the participation of the United States in WWII with 100% accuracy.
Tier 2: Students will work cooperatively in groups to analyze five documents on WWII
and then independently write a document-based essay on why the United States
abandoned the policy of neutrality and entered WWII with 100% accuracy.
Tier 3: Students will work cooperatively in groups to analyze five documents on WWII
and then independently write a document-based essay on why the United States
abandoned the policy of neutrality and entered WWII while including at least two major
events discussed during the film with 100% accuracy.

Students will review with the teacher the requirements of the assignment. (How
many documents need to be used in the paper?)
Students will analyze the documents provided with one another in groups of four
or five (What message is each document trying to convey? What do these
documents have in common?) What are the differences between the documents?)
Students will come up with main ideas about each document (How do these
documents relate to the United States actions during this time?)
Students will collaboratively brainstorm while independently writing down main
points of each document (How can this document help me answer the question of
the assignment? What specific details can be used in the paper?)

ASSESSMENT (artifacts* and assessment [formal & informal]*)

Students will successfully create a 2.5 document-based essay that answers the question of
why the United States abandoned the policy of neutrality and entered WWII using
documents and details from the film.
Following the film discussion and group analysis of the five documents provided,
students will complete an outline for the in-class document-based essay on why the
United States abandoned the policy of neutrality and entered WWII at home with 100%
Direct Teacher Intervention: The teacher and student will, together, discuss connections
that were made between his or her analysis of the documents and how they relate to the
question being asked for the essay.
Academic Enrichment: The students will independently write a 2.5 page document-based
essay, using the documents provided as well as details from the film, to answer the
question of why the United States abandoned the policy of neutrality and entered WWII.

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