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Volcanoes: Harmful or Helpful?


Focus: Science + Technology

5.GLE.32: Demonstrate the results of constructive and destructive forces using models or
OBJECTIVES: I can analyze the effects of volcanoes and justify if volcanoes are more
constructive or destructive forces. I can display the effects on a Prezi presentation tool.
Hook: Teacher will display KWL chart about volcanoes: What do we know about volcanoes?
What do we want to know about volcanoes? As students provide feedback, teacher will fill in
what they say only in first two parts.
-Teacher will write questions on the board: How are volcanoes constructive? How are
volcanoes destructive? Students will brainstorm in their notebooks as they watch the
-Teacher will then show students the Youtube video about volcanoes (see attached)
-Teacher will then call on students to fill in the L section of the KWl on the board.
-Teacher will then introduce the Prezi. The teacher will address how to add text, pictures, and
video to add to the student presentation.
-Students will then PAIR-SHARE and teach one another how to use Prezi (formative
assessment and teacher check). This is a way for the teacher to check understanding
before the students begin project. Teacher will circle and check as students are teaching
each other.
-Teacher will review expectations of the rubric of the content for Prezi.
-Flashdrive (optional)
-Student notebooks

This project could be extended to include higher-level resources from Google
Scholar. Also, bibliography could be required to be more detailed according to APA

Students who are ELL students or those that have limited English abilities could
write their Prezi slides in their native language and use Google Translate to translate
the slides into English. They could then keep both English and native language in
the Prezi slides.
Special Needs
Teacher would need access to students IEPs and 504 goals in order to
accommodate on an individual level.

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