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Trade Name: Colace

Generic Name: ducosate

Pt Weight: 69kg

Classification: Laxative
Indications: PO: Prevention of constipation (in patients who should avoid straining, such as
after MI or rectal surgery).
Why is your patient taking this drug? Prevent reoccurrence of obstipation
Standard doses and routes: PO: (Adults) 240 mg once daily.
Patient Dose: 200mg
Adverse Reactions & Side Fx:
EENT: throat irritation
GI: mild cramps, diarrhea
Derm: rashes

Patient/Family Teaching:

1. Advise patients that

laxatives should be used
only for short-term therapy.
Long-term therapy may
cause electrolyte
imbalance and
1. Hypersensitivity;
2. Encourage patients to use
2. Abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting, especially when
other forms of bowel
associated with fever or other signs of an acute abdomen.
regulation, such as
increasing bulk in the diet,
Nursing Implications:
increasing fluid intake (68
full glasses/day), and
1. Before giving drug, determine whether patient has adequate
increasing mobility. Normal
fluid intake, exercise and diet
bowel habits are variable
2. Drug is laxative of choice for patients who shouldnt strain
and may vary from 3 times/
during defecation
day to 3 times/wk.
Advise patient not to use
Lab Test Considerations: None reported
laxatives when abdominal
pain, nausea, vomiting, or
fever is present.
4. Advise patient not to take
docusate within 2 hr of
other laxatives.

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