News Release 2 - It Happened Here

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For Immediate Release

Christina Brown
Public Relations

Ann Simmons
Marketing and Programming Coordinator

Come Watch A Powerful New Documentary About Sexual Assault!

HARRISONBURG Feb. 16, 2015 Join us at 7 p.m. for a free viewing of the new
documentary It Happened Here in Grafton Stovall theatre on JMUs campus. In an
effort to raise awareness of sexual assault, the documentary features five women who
were ignored by their universities and have, in retaliation, spoken up about their
incidents. University Health Center teamed with C.A.R.E. (Campus Assault ResponsE) to
have a free screening in an effort to remind students how prominent rape and sexual
assault are in a college setting.


University Health Center

It Happened Here News Release 2

Sexual assault and rape on college campuses has gained wide recognition more recently
as survivors are empowered to raise awareness and tell their story. Director Lisa F.
Jackson and producer Marjorie Schwartz Nielson of It Happened Here listened to
testimonies from five assault survivors and explored their journeys through the process.
The stories are an important reminder that assault can happen to anyone and is most
commonly committed by close friends.

University Health Center at JMU has counseling available, predominantly from C.A.R.E.,
for anyone directly or indirectly affected by assault or rape incidents. This organization
is student run and works on a voice mail-pager system, allowing time for trained
volunteers to assist those in need within 15 minutes. If you or anyone you know has
been affected by assault, this service is free, judgment-free, and confidential.

There are many resources for survivors, such as End Rape On Campus, RAINN (Rape,
Assault, and Incest National Network), and Its On Us which all provide ways to get help.
These organizations bond victims of assault together in order to decrease their fear, and
help them stand with others to create awareness and prevention because staying silent
does not generate change. It Happened Here is a new documentary hoping to spark a
revolution in attitude toward an assault and prevent future assaults from occurring.


University Health Center

It Happened Here News Release 3

According to RAINNs website, sixty-eight percent of sexual assaults are not reported to
the police. This free screening of It Happened Here is preparing viewers for April,
which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Starting the conversation reduces the stigma
of rape being an uncomfortable topic to discuss. Increasing the amount of coverage will
hopefully encourage victims and survivors to tell their stories, inspiring others to speak
out and start a chain reaction.

If you have any questions about the documentary, please visit For questions regarding the event, please contact Ann
Simmons at 540-568-3503 or


About C.A.R.E.
C.A.R.E. (Campus Assault ResponsE) is a student-run organization at JMU and provides
support for survivors of rape and sexual assault. The helpline is available 24/7 for those
who have been directly and indirectly affected by sexual assault and can be reached at

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