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English/Hebrew - VocaABULEARN ent INTRODUCTION The VocabuLearn program is specifically designed to greatly expand your comprehension and pronunciation of hundreds of foreign words and expressions. VocabuLearn has, been recorded by native speakers to give you the most authentic pronunciation possible. It will be an excellent adjunct to your language study but is not, however, meant to be a course in grammatical structure. For more in-depth language learning purposes, it would be most useful for the student to review sentence struc ture and grammar of the target language. Program Format: Each cassette side contains a specific word type, ie. nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, or expressions. These groupings are then divided into two sections: the first half of each side introduces the English word/ expression first, followed by the foreign equivalent. The second half is reversed with the foreign word/expression heard first, followed by its English equivalent. This format allows the listener to practice translating both into, and out of, the target language. Another feature of this program is the random order in which the words and expressions are presented, as wouid occur in actual conversation. This intentional arrangement of word order makes the program more challenging, pro- moting faster learning and increased word retention. Also, there are pauses between ail the words and expressions to ailow the listener the opportunity to translate the word into the target language and repéat the answer out loud. it is most important that the listener vocalize both aloud and mentally to reinforce correct pronunciation of the foreign language. Notes About the Vocabulary Lists/Recording: 4. When words that are used have multiple meanings, the context will be noted in parentheses. Example: the square (city). 2. When two words have the same or nearly the same meaning, both words will be listed. Example: the hall, the corridor. 3. if adjectives change in spelling or pronunciation according to gender or case, these differences are included. 4. In order to give a better feel for the use of the definite and indefinite articles, which in English are “the”, “a”, and “an”, you will find them in the section on nouns. Level | uses the definite article “the", while Levels I! and Ili use both the definite article and the indefinite article “a”, or “an” when it is used in place of “a”. In English, “an” is used before a word beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, 0, or u) or before a silent“h”. Examples: an heir, an era. 5. The Expression section is composed of idioms that are important to memorize, since they form a large part of the vocabulary of each language. More often than not they will not be translated on a word for word basis. The expression or idiom that most closely maiches the English equivalent is used. Various tenses are used and verbs are conjugated to match the person and tense. By referencing a grammar book you will be abie to understand betier the sentence structure and verb usage. Don't forget — leaming languages can be fun! It will be especially rewarding when visiting the native country of the language you have chosen to study. But whether for pleasure, business, or just the satisfaction of being able to enjoy a bilingual experience, VocabuLearn wiil be one of the most useful tools you can have. CD 1/ Cassette 1A Nouns 83) inv English/Hebrew mesy /noai8 the cashier . RDP the arm TH Ya the candy . Prior an entertainment WTI the lawyer VT Thy an attorney Dopran the bone oz the library - WON anink . 2. PT an acquaintance “373 the paragraph Bde APPOn npoon an employer vaya Provan the playing cards ............ mapn the ball (sphere) Winn (dance party) -. FWT the sunset Oe pwr an owner ooyan the distance . pnd the lipstick .................. wut the air TNT the lake DART the saucer .................. .nnnn nnesn the tunnel cence PTI the executive ................. aan the sweater Vaan Pear ATION NOT the music ..... inert the doll waa the mood .................. 77 130 the turn (curve) the trademark DWvan jPan nonn een soar 7o"on 1 ha-kupa’t ha-ary'a, ha-yad ha-sukarya bidur torekh ha-din, ha-praklit ha-'etsem ha-sifriya dyo maker he-swif, ha-keta, ha-piska ha-ma'avid, ha-ma'asik ha-klafim ha-kadur ha-neshef ha-shki‘a ha-be'alim ha-merkhak ha-sfaton ha-‘avir ha-'agam ha-takhtit, ha-tsalukhat ha-minhara ha-menahel, hea-pakid ha-bakhir ha-sveder, ha-afuda ha-muzika ha-buba matsav ha-ri’akh ha-pniya, ha-pitul ha-semel ha-miskhari, ha-siman ha-miskhart the finger the note (in words) (in music) the beer ............ the anger the scarf the information ..... the citizen the symphony (orc! hhestra) (music) an oven the bicycle the museum .. an intermission the scale (for weighing) ..... an answer the rose : the lecture ....... the bathtub the stewardess ...... the turkey the package anaddress ............ the traveler's check the parent the definition the license the sample the divorce the chest of drawers the sight, the view the delivery (mail) .. the wedding the security .. an accountant, a bookkeeper the workshop VIERA bene vo. PNA int seceeeee es VOT ... DUDA -pyET sees VAT seEETePNn RRA . nant WSO - Wn . BSN _ TRA beveeeeees npoan DV INAT maven yew sn DIRT muaaNA weceeeee PTT nin mann apann nino (PB OVATION oyoun nxnan _ an Doan In maa ren _ SORTA DTPA ban AIVAOT TK UN ANON mansan npn ayinna PRA Jnaen ax minawn ori RIOT ha-'etsba ha-petek ha-tav ha-Bire ha-ka‘as ha-tsa’if ha-meyda, dl for matsya ha-ezrakh he-" ha-tizmoret ha-simfonya tanur ha-'ofantyim ha-muze’on hafsaka ha-moznayim tshuva ha-vered, ha-shoshan ha-hartsa’a ha-’umbat, ha-ambatye ha-daytlet tarnegal ha-hodu ha-khavila kiovet ha-trevelers chek ha-makha'et ha-nos ‘im ha-hore ‘akhad ha-horim ha-hagdara het-rishayon ha-dugma ha-get, ha-gerushim ‘aron ha-megeroi ha-mar'e, ha-nof Khaluket ha-mikhtavine ha-khatuna ha-bitakhon ro’e kheshbon menahel kheshbonot ha-sadna the duty-free shop ../|°0PTN Nn 0nna ATS the sale .........., oo... FVD “anya md nv the waitress _ genni the chest (body) . _ Anti m2 . TTT the slang TAY A290 an era npn the pavement Scenes MIVA the shower mnpan the beginning .... _onnan the sister-in-law oo OAT the grapes ................... DURI0 the stockings bean anpr mpi pa>oun xn the customer the telephone booth the haircut . . mayeonn the world .....0....... oy an aspirin TVDOR the farm mann the symbol ........- - SaDA mp an oe . [yo APA. the business card .. the baggage check - the table Wwwa the sausage ... .. Pin the valley 0000s povn the wages nwyosvan ei the month .. sees .. eTina the minimum - own the direction .............. yrs0 the bottom (container) _mennna (ground) PPP IpA (rear end} _. Te the shelf .............. 77871 ,TADSRT the drink : nPpwin the hero, the heroine 2740 , Wan the barn ....................... DOR the passenger ....... . eon the zipper 1220 Sokeni khanut ha-dyuti frif ptura mimekhes mekhira, mekhirat sof ha-’ona ha-melisarit beyt ha-khaze, ha-khaze sieng, ‘aga thufa ha-midrakha ha-miklakhat ha-hatkhala ha-gisa ha-'anavim ha-garbayim ha-lakbakh, ha-kone ta ha-telefan ha-tispbret ha-olam ‘aspirin ha-khava ha-stmel kartis ha-bikur bdikat ha-mir‘an ha-shulkhan ha-naknik ha-'emek ha-sakhay ha-maskoret ha-khodesh ha-minimum ha-kivun ha-takhtit ha-karka‘it ha-yashvan ha-titstaba, ha-madaf ha-mashke ha-gibor, ha-gibora ha-asam ha-nost'a he-rokhsan, ha-richrach the department ............ aaponan the scx ..... Pan an exhibition aanwn the wind .. . A the bathing suit -- ... O79 TA the sauce . POW the wall....... sees 2. DPA the delay 2/2 Ta Sen the magnitude cee OST the sandwich ....... pation ,Paan the variety . . a Aa an activity vee 2. YD the ladder ....................- O70 the square (city) . (93) 32°37 the helicopter ................. JPR wp AT anclbow ........ coceeeee. PES the criticism ............... np the slipper ................. Mad Oya Dyan the matter .....................7° 090 the board (wood) 2. WPT pen? the blunder . .. OA MYT Sana the vocabulary ..... OPA WEIR the part (ofa whole) ........... P2nT the confidence -. yaxn inva an avenue sees STITT TT the merchandise ............. anon the quarter (part) ... 9240 the breeze . A Bw Tp nT the rice . cee ... TYS8a an invitation . mana the number ................... WOO the beard .- -- a {Pin the reservation (hotel) .. Dipani niam May non WR the garage Towa the roast ..... ieee ORT ha-makhlaka ha-min ta’arukha ha-ru'akh beged ha-yam ha-rotey, ha-resek ha-kir ha~ikhuy, ha-dikhuy ha-otsma ha-karikh, haesendvich ha-mivkhar, ha-miguan pe'ilur ha-sulam ha-kikar ha-masok, ha-helikopter marpek ha-bikoret na ‘al he-biayit, ha-na’al ha-‘inyan ha-kéresh, Tivakh ha-’ets ha-ta'ut ha-gasa, ha-mekhdal ‘otsar ha-milim ha-khielek ha-bitakhon, ha-‘emun dérekh, sdera ha-skhora ha-reva mashav ha-rw’akh, rwakh kala ha-"brez ha-hazmana ha-mispar ha-zakan hazmanat ha-makom merosh, ha-histaygut ha-musakh ha-tsli the broom . the round trip ticket the lettuce the refrigerator the ability the throat - an clectrical outlet the trade (business) the border the temperature the chorus . the toll (fee) themind .......... the alcohol an infant the rabbit . the medicine : the jacket (clothing) (book) .. RONAN “pe on ous sm yon non apart . mon maa . ypwa Twn yigpon beets yan pina mR DNYA J onpan msn on _ nv nawnan Simooua pirn _ nae wn - _ mann Mopar YP aT _. IBD NI ha-matate kartis halokh va-shovs halokh va-khazor ha-khiasa ha-mekarer ha-yekholet ha-garon ha-sheka mishlakh ha-yad, ha-miktso’a ha-guul ha-khom, ha-temperatura ha-mak ‘hela mas ha-drakhim ha-da’at, ha-makhshava ha-'alkahol tingk ha-shafen, ha-tarnevet ha-trufa ha-jaket, ha-miktoren krikhat ha-sefer maT ARTI nn myon maen MOP an aon mp Pw. yajann mpTyan moavesn na “Ian IOI ,PIND pw PHO VVOVNA se (pars) tana mint an op mvt yt nnn Jana meri mayan own anwar wih DIDY IN BPI moan ATOM PEA Soph pan Suan nN one aber ann moNn BS) MY Nouns meas / Ps) Hebrew/English isdafa . - teyvat ha-do’ar a ha-be‘aya ... téeuna ha-mirpeset ha-madrega netif Kerakh ha-duvdevan ha-ha’adafa . tsomet, hitstalvur - ha-pituy .......... pundak, akhsaniya hashokolad - ha-‘instelator, ha-shravrav ha-khaver - iakh ha-zmanim keersol vs. e sees khavat davat, de’a ha-khaverut, he-yedidut ha-pe'ula.... ha-kharata . ha-me'arakhat ha-diyur ‘au tipus, ....... orginal ha-mikhlala ha-fakulta, ha-koledge ha-hefekh ha-petet ‘akharcy - ha-tsohorayim ha-khaver, ha-melave ha-'ekhiut an oyster the mailbox . the problem an accident ...the terrace (balcony) . (stair) -an icicle . the cherry the preference an intersection the temptation aninn the chocolate the plumber the member the timetable ankle an opinion .the friendship the action .the regret the hostess. the accomodations _an original the college (school) (faculty) - an opposite . the raspberries _ an afternoon the companion . the quality yan APTA minzona amen yonan myaunn opun nuwa .aTen o5007 ww navn Mo Ty TINT Y3 ant ns Joa san Sinn meen PuNDT yan o-apwnn moron mayo npn oywnn ann novia a27an yian mpg7 nH 1” nava amon magn T2yn AVITIN pan mma mewn TPpaT oyna ns SIDRD PRIA un ha-daka, ha-rega . ha-kheskhonot ... the minute the savings ha-khaluda .....--3 the rust ha-makhsai . the warehouse ha-mathe’ot ..... the coins ha-tekes ..00.. 00.04 the ceremony ha-sade, ha-shetakh the ficld ha-misparayim . the scissors ha-shw'ar . the gate ha-’avar | ... the past tseyruf ha-nesibot ..the coincidence ben ha-dod . the cousin (m.) bat ha-doda (f) ha-misdaron ....... the hall, the corridor ha-prozdor ha-khol . the sand he'adrut ........,, an absence ha-gan, ha-park ., the park he-mishkafayim .. the eyeglasses ha-mazkira ....... the secretary ha-historya - the history ha-pe ..- ... the mouth hekhzer tashlum .. the refand tizmoret .. ha-brakha ha-mada . Ra-tsofe . ha-dérekh ha-tabakh .. ha-kita ..... haamud ......... ‘andarta, matseva . ha-hamon ha-khazit ha-sharsheret ... ha-pakid .. beyt ha-kholim .... she’ifa, ‘ambitsya hha-nahag ........- orchestra .. the greeting the science the spectator . the way . an island the cook the classroom the post a monument -the crowd . the front . the chain . the clerk the hospital an ambition A742) PIENT wn vor pwn moun pq iNan oiw7 nxn ban monn STi0n mn omopnan nxn PT mew opapn “Dn wan opnvan mop’ sn boar Sanna pan oMpa nein msn moan ym wnwon TTRT sews wrin avn JYVDaRA apon IDO mianaa wea AyiapA NEA wen paver ma sr Apmenn p? omen pn ha-"etsba, . the toe ha-bohen madrikh ha-siyur, . the tour leader madrikh ha-tiyulim ha-me'a the century meat ha-shanim haemas 00... the tax the handkerchief the sandal the compliment the maximum ha-mimkhata ha-sandal ha-makhma‘a aoe ha-maksimum ha-'akh . .the fireplace shati‘akh ha-kir .. the tapestry ha-kirkas the circus he-kinuy the nickname migrash . the playground ha-miskhakim ha-chipsim ........the French-fried potatoes ha-pesel ...-the sculpture holekh ha-regel ... the pedestrian thufat beynayim interim ha-tsorekh, ....... the necessity ha-hekhrakh Yitaron ....,...... anadvantage ha-meshulash ..... the triangle havadama ........ the earth heeshrafraf the stool ha-shvil, ha-nativ . the path ha-efsharut, ...... the chance ha-mikre ha-sikuy ha-hizdamnut ha-'aron . the closet ha-tsevet, ha-kvutsa the team ha-tsa’ar ..........the sorrow ha-pa'amon .......the bell ha-ore’akh 2... the guest ha-saydey, .........the cider yeyn ha-tapukhim, mits ha-tapukhim 8 JOD NUTTIN pplpn nay oe nn snon anaa ayn pqnen aawn me wren maT JORG Opa yonan oyun orvnn as Jmanan opipa mayaayn pann nyunn a (750) JRA TON piper anan m3307 mEmn pyvon pana pm on men Wen pon wen Spi “eT opt mw PARA wlan xo TINA Sannin 35071 ney’ Pont ‘andarta, pesel komat ha-karka ha-khayat ha-sinor . - ha-hoda’a bikhtav ha-pundak lwakh ha-shana . ha-mifras ha-me'are'akh ... mekom ha-’ikhsun, ha-makhsan hre-tia’eem cee matsav ha-kherum ha-makhberei, ha-pinkas ha-'agvaniya ha-kharak . ha-tnu’a ha-riba .... ha-roman - ‘oman ... ha-miktso'a . ha-bdikha ha-sakana ha-steyk, ha-'unttsa ha-'omets —.- ha-tale, ha-se ha-slida, < go’al ha-nefesh ha-lékhi ha-prat ae shipu'a . the statue . the ground floor _ the tailor the apron the notice (written) ithe tavern. the calendar the sail .the host the storage place .the taste the emergency the notebook the tomato . the insect -the traffic . the jam the novel an artist . the profession the joke the danger the steak the courage the fortune (money) Cuck) the lamb . the disgust . the cheek the detail the incline ha-yabasha, ha-‘arets the land kursa .... ha-‘itstadyon ha-khatui ha-sapar ....... ha-pijama an armchair the stadium the cat the hairdresser the pajamas aaa VIN TEi7 mmin shin sn nar naawan pony pon Myo TMA WPA 7 wy pian maabn VOT Wn winsa DOIN En , nyaaan prin amann mpopn aan nop mp7 uowan 77R7 AP OW INT wy Maat nian yin ny nyvat pwn pean ma miata PINT mao mms aan ™0°O TAT mao mTs0 10 ha-gay, 00... 2.06. ha-tsad ha~akhory ha-nitwakh ha-khatser .... ha-limonada, ha-gazoz ha-ma'arekhet .... khefets ‘atik ha-se’ara , ha-katse, ha-khod . rega, shniya .. ha-boker ......... ha-levena ha-sigarya mapat ha-shulkhan ha-tsnim, ha-tost .- ha-mangina, . . ha-nigun ha-tguva - ha-kumkum |. ‘aliyat he-gag .... ha-para ha-mishpet ha-orekh . ha-tuniversita ha-brera ha-kamue . ha-mavet MAND’A esse ha-aniva ........ ha-mo’akh ha-shakhen . beyt ha-malon .. hizdamnut .- ha-itliz .... shlikhut, sidurim ha-rekhov ha-khad sitry simta _. ha-tsdafa sof - the back the surgery .. the courtyard the lemonade .the system . an antique .the storm ithe edge (end part, tip) . an instant .the morning . the brick . the cigarette the tablecloth the toast . the tune .. the reaction . the teapot an attic . the cow .the trial daw) the length the university the choice the quantity the death an engine the necktie the brain the neighbor the hotel an opportunity ...the butcher shop errand the one-way strect . an alley -the shellfish anend mxenn nian 1730 wi mua DPpRwrA moewn 7x mann nonin ma pwn mnnvpn oan Spwnn ova mon )yaven AoA ww oun ws "2H awa Pvspnn non anian muna nsin ansan 227 TO? (wopy Iw) TnyA Sap nat po anonan yoxwa ha-khatsa’it ....-- . the razor an eagle sakin ha-gilu'akh nesher ha-nura . ha-rashamkol . hashmata ‘fer . ha-monit menahelet meshek ha-bayit ha-meltakha ..... ha-gis .. ha-mishkal ...... ha-re'am ha-sug ha-matbe'a, shtar ha-Kesef ha-khenvani Fa'aYON sae ha-loby ha-shdule ha-taktsir, - ha-sikwm ha-martef ha-khadashot ha-nitsakhon, ha-harsiakha yesod, markiv ha-'amud stker da’at kahal ha-hakhlama ha-she'elon the skirt the lightbulb .the tape recorder an omission an ash . the taxi .the housekeeper . the wardrobe the brother-in-law . the weight .the thunder the type . the currency . the shopkeeper . anidea the lobby (physical) (political) . the summary . the basement -the news the win . an element the page . an opinion poll the recovery . the questionnaire CD 2 / Cassette 1B Adjectives and Adverbs 9)5™ DYN Nin English/Hebrew n°32y / 55238 able o....00.00.0........... 07 210 nviot nv Oya obedient wees AT” VOW indoors ........... O53 nein yina lawful .. 0.2.0... eee, . n- pin childish : noon popular vee A TARP nv pon direct . an - TT ye funny .........00.000.0..2.. 7 POS sore . a . wees. MT RID PF argumentative ........... nom np Mr iwip tight eee TPA fourth ...............000.. now silent ........... no pnw barely o0...........00. 0.2 eee Wil masculine .. ncaa lasting .. a” Pana across At amy “7 9a" somewhat nso Te. indeed : cence eee jax positive ........... CATH older ........00....... TW Ar aa backwards moan ns? sorrowful yi D3 333 0r RD jealous Fe RIP thrifty . non altogether In OI a3? unkind 8 TT eI mesugal -gelet, ba'al/ba ‘alat yekholet memushma -ma'at bifnim, betokh ha-bieyit Khuki -t yalduti -t populari -t mefursam -semet yashir / yeshira matskhik -a ko’ev -cvet, vagish / ts pulmusi kantrani -6 haduk -a ha-revi'i + shotek -teket be-koshi gavri-t matmid «a la-rokhav, dérekh, me'ever le- bemida mesuyemet ‘akhen Khi‘uvi -t mevugar -geret yoter le'akhor, hafukh -a ‘atsuv -a male / mele'al tsit'ar kanay / kane’it kheskhoni -t besakh ha-kal, legumrey ra /va’a, 'akhgari -1 ofcourse ........... down affectionate . innocent (not guilty, naive) unbeatable ........ beneath - otherwise asleep throughout doubtful eleventh | uncomfortable clever toxic cee aged eens portable free (at no cost) stationary veces since third . speeding lavish (abundant in) (wasteful) another spacious ............. outstanding furthermore . powerful entertaining about ............... 2. FAS YR . mun .. Wao xy mon oat oan yap avn 1 / mm 21 PR .mnna nans a yw . stan Ay 239 Jn papi .pbda Av oui nv pao coef TRETIMRT meyer ome _m" pep ny 7PM TY orn. veces AR DIOP wos . TR TR newbie . AMS AA. fr yp . morn Jv nk nm 7033 nn, nr pws oe mem am (17 pin mas m7 ova nv y320n n-72% J TTR Yer 13 bevaday, kamuvan lemata male / mele‘at regesh, khara -a tamim / tmima, khaf/ khapa mipesha 'eyn tov -a mize / 20 mitakhat ‘akheret yashen / yeshena bemahalakh, te-khol “orekh ha- mefukpak -peket, mutal -teler besafek, mesupak -peket ha-akhad ‘asay / ha~akhat ‘esre lo no'akh / nokha pike'akh / pikichit revi frei hizdaken -kna nayad -yedet bekhinam kavu'a /kuu'a, yatsiv / yatsiva me‘az, me‘akhar ha-shlishi -t bimhirat mufrezet shofé’a / shofa‘at pazrani -t ‘akher / ‘akheret, nosaf -sefet meruvakh -vakhat mitstayen -yenet, kharig -a yetera mizot khazak -a, be'al / ba‘alat ‘oisma meshakhne'a -na‘at mevader -déret ‘al, ‘odat second ....... 2 WT joyful . apy dim .................2...2... 517 OWOY mr oan recent _oan / mpe TOI XN? mm wna yom x? COATSE ......... 6, nv opoina taller . ANY A MAA meanwhile .........Any ny? Ono sticky ........00.. . mW” Pat detestable ................. 7 / 1B m 72 useful nowinw prompt ne per ne effective .. . AV TVDPER mpg" qpn naa tenth 20.0... eee eee nop pleasant ..........._. _ Toy accurate . Area seldom _ Mmpim omy? unexpected . 7 “pg ona reasonable ....... VST n- bapnn nyt dy ne sensational .............. DWM 1¥ n- iT EDI0 though -w nna? compact .. veeeeee. TT MPEP unreal oo TONED RD no Ona N? public .. nonys knowledgeable ....... 2 Spl upside down .......... a Par vacant .... 2 5 elderly ....... _ AY W128 nr pT weak ......... av won ha-sheni ¢ ha-shniya ‘aliz -a ‘amum -a, me*urpel / pelet she-kara / she-karta lo mizman she-hitrakhesh -khsha fo mizman mekhuspas _peset gauoha / gvoha yoter beyniayim, le’et ‘ata davik / dvika nivazt -t, bazuy / bzuya shimushi -t miyadi -t, daykan -nit ‘efeketvi -t yal / yevila, bar -at tokef ha-asiri -t na'im / né’ima meduyak -yeket le‘itint rekhokot biti tsafuy / tsfuya hegyoni -2, mitkabel / Pelee ‘al ha-da’at ‘az -at roshem, sensatsyoni ot lamrot she- kompakti -t lo metsi'uti -t lo ‘amiti -t tsiburi-t baki / beki’a hafukh -a panuy / pnuya THEVULAY -LErEt, zaken / zkena khalash -a tame aggressive purified heartless mild reckless comfortable unsure ...... prosperous competent ....- savory past ....... juicy ......---.-- urgent alert wealthy .... readable vague ........- eighth ...... uniform separate - frequently complete wide ............ really- . electric .... 2 AT Pw Tv ORD 8? mma AT PW Tr pp sboan-7on Ay apna m7 Tp ee n-7en pnw. mmm XY now Di eeteese aT WOOK mw. nv 3aipan ayaa oo. TT Mauna AD M993 ne yarn m7 yy vo creee RPA saya by jay A DOF _ TINT nv pnt morpy seeeeee WO Vy 7 TAR ceceeeees TORU en n- Sanya n-ornwa 2 PAR beveeee mm) smanp omy? yr Ow nv as _ ram oe nara coe I wn me'ulaf -léfer lo pra‘i -t, mevuyat -yetet tokpani -t mezukak -keket khasar / khasrat lev ’adin -a, matun / metuna paaiz / pzize no’akh / nokha khasar / khasrat hitakhon lo batiakh / betukha koshel -shtlet *elaist i-t, gamish / gmisha ha-mekubal -belet, ha-ragil / ha-regila mesagseg -seget bral / ba'alat yekholet, meyurmnan -menet ta’im / te'ima ha-shayakh -yekhet le’avar, shel he-‘avar ‘asisi -t dakhuf/ dekhufa, dokhek -kheket ‘eyrani -t ‘amid -a, ‘ashir -a kari/kri'a me'urpal -pelet ha-shmini -t ‘akhid -da nifrad -redet le‘itim krovot shalem / shlema, gamur / gmura rakhav / rekhava be’emet khashmali -t useless faithful whenever refreshing . above peaceful musical ethical . sharp .. immediate automatic unusual beyond realistic ........... final . unconscious physical active objective . sexy typical -. ermel ........... impressionable uncertain impatient .......... good-looking twelfth amazing ..... plain ...........2.... excellent unlimited _ neyin ne mon . 1 YORI _7e oye 993 PP Rw ND ane qi beeccees Sy> Syn avy 7 vpw Lo POW nv ony |n- Ot an nr 7 Dr cynoy 2 AM eens won “> 190 cece es UT UE novo a4 no "D1 27 ne Jon no yTM7n2 Tye. DTP! beeeeee a yp noDypM DIN vee OPO nT OIEY TT DN 7mm aypawn PRT ND 7 nywI XY mie20 n- Aon . _ id qwy-or wn mer nn at 7 Rvp oo UD aT70 nv psa 2. 0 axons 16 khasar -srat to’elet shallow ....... ne‘eman -a all right bekhol pa‘am she-, nonstandard matay she-lo yihye permanent .....- mera’anen -nenet me’al, le’eyl shy shalev / shleva, extreme shaket / shketa plastic ....... muzikaii * controllable musari -t, 'eti-t awful .. khad -a miyadi -t ‘otometi +t specchless . bilti shigrati -t, kharig -a me‘ever le- metsi'uti -t, impolite - re'alisti-t sof -t dangerous .. khasar -srat hakara, seventh Dilti muda -da'at makeshift fizi-t, gufani-t pail / pe'ila mcan . ‘obyektivi 7 seksi -1 informal tipusi -t ever ‘akhzari + shameful no‘akh / nokha Te-hashpa’a boring . Je vada‘i -1, gloomy Ta batu'akh / betukha khasar -srat savlanut nave / naa ha-shneym ‘asar ha-shteym ‘esre madhim -a, mafli -li'a pashut / pshuta me’ule / Ta metsuyan -yenet Dilti mugbal -belet man _ Wan 7702 moapncna av ap mr 33? 2 wd _ mr onyp . no (yOdS veces n- p127 _ AT OPS ay yyyin 77 83 oan ipnya my pan Jip ny 5 OT OVNI .. TY Opi RP nr 0 8? nr yo107 Loan : J nT DI Cy “5 ponn _ mr Spy mona ope camp nes beet eee ee DYD "RK ir wea wv rena Wr onywn _mamp radud / reduda heseder germnur Bilti tikai -t kavu'a / kew’a, yatsiv -@ bayshan -it kitsoni -t plasti -t mevukar -keret ‘ayom -yuma, meza’aze'a -za'at, nora -ra’a ne’etku ha-milim mipiv / piha, pe'ur -rat pe ne‘elam / ne‘elma dom lo menumas -meset To nintust -t mesukan -Kenet ha-shvi'i -'t ’ara’i -t, zmani -t, iakhlif le- shafal / shfela, nivze -Zit Bilti formali -¢ ‘ey pr’am mevish -a, makhpir -a mesha’amem -memet koder -déret Sppm awn Nin Adjectives and Adverbs meus /mosy Hebrew/English mma mom mr yi Wr parensa awn mr yarn (yay) na2 x mr ymanp m7 PE no-owery vonaa noord ay Jnana pnwe n- ame ya royowacm rows nv pew YT [DIR wisp ANP FOR nv opoin TP TATRA 7 moweans srwe-n jane yaa was ar wes a any ODOR in? a0 pn neva stoma varod /vruda ..... pink nehedar -déret .... marvelous mugan -ghnet ... protected bilti navon / nevona unwise khashud -a .. . Suspicious bilté nimna -na’ac _ unavoidable kehe ‘ha - dark (color) na ...... rare (meat) mitgonen -nenet defensive tipesh / tipsha .... foolish (animate) tipshi-t . 20 kee (inanimate) behekhlet absolutely nogli-t ........... liquid ‘aliz -a,........... playful mitbadé'akh -deckhat, ‘ohev / hevet miskhak mugdar -déret a khad mashma’i -¢ ma’asi-f 0... shofé'a fat... be‘ofen garwa .. kadosh /kdosha .. gas -sa, kashe -sha mekhuspas -peset ga'avtan. -it, yahir / yehira mithayesh -yeshet shve/ shuar ‘evekh mivkhar, migvan natush / netusha, ‘@ZUV -@ ‘impulsivi +. savir lehani’akh, . yitakhen lema'as€ .......--5 « bekhoser ratson definite practical . plentiful -badly wsacred rough .. conceited .ashamed equal assorted deserted . impulsive probably actually reluctant AIT PRR av yan - Oya paws n- 21 nr 70730 moms mp mon xin P7271 Wo 7 RSP nv Sona APT. mown mon’ ,nnnn aw pyar nays sons / ova nv wns nv WROD 7713 mons on ?ip2 mo maT? n- Not nm o01nn voawn msnna 07 noon ray t) 7 yan J enn nv Dd aren mW o?y] prac wn n-amwn (nym) nya npns 'ammuts -t, .. khatsuf -a, baal / ba’alict bitakhon mukey -Keret sanitari -¢ bri’uti -t vayen -yenet khasuy -ya benikhuta yorse -t min ha-klal, poles -letet loke bekhaser pratit oo. eee mitakhai, lemuta .. mag'il -la me'orer -rerer go'al / b’khila no’ash -'eshet meyu'ash ~eshet benifrad me'uvat -vetert . bekolram .. yefeyfe -flya .... meduka -ket . metuskat -kelet khashuy -a bemakhatsit ha-dérekht holem -lémet khalul -la khatsuf -fa, mekhutsaf -tsefet, gas-a khalaf J khalfa, . ne’elam elma khash -a hakala, meshukhrar -reret hogen “genet, ¢ tsodek -deket 19 nervy . familiar sanitary . hostile confidential leisurely remarkable . incomplete private below .. sickening _ desperate (situation) (person) . apart . distorted . aloud . Gorgeous depressed frustrated important . halfway .. becoming hollow rude gone relieved fair, just joo. ma a pw m2 rong. a pnp apy. awn TD n-onann a opnay no enan ona nynan / yo psn yawn maya ypynoon Do OTNOIN Av bapna xy nyin by sem nornne news my yT2 DIN ops ows /-> arpa apna no npee Tnnay nonnpes /TAX® Jn) pane TINA Te On 0 a S13 voy >pbpnny a pay ona rm yrwn sv aa Uy no pvp gam, gam ken shafuy / shfuya .. namukh / nemukha nitskhi-t |... meheyman -a betikar |. a khasuf -fa ........ sadir/ sdira . matakhti -t mavkhin -@ ....... mevushal -shelet - bitte .. also sanc low -eternal _ tcliable . Inainly, mostly -bare regular -metallic distinctive cooked inconclusive t, 4, makhri'a / makhra‘at mashi'a -bi’at ratson satisfactory behadraga -. .gradually khad -at ‘ayin .... Observant ‘absturdi -t. absurd lo mitkabel -belet ‘al ha-davat khdish -a, - modern moder ni -t ha-shishi -£ . Sixth 20F-a oo... foreign he’ofengaru'a .... poorly le- / be-shum makom nowhere bahir / behira mazhir -a, pike'akh / pikkhit ‘avodat yad bikorti-t .......... ‘avikh, makhnik ve-lakh, Kham -a me-'od nehedar -déret, . gadol / gdola ‘alul -a lehitkalkel, bili ‘amid -a meshakhnt’a -ntv'at shovar -a, porek -reket ‘al 20 bright (color, day, light, mind) handmade critical sultry (weather) preat perishable convincing naughty 7 oer (TORN / VOR? x? yowrn / yank? 8? nomen Jn owaTIvo npn no 301 ows rm yarn n-1077 nga? jovi? WIR mani? n- [nd nonin Sny on 322 neo rbupP no wyinn n-vayp . PRD WN a pen yr obi 7 oxnn mapa Ann ma. yma ar poy yar maw npynna noywna oapwn nwo an oqwyn mat mn qnvn nonw7 monresw mopwen Sey or talul / thule steep lo ye’amen / te'amen, unbelievable lo ya‘uman / te’uman 4 mesudar -deret .... .. Standard « standarti -t, tiki -t gmani-t .........- . skillful mukhshar -sheret, meyuman -ménet harsani -t le’olam, lantrsakh ‘eykiishehu - neat temporary destructive forever somehow . « : nitan -ienet leharama adjustable mahuti -£ essential bekhol makom she-hu anywhere kailani -¢ meto’as eset fikbivi -t reshut, ‘optsyet khaltak -a holent -Ismet, mat'im -a shavir / shuira bekhavana tkhiia, bezadon ‘aliz -a a shazuf / shezufa shanuy / shnuya bemukhloket ha-tshi't -r meé‘ukar -Keret, sterili -t rakhav / rekhava he-‘esrim .. kadima . meyukhad -khedet rishwti -t shriruti -t - kninukhi-¢ . ‘ayes -a, radum / reduma 2 . fatal industrialized fictional . optional smooth appropriate breakable on purpose cheerful . suntanned controversial ninth . Sterilized broad twentieth forward special -official . arbitrary . educational . sleepy

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