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Viviane Story

Hi everyone let us gather around. I want to announce that we are going to have a
new friend join our classroom. This is our new friend Viviane she is four years old and
lives at home with her mom and grandmother. They just moved here from California
because her mom got a new job and her grandmother helps take care of her. So if
everyone could make Viviane feel welcome into are classroom, I would really appreciate
As everyone can see, Viviane is in a wheelchair and has a bag attached to her
chair. At her old school the other kids were not very nice to her because she was a little
bit different then they were. None of the other kids would let her play with them. They
would say, You could not play with us because you are not like us. Even though she
might be a little different on the outside, she is like everyone else. Her favorite color is
pink, she likes to play with dolls and color, and one of her favorite animals is horses.
Viviane was born just a little different then some children. She was born without
a way to use the bathroom like you or me and could not use her legs. She has a tube that
helps her go to the bathroom. So sometimes she might feel left out because she goes to
the bathroom in her chair, rather than going like everyone else. Even though the outside is
not just like ours we want to treat her with the same respect as you would anyone else.
Everyone is special in his or her own way.

Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs are grounded in a child
development knowledge base. a) Knowing and understanding young childrens
characteristics and needs, from birth through age 8. b) Knowing and understanding the
multiple influences on early development and learning c) Using developmental
knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning
environments for young children. (NAEYC 2010)

Brief Description of Evidence:

In my ECED 130 Developmentally Appropriate Guidance in a Cultural Context class for
spring semester 2015, I made a Persona Doll and created a story to go along with the doll
in my future classroom. My Persona Doll story was about a girl that was born with out a
way to use the restroom like everyone else.

Analysis of What I Learned:

I learned that having a Persona Doll in the classroom is a great way to teach children
about different types of disabilities, cultures, and life challenges. Bringing a Persona Doll
into the classroom can have a huge impact on the life and development of the children in
my classroom. Once I create a life story for this doll, I would continue to utilize the
original story and build on from this point.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC

By bringing a Persona Doll to life in the classroom, I possess the developmental
knowledge base to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning
environments for young children. My Persona Doll upholds the NAEYC ethical
guidelines by teaching the children the right path to take about different situations.

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