Act V Questions Romeo and Juliet

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Act V Questions Romeo and Juliet

Scene i
1. What does Romeo say he dreamt as he slept?
2. How might this ironically foreshadow the news he is getting ready to receive?
3. Where does Balthasar say that Juliet is?
4. Romeo says, Is it een so? Then I defy you stars. How does this quote connect to the Motif
surrounds Romeo throughout this play?

5. What is an apothecary?
6. Why will the Apothecary not sell Romeo the drugs?
7. What does Romeo mean when he says, I pay thy poverty and not thy will.

Scene ii
8. Explain in your own words why Friar Lawrences letter did not get to Romeo.
Scene iii
9. Who is first to show up at Juliets tomb and why are they there?

10. What excuse does Romeo give Balthasar for having come to Juilets Tomb?
11. What does Romeo say he will do to Balthasar if Balthasar tries to come into the tomb?
12. What does Romeo mean when he tells Paris,
I beseech thee, youth
Put not another sin upon my head
By urging me to fury. O, be gone
By heaven, I love you better than myself
For I have come hither armed against myself.

13. What is Paris last request?

14. Who else is in the tomb beside Juliet?

15. What does the friar intend to do with Juliet now that Romeo is dead?

16. What two ways does Juliet attempt to kill herself?

17. What way does she settle on?

18. Who else has died this very night and why?

19. What does Lord Montague promise to do to honor Juliet?

20. What does the Prince mean when he says, And I for winking at your discord too, have lost a
brace of Kinsmen?

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