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Wraparound Delaware Critical Analysis Report

Wilmington University
Jackie Zerillo


Wraparound Delaware, a nonprofit organization in Delaware, works with at-risk youth

and families in the community. The vision of Wraparound Delaware is for all families and youth
to know they are strong. Wraparound Delawares mission is to provide individualized care
utilizing systems of care principles to guide a process where all families and youth feel
supported, encouraged and optimistic that their hopes and outcomes can be achieved.
Wraparound Delaware receives their referrals directly from the Division of Youth Rehabilitation
Services (DYRS) under the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Families.
Wraparound Delaware works together with the Courts to help New Castle County youth to
complete a list of Court ordered conditions while helping to connect them to appropriate
resources within their community. The goal is to provide services and resources to these youth to
prevent them from entering deeper into the Juvenile Justice System.
Wraparound Delaware has many strengths regarding the way they conduct their office
environment as well as provide services to families. The agencys overall social environment
promotes positive change, effective service delivery, and job satisfaction which are important in
a successful organization. The agencys strength based environment encourages team work and
cooperation. The administrative staff maintains an open door policy. All office doors remain
open except for individual one on one supervisions. This environment promotes equality and
comfortability. Team members feel comfortable going to one another for help or advice
regardless of their status in the agency. The agency also celebrates success regularly and
engages in team building activities to promote a positive environment. For example, every staff
meeting starts with an open forum for team members to share success stories. Also, the agency
conducts regular group supervisions which provides a venue for exploring multiple aspects of the


problem which will be unique based on the background of the individuals involved in the
discussion. These strengths are measured by staff turn over which overall has been low.
Wraparound Delaware has its own management information system (MIS) unique to their
needs which is also a strength of the organization. This system allow Wraparound Delaware to
electronically track all areas of staffs job requirements including individual planning efforts,
documentation and visitation and/or contacts. The system is customized for Wraparound
Delaware and is modified as needed. Supervision notes are housed within the system and the
template includes all areas of concern, progress towards goals, interventions being used, team
structure, summary of most recent team meeting and accomplishments needed prior to discharge.
These templates are used at each individual staff supervision meeting and reviewed regularly by
the State Director. The system also allows them to customize their data collection and therefore
generate reports. These reports help guide the practice and make adjustments to interventions,
procedures, policy and staff training promptly, as well as track the outcome of changes.
Wraparound Delaware would benefit from some changes at the administration level
regarding management style. At times, the administration of the agency is tardy, leaves early,
and has a nonchalant attitude about the work environment. The nonchalant attitude is very
frustrating to other staff who work very hard, and has had a negative impact on some. Also, the
directors actions and attitudes tend be mimicked by some staff who feel that they can do these
things as well. Wraparound Delaware would benefit from the Executive and State Director
setting the proper example by being on time and setting a positive attitude about the work
environment regardless of their personal feelings.
Another area of weakness for Wraparound Delaware is their old equipment and
inconsistent internet and phone connectivity. They would greatly benefit from putting some


much needed money into fixing them. As a nonprofit, Wraparound Delaware tries to save money
where ever possible, however, this has come with a cost. Wraparound Delawares phones and
computers are all old refurbished equipment, and they constantly have problems. Also, along
with the outdated equipment, their internet connectivity is constantly inconsistent. There are a
number of reasons this happens which include the old outdated equipment and their inability to
connect to the high-tech, high speed internet modems available today. This is very frustrating for
all staff and can create a negative working environment. Since the administrators who have
control over these functions are not always in the office, the staff become even more frustrated
and overlooked.
As the economy is currently in a recession, money is always a threat. Typically even in

an economic recession, human service professionals can find jobs, as their main purpose is to
help service others. There will always be people needing resources, therapy, and treatment
especially in a economic recession. But with money being tight, and funding being cut all the
time, there is no job security. Wraparound Delaware is funded by grant money. It is a three year
contract and at the end of that period, it is always possible to loose funding especially in an
economic recession when money is limited. This economic factor creates a tough environment
to provide deserving employees with raises to ensure job satisfaction and effective service
delivery. This could potentially discourage employees from making high marks as their is no
financial incentives.
Another potential threat that Wraparound Delaware is currently dealing with is the
increased adolescent violence within the city of Wilmington. Since the beginning of January
2015, there have been 16 shootings with 7 resulting in death. These shootings are effecting the
youth and families that Wraparound Delaware serves as well as all the staff. Most of the youth in


the program have witnessed this violence in the community, and are experiencing some level of
vicarious trauma. This recent influx in shootings is also affecting the level of juvenile crime
meaning that the types of crimes that juveniles are committing are more serious offenses thus
increases the level of care needed. For Wraparound Delaware, this has presented a few different
concerns including the safety of the staff in the community, the appropriate level of care for the
population, and possible funding issues. Specifically, if the department starts to focus on higher
levels of supervision and after care programs to address the crime, the money that funds the
early intervention and community services programs is going to be limited. This could
potentially cause problems in the funding for Wraparound Delawares program.
A recent shift within their contracted agency of Youth Rehabilitative Services (YRS) is
another potential threat. Within the last year, the department hired a new director. This new
Director was previously a law enforcement officer for many years. She served as a Captain in
the local state police. The previous directors background was from the social services field, and
she had a very clear vision of the organization following a rehabilitative model that focuses on
needs and strengths as well as putting a lot of focus and money one early intervention. The new
directors focus is based on accountability and sanctions. This presents concern for Wraparound
Delaware as they aim to meet the needs of the individuals served by building on their strengths
and skills. This new shift in leadership within the department may conflict with the goals and
objectives of the program. Since Wraparound Delaware receives their funding from this
contracted agency, it is important that they attempt to align with the changes to keep their
funders happy.
In conclusion, Wraparound Delaware has many strengths that lend itself to their strengths
based environment, strong team cooperation, and effective service delivery. They have the


opportunity to address some of their weaknesses including the administration setting the
appropriate expectations of the agency as well as putting some much needed money into
replacing old equipment to increase connectivity and boost office moral. Wraparound Delaware
also is threatened by the increased crime and more serious offenses of juveniles in Delaware, the
recent shift at the State level, and as always funding due to being grant funding with little to no
job stability.

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