Multimedia Project

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Multimedia Project

Grade 1
Reading: Literature Standard 3
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.


The students will create a PowerPoint Presentation about a book that they have read.
They will be able to choose any book on their reading level from our leveled classroom
There will be 6 slides in the presentation.
o The Title
This slide must have the title of the book that the student is presenting on, the name of
the author, and the students name.
o The Characters
This slide must have the names of all of the main characters in the story. The students
should also include one picture of the character or something that represents the
o The Setting
This slide must have the name of the place where the story takes place. The students
should include one picture of the place or something that represents that place.
o 2 Big Events
On these slides, talk about two different events that took place in the story. On one
slide talk about one event and on the next slide talk about another event. For each
event, put one picture that go with the events that you talked/ wrote about.
o The Resolution/ Ending
What happened at the end of the story? How did the characters solve their problems?
Talk / write about how the story ended. Put a picture on this slide that represents the
ending of the story.
The students will present these presentations to the class.

Missing both the Title
of the Story and the
Students name.
There is no Title Slide.
Missing main
characters names and
details. No pictures.

Missing the Title of
the Story or the
Students name.

Includes the Title of
the Story, Students
name, and Color.

Some Characters are

mentioned and there
are no pictures/
details about the

Setting Slide

No setting is
described. No

Event 1

No event was shown.

Event 2

No event was shown.


No ending/ resolution
was shown.

Setting is described
but there is not a
There is a picture with
no description/ name
of the setting.
The event was
mentioned but there
is not a picture.
There is a picture but
there is not an event
that was mentioned.
The event was
mentioned but there
is not a picture.
There is a picture but
there is not an event
that was mentioned.
The ending/
resolution was talked
about but there is not
a picture.
There is a picture but
there is not an
ending/ resolution
that is described.

All of the characters

are mentioned and at
least one detail/
picture is included
about each of the
The setting is
described/ named and
there is at least one
picture that describes
the setting.

Title Slide

Characters Slide

The event was

discussed and there is
a picture to go with it.

The event was

discussed and there is
a picture to go with it.

The ending/
resolution is discussed
and there is a picture
that describes the

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