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Joshua Garza


Quick and Easy: A Sociobiological Analysis on Men and Women

It doesnt take a genius to tell that the differences between men and women are vast
and deep, like a mans dirty magazine collection or a womans big bag of make-up. What is a
conundrum is why two sexes of the same species are so different! If you consider the fact that
both men and women have had roughly the same amount of time to adapt to the ever
changing world, one thinks there would be more cohesion between the two, but this is not
always the case. Perhaps if we instead look at the conditions each gender has had to adapt to
over time, we can understand the origins of these differences and maybe decipher a way the
two genders could co-exist better? Before we get to that though, it would be wise to examine
a chronological perspective of the factors that have effected and transformed the two genders.
Since man could walk he has also had to fight for resources, know the surroundings
around him and fend off from the attacks of other men and animals. The male gender has
developed from this basic truth and has shaped the abilities of the present man. His need to
scavenge for food has allowed for a heightened development of senses and strength to fend
off those who would intend harm. On the other side of the spectrum is woman, a being man
felt the need to claim and then protect. These needs have allowed man and women to adapt
physiologically to the world that surrounds them. Mans need to reproduce is driven by
instinct and the ability to perform at a more expedited rate is due to the need to plant the seed
before a predator or enemy can attack. A womans lowered sex-drive comes from the fact that
it takes 7-9 months to fully produce another human being and more time after that to recover.
Needless to say, this paired with a bigger pituitary gland allows for multiple disputes to
emerge simply from the urge to repopulate or keep the species going. Add hundreds of
centuries of sociological evolution and you are left with the situation we have now between

Joshua Garza


This would be where the traditional family originated and gender roles developed.
With the major roles of protector and bread winner covered, woman is left with a lot of other
responsibilities. The most important being to raise the offspring and interact with the social
settings thrust upon her. This is where women were allowed to develop social skills, many
men now lack, and the ability to be especially analytical. The social settings these two
members of the same race have developed are also contributing factors to why men and
women have grown to bud heads on multiple occasions. In why men dont listen and women
cant read maps Allan & Barbara Pease illustrate the key differences between men and
women to be rooted in the time each gender has had to evolve and socialize, creating new
generations of dysfunction.
Finally, it is safe to assume that two different set paths of development for the genders
should lead to an evolution of outcomes for each gender. However, here we are in the 21st
century and neither gender role has really changed or progressed to take over the
responsibilities each gender is really suited for. Maybe this is why tension is so easy to find
between certain types of male and female figures. Peases statements reflect the need to
accept the changes each gender has come to encompass and utilize our differences. If women
ruled countries around the world maybe national tensions would be lower? If men are
presented with problems our instinct is to correct it. It would not be so hard to make drastic
changes in the world if we could only allow ourselves and others to do so.

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